Proposal (181) to South American Classification Committee
Treat Pyrrhura
griseipectus and P. pfrimeri as distinct species from Pyrrhura
The systematics of the Pyrrhura leucotis-picta complex
is one of the major taxonomic troublesome matters within Neotropical
psittacines. Recent work (Joseph 2000, 2002, Olmos et al. 1998)
has suggested that many taxa formerly considered subspecies are best treated as
species, thus reverting to former arrangements, and dramatically increasing the
number of recognized species. Of seven taxa formerly lumped within Pyrrhura
leucotis, five are now accorded specific status.
The three endemic Brazilian taxa are: White-eared Parakeet Pyrrhura
leucotis, a bird of lowland and foothill forests (below 500 m) east of the
Brazilian coastal range from southern Bahia (c.14°S), to Sepetiba, just south
of the city of Rio de Janeiro; Pfrimer's Parakeet P. pfrimeri, an
endemic of dry, deciduous forests on a narrow band of limestone-derived soils
west of the Serra Geral massif in Goiás and southern Tocantins (Olmos et
al. 1998), and Gray-breasted Parakeet P. griseipectus. All three possess distinctive morphology,
habitats and ecology, wholly allopatric ranges and complete lack of
intermediates or contact zones, and can be considered full species under any
concept available (Joseph 2000, Olmos et al. 1998).
Pyrrhura griseipectus, P. pfrimeri, and P.
leucotis have completely allopatric distributions, being effectively
isolated from each other by thousands of km. Pyrrhura pfrimeri is both
the most disjunct and occupies the most distinctive habitat compared to all
other taxa in the group, being the only species restricted to dry forests and
to occur outside the Atlantic Forest. P.
pfrimeri and P. leucotis are similar in size, with no
significant differences in wing length, culmen length and mandible depth, but
differ in coloration, the most striking character in pfrimeri being the complete
absence of the white to pale buff auricular patch of leucotis and griseipectus,
and the contrasting dark red face and pale blue forehead, crown, occiput and
nape, this color spreading to the neck- and throat-sides and grading to green
on the breast. In contrast, leucotis has blue only on the forehead
(sometimes also just above the eyes), the crown and nape being buff or grey. P. pfrimeri is thus one of the most
distinctive taxa in the picta-leucotis species group
(Joseph 2000).
Although both Atlantic Forest taxa might appear to be closely
related, based on their geographical proximity, P. griseipectus seems to
be more morphologically divergent from P. leucotis than P. pfrimeri.
Both are distinguished by differences in the periophthalmic ring (dark
blue in leucotis and pfrimeri, whitish to slaty in griseipectus),
auricular patch (cream to yellowish in leucotis, often with a buff
tinge; pure white or cream in griseipectus, and notably larger
in the latter), head color (front, nape and neck-sides suffused blue in leucotis;
no blue in griseipectus) and breast feathers (green with a blue
suffusion, more intense near the neck, and with a broad pale grey or buff
subterminal band and narrow blackish terminal one in leucotis; dusky
grey with a broad cream to pale buff terminal band in griseipectus)
(Olmos et al. 1998, Olmos, Cotinga in press). P. griseipectus is the same size as leucotis
in wing length, but an important difference is the significantly longer bill
of griseipectus and its deeper mandible (Olmos et al. 1998,
Olmos Cotinga in press).
P. griseipectus is proportionally larger headed than other
Brazilian taxa, which should be visible in skull comparisons and make skeletal
remains diagnosable, but there is no difference in bill width between griseipectus
and leucotis. As in P. pfrimeri, the even more marked
morphological differences, the geographical isolation, and very different
habitat are sufficient to accord species status to P. griseipectus, as
proposed by several authors. The degree of morphological differentiation of the
three is at least comparable to that between accepted species taxa such as
P. frontalis, P. devillei and P. molinae. It should be
pointed out that some recent illustrations of the Brazilian taxa bear little
resemblance to the birds in life (Juniper & Parr 1998), another factor that
has delayed their acceptance as species.
Recent molecular work based on cytochrome-b sequences (Ribas 2004)
has shown leucotis and griseipectus to be closely related,
against morphology, whereas pfrimeri has a more basal position, with a
divergence of 0.021
Recommendation: I would recommend a YES on this proposal,
thus treating both Pyrrhura griseipectus and P. pfrimeri as
a distinct species from Pyrrhura leucotis.
Literature cited:
Joseph, L. (2000) Beginning an end to 63 years of uncertainty: the
Neotropical parakeets known as Pyrrhura picta and P. leucotis comprise
more than two species. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 150:
Joseph, L. (2002) Geographical variation, taxonomy and
distribution of some Amazonian Pyrrhura parakeets. Orn. Neotrop.
13: 337-364.
Juniper, T. & Parr, M. (1998) Parrots: a guide to the
parrots of the world. Yale: Yale University Press.
