article by Stopiglio & Raposo suggesting that the name Synallaxis
cinereus Wied, 1831, was proposed as a new name for Parulus ruficeps
Spix, 1824, is of unusual interest.
a quick look at what Wied wrote suggests that this is not what he did. This
remains to be confirmed as the original text has to be examined in context
and the one translation obtained so far needs to be confirmed.
if true there is a knock-on effect on nomenclature in the genus Synallaxis
that could be seriously destabilising. Peters (1951: 82) listed Parulus
ruficeps Spix, 1824, and specifically the female only, as a preoccupied
name in Synallaxis (being applied to a widespread species) which had
been noted by von Pelzeln in 1859 with the result that Pelzeln coined for that
a new name Synallaxis frontalis which has been in use for almost 50 years.
If the name Synallaxis cinerea is instead the earliest new name for
Parulus ruficeps then it has priority and, all other things being
equal, would displace the long-established name frontalis with
consequent confusion between cinerea and frontalis references in
the literature.
all other things are not equal, or are not likely to be considered so.
Thus a proper conclusion might be the suppression of the name cinereus
by means of an application to the ICZN.
any such application would have to take account of several related issues and
determine their relevance and persuade the Commission of the appropriate
interpretations of them. These issues include:
it has been suggested that the types associated with Synallaxis cinerea,
based on its independent establishment, may constitute a series that is
composite. This could seriously complicate any attempt to suppress the name.
is there a male of Parulus ruficeps ... which has perhaps been equated
to something else .. and is that in some way implicated in this?
what von Pelzeln and others have written needs to be studied. It may be that
von Pelzeln's reputation, not known to the writer, would suggest that he would
have examined the facts surrounding Wied's name cinerea when writing his
classic work (1868-70) or earlier and would have satisfied himself that it was
properly introduced an available.
these circumstances it is suggested to SACC that this case, despite the initial
vote on it, be considered insufficiently explored to be safely resolved and
that it be further investigated.
Edward C. Dickinson, Editor, The Howard & Moore
Complete Checklist of Birds of the World, 3rd. edition (2003).