(117) to South American
Classification Committee
Lump Momotus
aequatorialis with M. momota
Effect on South American
CL: This would lump two species that we currently treat as
separate into a single species.
Chapman (1923, 1926) treated montane aequatorialis as a separate
species from lowland M. momota, but recognized four species within
what is currently considered M. momota. He based his species limits
on Ridgway (1916) and his own synopsis of South American taxa by clustering
them into plumage groups, although the rationale is generally vague. He noted
that aequatorialis was more similar in plumage to Middle
American lessonii, also a partly highland taxon. Although he seemed
to attribute this to parallelism, he also seemed to consider them more closely
related to each other than either is to lowland, intervening subrufescens.
Peters (1945)
treated aequatorialis as yet another subspecies, without
comments, in the highly polytypic M. momota complex, lumping
all of Chapman's species into one. This was followed by Meyer de Schauensee
(1966, 1970), Sibley & Ahlquist (1990), and AOU (1983, 1998). Sibley &
Ahlquist (1990) noted:
"The aequatorialis group is
distinct morphologically and ecologically and may prove to be a separate
species, but some lowland forms appear to approach aequatorialis more
than momota or subrufescens."
Parker, Parker, &
Plenge (1982) treated aequatorialis as a form of uncertain species
status. Hilty & Brown (1986) stated that aequatorialis is
almost surely a separate sp." Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990) remarked
that aequatorialis (with chlorolaemus) "is
almost certainly a high-elevation (semi)species." They provided no further
information or discussion other than the plumage characters and elevational
distribution of aequatorialis.
Ridgely & Greenfield
(2001) treated aequatorialis as a separate species. They noted
that there is roughly a 700 m gap between its lower limit in the eastern Andes
(1000 m) and lowland Amazonian M. momota. They noted:
"M. aequatorialis is regarded as a
species distinct from M. momotus, differing in its substantially
larger size, voice, and montane habitat preference. Its nape band color
resembles that of western M. m. argenticinctus, thus differing from
that of M. m. microstephanus of the eastern lowlands."
The voice of M.
aequatorialis was described as "Call a fast 'hó-do,' closely
similar to comparable call of e. slope Rufous Motmot [Baryphthengus martii]."
The voice of M. momota was described as " ... a fast,
hollow 'hooo-do,' similar to call of Rufous Motmot but with first note longer.
Also gives a rolling series of less tremulous hoots. Western birds [argenticinctus]
usually give a less separated 'whoooop," sometimes doubled." I have
not listened to published recordings of these for a direct comparison.
Snow (2001) also treated M.
aequatorialis as a separate species.
Although at the outset, I was predisposed to accepting this split given
everything I'd heard from field people about the distinctiveness of aequatorialis.
But when it comes down to what's published, I have a hard time defending this
split. The vocal difference sounds less than that between the two disjunct
forms of M. momota in Ecuador. The elevational difference is
impressive, but I would be much more impressed if they came in close
contact without any gene flow. Furthermore, western argenticinctus occurs
up to 1800 m on the west slope in Ecuador (Ridgely & Tudor 2001), so the
elevational difference itself is bridged by a form treated as a subspecies
of M. momota; in Ecuador, aequatorialis is found
as low as 1000 m and as high as 2100 m. In Costa Rica, M. momota gets
as high as 2150 m (Stiles & Skutch 1989). As for the size difference, that
is the expected within-species trend for geographic variation on an elevational
gradient. As for plumage, I do not see that the features of aequatorialis are
generally any more distinctive than those of many of the distinctive subspecies
in M. momota (see plate in Snow 2001).
Recommendation: I
reluctantly vote YES on this proposal. Given the rather spectacular geographic
variation in the M. momota complex, I am queasy about separation of
one of the groups as a separate species, based on essentially no published
evidence, while leaving the other taxa as a single species. I am eager to be
dissuaded from that position.
