Setting your mail to send messages as Plain Text:

Some people using web-based email programs have their email set up to send messages with HTML coding. For those of us subscribing to the digest versions, the HTML coding makes the messages extremely cluttered, and even for regular accounts, the formatting characters may clutter up the message. See below the url for a useful web site that gives instructions on how to set up different kinds of email programs to send text messages. To send the email as TEXT not HTML - see the following link:

(Thanks, Michael Rock)


Setting hotmail account to send Plain Text instead of HTML

In the Compose window of Hotmail, if you see a Toolbar immediately above the section where you type your message, then your message will be sent as a Rich-Text message in HTML format. To revert to "Plain Text," look immediately above the left side of that toolbar for the "Tools" selection box. Click on the arrow, and then click on "Rich Text Editor OFF." A warning window will pop up asking if you want to do this -- click OK. The toolbar will disappear and you will now be set up to send in Plain Text format.

(thanks, Lanny Chambers)