(25) to South American Classification
Add Morus
capensis (Cape Gannet) to main SACC list
Manuel Plenge pointed out
to me the recent publication of a photograph of Sula/Morus capensis
in the paper that I circulated to all of you as a pdf file:
I. 2002. First record of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis for
Peru and the Pacific Ocean. Marine Ornithology 30: 50.
We have this species on
the Hypothetical List based on sight records from Brazil and Argentina (the
latter possibly also a photo -- Alvaro is checking).
What I know about gannet
identification was learned only moments ago. I think I see enough in the head
and throat in the photo to exclude the similarly plumaged adult Masked Booby (Sula
dactylatra), and the brief description notes presence of long gular patch
and yellow wash on head. The black secondaries and rectrices, clearly visible
in photo, eliminate N. Gannet (Morus bassanus). The key
characters for distinguishing M. capensis from M. serrator
are reduced black in rectrices and shorter gular stripe in latter. I cannot
discern the length of the gular stripe from the photo. However, it is clear
that the outer rectrices are black; if this is indeed diagnostic for capensis,
as is widely reported in standard literature, then it "has to be"capensis.
If anyone has information to the contrary, please speak up. With the caveat
that I do not know these birds in detail, it seems safe to conclude that by
conventional standards the photo does document the species for South America
(and first for Pacific Ocean).
Remsen, March 2003
Comments from Jaramillo: "YES. I looked into it a
bit, and indeed it’s a match for capensis. I also sent it to Ned
Brinkley who has a great deal of experience with Gannets, including oddly
plumaged adults observed in North America which have shown features suggesting
other gannet species. He felt that the photo was of a classic capensis,
with the gular stripe being a clincher. I vote YES to accept this species to
the main list. I also apologize that I have yet to lay my hands on the photo
that I recall of the Argentine record. which was in El Hornero, a journal that
is not all that easy to get around here. Even more difficult to get when the
year one is looking for is out being bound!
Comments from Schulenberg: "YES. I don't know a lot about Sula
capensis, but based on what I do know, this photograph seems to be
identified correctly. I assume that Sula serrator always has white outer
rectrices; otherwise the identification would become more problematic. So I
vote "yes". I seem to recall, a number of years ago, a report in British
Birds on the first occurrence in the United Kingdom (and in all of the
Western Palearctic?) of a vagrant from North America. The bird was
photographed, and there was no question of the identification (Bay-breasted
Warbler, if I remember correctly, which I may not). However, there was only a
single observer of this bird. So the British records committee went to some
trouble to have the plants that were visible in the photograph identified to
species, in order to confirm that the photographs indeed were taken on the
correct (eastern) shore of the Atlantic Ocean. At the time I thought, "Oh,
those Brits. What a silly people, never missing an opportunity to be pedantic
little poops". But now, even though I am voting to accept the record, I
admit that I'd feel better about my actions if there were something visible in
the photograph that would help confirm that the photograph came from