Proposal (9) to South American Classification Committee
Continue to recognize Otus
roboratus, Otus petersoni, and Otus marshalli as species
Because vocalizations are so important to understanding
relationships within this order (at least until there are reliable molecular
data), I refer committee members to the latest version of Hardy et al.'s (1999
edition), Voices of the New World Owls. You will need to listen to
that publication to follow what I'm presenting below.
I propose that we recognize Otus roboratus and Otus
petersoni based on the publications that covered those species. In the
description of petersoni Fitzpatrick and O'Neill (Wilson
Bull. 98:1-14, 1986) considered the possibility that petersoni might
be a smaller, allopatric population of O. [ingens] colombianus.
However, when I recorded and collected colombianus in
northwestern Ecuador in 1988 (on Hardy et al. 1999), it immediately was clear
that Traylor (Natural History Miscellanea, no. 99, 1952) correctly
allied colombianus with ingens. This leads to the
question whether colombianus should be recognized as a
species. Fitzpatrick and O'Neill recommended species status, which was followed
by Kong et al. (Owls, A guide to the Owls of the World, 1999); however,
Hardy et al. (1999) and Ridgely and Greenfield (The Birds of Ecuador,
2001) elected to rank it as a subspecies of ingens. There are
morphological differences (measurements and plumage characteristics; Traylor
[1952]; König et al. [1999]) and colombianus is allopatric from ingens (so
if you invoke the phylogenetic species concept it is an easy decision), but
their voices are quite similar. Without any other information this comes down
to a judgment call. To be consistent with what I propose we do for the guatemalae complex
(see below), then we should probably treat colombianus as a
subspecies of ingens.
One final comment regarding petersoni: Marshall,
Behrstock, and König (review of the 1990 version of Hardy et al.'s owl
tape, Wilson Bull. 103:311-315, 1991) considered petersoni as
a subspecies of marshalli, despite the fact that marshalli appears
fairly distinct from petersoni in plumage. In an apparent
reversal, König et al. (1999) recognized both as species. There still is no
unequivocal recording of marshalli I recommend that we
treat marshalli as a species.
Mark B. Robbins, Dec. 2001
Comments from Schulenberg: "YES. This ignores (for now)
the notion that petersoni is the same thing as was described
earlier as Otus huberi Kelso (or Kelso and Kelso), described from
(if faulty memory serves me) "Bogota".
“I know that Marshall was (still is?) pushing the huberi-has-priority
(and is the same thing as petersoni) idea, but I am not certain that he
ever got this into print.
“I guess it's a moot point for now: if someone believes in the
notion and wants to run with it, they can write their own proposal. For me, I
don't have any idea if Marshall was right or not, and it is easier to let
sleeping types lie.
Comments from Alvaro Jaramillo: "YES, lets
continue to recognize those species. I guess a yes vote lumps colombianus
into ingens? Is a separate proposal needed to do that, or have we just
done it?”