Proposal (207) to South American Classification Committee
Move Falco
tinnunculus from Hypothetical List to Main List
Effect on South American CL: This transfers a species from our
Hypothetical List to the Main List.
Background: The Hypothetical List currently reads as
"Sight record from French Guiana (Tostain et al. 1992)."
New record from Bencke et al. (2005): An
immature of this species was observed repeatedly on the main islet of the
archipelago* (Belmonte) between 19-21 January, when several photos were taken
(figure 2). The bird was most often seen resting on bare rocks near the
lighthouse, where frequently attacked and chased away by the noddies Anous
stolidus and A. minutus. On 22 January, the kestrel was found dead
and being pecked at by nesting pairs of the Brown Booby. It was partially
plucked and its corpse showed signs of severe injury, so we suspect it was
killed shortly before by the boobies or earlier by the noddies. The specimen,
in poor condition, was deposited in the ornithological collection of the Museu
de Ciências Naturais in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul [Brazil] (MCN
The bird taken in the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago, besides
representing the first record for the Brazilian territory, is the first
specimen for South America and only the third for the New World. The only other
documented record in South America is of a 1st-winter female photographed at
Trinidad and Tobago in December 2003 (SCBA 2003a, b).
Besides the specimen, there is a picture on original paper of
Bencke et al. 2005 Available at
Two additional pictures on and
* The Archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo (0°55'N, 29°20'W) is
a small and isolated group of rocky islets lying c.960 km northeast of the
coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil,
Literature Cited:
Bencke, G. A., P. Ott, I. Moreno, M. Tavares, and G Caon (2005)
Old World birds new to the Brazilian territory recorded in the Archipelago of
São Pedro and São Paulo, equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Ararajuba 13
SCBA [Southeastern Caribbean Bird Alert] (2003a) Southeastern
Caribbean bird alert (2003-37), 18th Dec 2003. Available at Accessed on 21 February 2005.
J. F.
Pacheco, March 2006
Comments from Nores: "YES. Aunque pienso que la presencia de esta especie en el Archipiélago de San
Pedro y San Pablo es un hecho casual, como existe un ejemplar coleccionado debería
integrar la lista principal en la categoría de "V". El hecho de que
existen 12 registros en Norteamérica y Centroamérica indican que la especie es
un frecuente (o infrecuente) "vagrant" y por lo tanto no es un hecho
solamente accidental."