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Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 14:29:51 -0500
From: James Dean <Dean.JamesNMNH.SI.EDU>
Reply-To: Bulletin Board for Bird Collections and Curators
Subject: Pesolas -Reply

We mostly stopped using Pesola scales a few years ago (though we do have some older ones around that occasionally get used) once we discovered some of the small battery powered scales. Our first one is an Ohaus scale, which is about the size 5 x 5 inches square. It records up to 300 grams in 0.1 g increments and has proven quite easy to use during preparation of specimens. It makes weighing small birds much quicker. You also don't have to worry about the pesola spring getting stretched out of tare. This scale has proven its worth on several trips to the tropics.

We recently bought two additional small scales. They are a little larger than a cigarette pack so are quite light and portable. These scales weigh up to 250 grams, again in 0.1 gram increments. The cost was about $150 form Forestry Suppliers.

For measuring small birds during preparation these scales can't be beat. For bigger birds we either use a triple beam balance (in the lab) or larger Pesola or spring scales in the field.

James Dean
Division of Birds, MRC-116 202-357-2051
Smithsonian Institution fax 202-633-8084
Washington, DC 20560-0116
web http://www.nmnh.si.edu/vert/birds