Olmos, F., Martuscelli, P. & Silva e Silva, R. (1998) Ecology
and habitat of Pfrimer's Conure Pyrrhura pfrimeri, with a reappraisal of
Brazilian Pyrrhura leucotis. Orn. Neotrop. 8:
Ribas, C.C. 2004. Filogenias
moleculares e biogeografia histórica em psitacídeos (Aves; Psittacidae):
padrões e processos de diversificação no Neotrópico.
Unpublished Thesis, USP, São Paulo University.
Fernando Pacheco, September 2005 (with assistance from Fabio Olmos)
Comments from Robbins: "NO. As we all recognize Pyrrhura taxonomy
is a mess. Furthermore, I'm sure the majority of us suspect that the relatively
minor differences in color patches, presence or absence of ventral markings,
etc. may be quite plastic in this group. Indeed, in the current proposal there
is a reference to Ribas (2004; I have not seen this work) in which the
molecular data do not support the morphology and the genetic differentiation
appears to be relatively small. It is unfortunate that Ribas's work is
unpublished, as I think that work would offer insight into this particular
proposal as well as a broader perspective on Pyrrhura.
"In my opinion, what is needed is a thorough molecular-based
treatment of the Pyrrhura in order to inform us about the evolution
of plumage morphology in this group. In sum, I take the conservative approach
and wait for more information before supporting this split, i.e., I vote
"no" for the present moment."
Comments from Silva: " YES. These two species
mentioned by Pacheco are allopatric and completely different in plumage from leucotis.
They live in different habitats and have small populations. There is not any
possibility to find natural hybrids between these species and leucotis.
This is a different situation from the Pyrrhura picta complex in
Comments from Stiles: "YES. The morphological and
ecological picture seems to indicate species status clearly. I am less worried
about the genetic data in questions of species status for reasons I mentioned
in an earlier comment. Mutations that might involve mate choice, especially if
sexual selection might occur, may spread rapidly in a population and produce
reproductive isolation with very little change in the overall genome (and those
few genes sequenced in genetic studies bear no known relation to reproductive
isolation). If allopatric speciation, especially in isolated
peripheral populations, is the dominant mode of speciation (as Mayr proposed),
then at some point most or all ancestral species will be paraphyletic. In sum:
at this level, I go with morphology, behavior, ecology and distribution more
than genetic data. Once we get to higher taxa (genera on up) genetic data
become much more relevant."
Comments from Jaramillo: "YES - The morphological
differences as described appear to be significant, but I am impressed by the
ecological/habitat differences shown by these taxa. Given their differences in
coloration, presumably related to mate choice, allopatric distributions and
differences in habitat, it seems to me that these taxa have been separate for
some time, and are unlikely to be able to mix in the future. I am comfortable
thinking of them as species."
Comments from Zimmer: "YES". The
morphological differences between these taxa are at least as great as those
between several congeners that are currently treated as good species (e.g. the devillei,
molinae, frontalis group), and it is my field impression that the
vocal distinctions between each of them are probably on a par with typical
interspecific differences in the genus. While I would echo some of Mark's
concerns regarding the P. picta group, I really think this is a
completely different case. The various components of the picta mess are
largely parapatrically distributed, and based on my own museum work, I think
that some errors have been made in where the boundaries between different forms
have been drawn. In the present case, we are dealing not only with
allopatrically distributed taxa, but taxa with hugely disjunct ranges and that
occupy very different habitats (Fernando's nice summary didn't mention that griseipectus
is isolated in the Serra de Baturité and Serra de Ibiapaba of Ceará and Serra
Negra in Pernambuco, where it occupies "sky islands" of humid
evergreen forest above 500 m, in a "sea" of lowland arid caatinga).
In other words, these three taxa, no matter how recent their divergence, are
now on independent evolutionary trajectories, with no chance that I can see of
ever achieving secondary contact. In fact, given the continued erosion of the
already tiny amount of humid montane forest in Ceará and Pernambuco, and the
seemingly relentless conversion of dry forests in Goiás and Tocantins to
soybean production, both griseipectus and pfrimeri will do well
just to maintain their present tiny ranges."
"I also think that Gary's comments are right-on regarding the
weight that should be given to molecular studies when attempting to resolve species-limits
questions. If the genetic distance between populations under discussion is as
great or greater than between currently recognized congeneric species pairs, I
would see that as more ammunition for species recognition. I do not see the
reverse case, in which genetic distances are slight, as a deal-breaker. I
really think that the true value of molecular evidence is in sorting out
phylogenies and higher-level relationships, not in resolving species
Comments from Nores: "YES. Pienso que las diferencias de plumaje, genéticas y de hábitat que existen
son suficientes para separarlas, especialmente a pfrimeri. No obstante,
pienso que antes de tomar una decisión sería importante consultarle a Ribas
para que opine si griseipectus y leucotis son especies
diferentes, ya que él encontró una estrecha relación entre estas dos especies."