(138) to South American
Classification Committee
Amazilia alticola as a species distinct from A. amazilia
Alticola was
described as a species by Gould (1860) and was so considered by Cory (1918),
along with dumerilii and leucophaea, currently considered subspecies of A.
amazilia. Chapman (1926) analyzed geographic variation in this group and
lumped alticola, dumerilii and leucophaea into A. amazilia. He noted
confusion with respect to type localities of some forms, and cited specimens
intermediate between alticola and dumerilii from
SW Ecuador.
Peters (1945) lumped all
forms into A. amazilia, as had Chapman. Zimmer (1950) analyzed a
larger series and came to essentially the same conclusion, i.e. that all were
races of A. amazilia. He noted great variation in the extent
of white coloration below in SW Ecuador, increase in size with elevation in the
group, individual variation and apparent introgression of alticola characters
into some populations of dumerilii and leucophaea. Meyer de Schauensee (1966) maintained
all as races of A. amazilia, as did Sibley & Monroe
Weller (2000) split A.
alticola as a separate species based upon presumed habitat
differences, parapatry without interbreeding and vocal repertoires. Description
of habitats suggests that separation might not be complete, and his
interpretations of habitats and parapatry were apparently based entirely upon
specimen data as he did not mention field work; in no place are the vocal
differences specified, and the possibility of song dialects was not considered.
Color variation considered by Chapman and Zimmer as introgression was interpreted
by Weller to represent individual variation, though the rationale was not
entirely clear. Weller cited significant differences in size between alticola and
other forms, though he did not separate subsamples geographically to check for
trends. He presented a "biogeography and speciation model" to explain
and support his interpretation, but this was based more upon subjective
interpretations of plumage coloration than hard data: genetic data were
lacking. Schuchmann (1999) anticipated Weller's publication in splitting alticola in
HBW vol. 5.
Finally, Ridgely &
Greenfield (2001) did not accept Weller's split, citing a probable undescribed
taxon in SW Ecuador (where Zimmer had noted great variation in coloration). As
these authors have presumably had much field experience in the region and
Ridgely had analyzed specimens, their recommendation for caution in
recognizing alticola merits serious consideration: the
situation may well be more complicated than Weller's analysis suggests,
especially as some key differences adduced by Weller (voice, habitat) were
evidently not observed by him directly.
Because the situation
clearly merits further work, I recommend a NO vote on this proposal pending a
thorough analysis including field and genetic studies.
Literature Cited:
1861, PZSL
1918, Catalogue of Birds of the Americas, Part II no. 1.
1926, Distribution of bird-life in Ecuador. Bull. AMNH
1945, Checklist of birds of the world, vol. 5
J. 1950e. Studies of Peruvian birds, No. 59. The genera Polytmus,
Leucippus, and Amazilia. American Museum Novitates 1475: 1-27.
Meyer de
Schauensee 1966, The Species of Birds of South America
& Monroe 1990, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World
1999, Handbook of Birds of the World, vol. 5
A.-A. 2000b. Biogeography, geographic variation, and habitat preferences in the
Amazilia Hummingbird, Amazilia amazilia Lesson
(Aves: Trochilidae), with notes on the status of Amazilia alticola Gould.
J. Ornithol. 141: 93-101.
& Greenfield 2001, Birds of Ecuador.
Stiles, November 2004
Voting chart for SACC proposals 100-218
Comments from Remsen:
"NO. Gary makes excellent points about Weller's paper; this one sounds as
if more work is definitely needed."
Comments from Pacheco: "NO. Diante dos argumentos reunidos por Stiles, acho
acertado manter o táxon alticola subordinado a A. amazilia até que melhor informação esteja
Comments from Jaramillo:
"NO. This sounds very confusing, even if Weller is right he did
not provide the data which will convince that his conclusion has merit."
Comments from Nores: "NO, definitivamente. Las razones dadas por Weller tienen
para mi muy poco fundamento. Además, las diferencias en plumaje de alticola con A.
a. dumerilii son para mí sólo
subespecíficas. De todos modos, existen tres grupos diferentes en cuanto al
color (especialmente los tres de garganta blanca), que podría corresponder a
tres especies distintas: A. a. amazilia, A. a. caeruleogularis y A.
a. dumerilii/leucophaea/alticola."
Comments from Zimmer:
"NO. More fieldwork is clearly needed. There are some instances where
chopping away at a complex problem in piecemeal fashion is preferred over
waiting for an overall review, but I don't think this is one of them."