Literature Cited:
F. M. 1923a. The distribution of the motmots of the genus Momotus.
Bulletin American Museum of Natural History 48: 27-59.
F. M. 1926. The distribution of bird-life in Ecuador. Bull. American Museum
Natural History 55: 1-784.
J., AND N. KRABBE. 1990. Birds of the High Andes. Zoological Museum, Univ.
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
S. L., AND W. L. BROWN. 1986. A guide to the birds of Colombia. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
SCHAUENSEE, R. 1966. The species of birds of South America and their
distribution. Livingston Publishing Co., Narberth, Pennsylvania.
SCHAUENSEE, R. 1970. A guide to the birds of South America. Livingston
Publishing Co., Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.
T. A. III, S. A. PARKER, & M. A. PLENGE. 1982. An annotated list of
Peruvian birds. Buteo Books.
, R. S., AND P. J. GREENFIELD. 2001. The birds of Ecuador. Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York.
C. G., AND B. L. MONROE, JR. 1990. Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the
World. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.
W. 2001. Family Momotidae (motmots). Pp. 264-284 in "Handbook
of the Birds of the World, Vol. 6. Mousebirds to hornbills." (J. del Hoyo
et al., eds.). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Remsen, April 2004
Voting chart for SACC proposals
Comments from Jaramillo:
"NO My guess is that there may be more than two species involved in this
complex. I am hesitant to lump something that is already on the list as
separate given the variation in momota, and potential for even more
species level taxa to be involved here. In other words, let's just go with it
until new data comes out. Given that the status quo appears to be that these
two species are different, let's keep it this way until new data comes out that
confirms or refutes this hypothesis. The initial split may be based on little,
but our lump would be based on little as well."
Comments from Stiles:
"[YES] This is a tricky one for me, as I have been poking along on an
analysis of Momotus in Colombia. I need to get more vocal data
(sonograms) to round things off (and some time to write it all up), but FYI my
main conclusions are the following: a) there are three species-level taxa
of Momotus in Colombia: subrufescens of N and NW
Colombia and the Magdalena valley (distinctive in morphology and voice) (this
group also includes argenticinctus), aequatorialis (also
morphologically and vocally distinct, although closer to the following than
to subrufescens) and Momotus of E of the Andes. Both vocally
and to some extent morphologically, aequatorialis is closest to the lessonii
group of Central America, as Chapman noted long ago. Altitudinal distributions
of momota and aequatorialis approach in
extreme SE Colombia; I know of no real approach between aequatorialis and
subrufescens (which seems adapted to hotter, drier habitats in any
case). These conclusions are obviously unpublished and while on the basis of
this work I would definitely vote NO, were I to vote solely on the basis of
published evidence I would vote a very reluctant YES (as nobody else has
published a thorough analysis either)."
Comments from Schulenberg:
"YES. I think a case could be made for more than one species of
Blue-crowned Motmot. But to my knowledge no such case exists in the recent
literature. In fact, I was surprised to see that the SACC base list endorsed
the split of aequatorialis from momota. I'd prefer
to put everything back in one basket and wait until things get sorted out in a
some more or less rigorous fashion."
Comments from Zimmer:
"YES. This one is a tough one. While I think the split of these two is
probably legitimate, I am bothered by the idea of singling out this one taxon,
when the variation within the momota complex is obviously more
complicated than a simple two-way, highland-lowland split. Like Tom, I'd prefer
to see a complete overhaul of this group. Lacking this, I could support the
piecemeal approach, but for this I'd prefer a stronger published rationale than
what currently exists."
Comments from Silva:
"NO. I agree with Jaramillo."
Comments from Robbins:
"YES, to lumping these two forms. Although there are undoubtedly more than
one species currently recognized within Momotus, clearly there needs to
be a thorough treatment that takes into account all potential taxa in this
complex before we start elevating various forms to species level."
Comments from Nores: "SI; pienso que Remsen ha señalado buenas razones para
considerar que aequatorialis no es una especie diferente."