Proposal (#277)
to South American Classification Committee
Merge Pipile into
Effect on SACC: This would merge Pipile into Aburria.
Background & New information: Here's what we have in the Notes at our SACC website:
"The genus Pipile is merged by some (Delacour & Amadon 1973, Haverschmidt & Mees 1994) into Aburria. Pipile is currently treated as a separate genus in most classifications. Genetic data (Pereira et al. 2002, Pereira & Baker 2004) indicate that Aburria and Pipile are sister taxa, and this is supported by morphological data (Grau et al. 2005). New genetic data (Grau et al. 2005) indicate that Aburria aburri is embedded within Pipile, thus forcing the merger of Pipile into Aburria."
Grau et al. (2005) [let me know if you need pdf] analyzed DNA sequences from two mitochondrial genes and found that P. jacutinga was basal to monotypic Aburria and three other Pipile taxa (cumanensis, pipile, cujubi), with reasonably strong support values (bootstrap values of 72 and 74% for Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood analyses. A tree that forces Aburria to be basal to all four Pipile had a p value of only 0.32 (Shimodaira-Hasegawa test). On the other hand, Bayesian support for their tree was only 0.76, far below the usual 0.95 level regarded as "strong" for Bayesian support. (The Bayesian support for the node for monophyly of Pipile+Aburria was 1.00). All genetic samples were blood samples taken from aviary birds, with no specimen vouchers.
Grau et al. (2005) also analyzed skeletal characters for all the taxa, and although no formal analyses are presented, they found 5 synapomorphies that support the monophyly of Aburria+Pipile, and no differences between Aburria and Pipile.
Analysis and Recommendation: This is a tough one. On the one hand, this merger has been advocated on subjective grounds by several previous authors, and so even if the branching pattern is not quite right, the monophyly of the group (Aburria+Pipile) is further supported, and so the decision on where to draw the limits of a genus is subjective, not scientific. I see two reasons to vote NO. First, the Bayesian support values for Aburria being nested within Pipile are substandard (and I'm surprised reviewers didn't jump on this, given the emphasis in the title of the paper). Second, they sampled only 1 individual each of the Pipile and 2 Aburria; further, without vouchers, one could make a strong case that this is not science, because it cannot be replicated and the identification of the individuals sampled cannot be corroborated.
Although we do not have a P. jacutinga for comparison, looking at plates in HBW and elsewhere strongly suggests to me that the various Pipile are just geographic representatives of the same monophyletic group, and I find no published evidence that counters this. In fact, some authors have considered them all conspecific. If I am wrong about this, someone please let me know. Biogeographically, one could predict that the other Pipile would be more closely related to each other than any is to jacutinga, an Atlantic forest endemic. But that montane Aburria would be more closely related to the other Pipile than any are to P. jacutinga is so surprising, at least based on superficial phenotypic evidence, that I think a merger based only on the branching pattern of Grau et al. requires additional data. Therefore, I vote NO on this one, at least until someone makes a convincing case otherwise.
GRAU, E. T., S. L. PEREIRA, L. F. SILVEIRA, E. HÖFLING, AND A. WAJNTAL. 2005. Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Neotropical piping guans (Aves: Galliformes): Pipile Bonaparte, 1856 is synonym of Aburria Reichenbach, 1853. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 35: 637-645.
Van Remsen, May 2007
Comments from Stiles: "NO. I agree that while Aburria and Pipile definitely form a monophyletic group, the evidence for sinking Pipile into Aburria is not convincing as it stands."
Comment from Thomas Donegan: "Van Remsen's argument above for the
maintenance of the genus Pipile pending further investigation
has some merit to it. One could also add to those arguments the
fact that the bizarre
whirring song of Aburria aburri is unique among the Cracids
and bears almost no resemblance to Pipile
songs (which are, generally, lighter whistles or "pipes").
As generic name use here could be regarded as including consideration
of matters of taste, it is of note that the two names "Aburria"
and "Pipile"
derive from the calls of the species involved and are therefore
eminently memorable in the field. A
possible other criticism of the lumping of these genera is that
a possible "third way" of erecting a
new genus for P. jacutinga (presumably, some derivative
of "Pipile" or "Jacutinga";
no such genus
name exists to my knowledge) also perhaps bears consideration
with molecular, vocal and bare skin pattern characters possibly
of use in diagnosis. If Aburria is regarded as a good genus
on subjective morphological and vocal grounds, then it is of note
that P. jacutinga seems on the basis of published analyses
to have diverged at a similar time from other Pipile. Such
an approach could maintain the stability of names for the other
Piple species/subspecies. Having said that, the distances
between A. aburria, P. jacutinga and other Pipile
look rather small (Grau et al. 2005), thus such an approach could
itself be subject to criticism.
"Notwithstanding the above and Van Remsen's arguments,
the Grau et al. study is consistent with the results
of another molecular study. Pereira et al. (2002) also held Aburria
and Pipile to be the most recently
derived Cracidae genera, hypothesised to have diverged in the
early Pliocene (one therefore presumes that P.
jacutinga and other Pipile diverged around the same time?),
with all other Cracidae genera diverging in late Miocene or earlier.
Aburria and Pipile species are likely to be as closely
related to one another as
are species within other single Cracid genera, which could suggest
that the maintenance of Pipile is inconsistent with the
treatment of the rest of the family. Finally, it is noteworthy
that Dan Brooks and his colleagues in the Cracid Specialist Group
have recently changed their treatment and recognise the lumping
of Aburria and Pipile (e.g. Brooks (ed.) 2006).
"The above is not a recommendation one way or another, but merely some thoughts that may be interest or assistance in coming to a decision.
Brooks, D. (2006). Conserving cracids: the most threatened family
of birds in the Americas. Misc.
Pub. Houston Mus. Nat. Sci. 6, 169 pp.
Pereira, Sérgio Luiz; Baker, Allan J.& Wajntal, Anita
(2002). Combined nuclear and mitochondrial DNA
sequences resolve generic relationships within the Cracidae (Galliformes,
Aves). Systematic Biology
51(6): 946-958"
Comments from Laurent Raty:
"I just wanted to make you aware that another recent study
exists, that also
suggests the merging of Pipile and Aburria. It has
up to now only appeared as an OnlineEarly publication on the Synergy
website, but I assume this should not be a problem to take it
into account. This is : Frank-Hoeflich et al. (2007)"
[and in response to Remsen's query about whether the DNA sample used was the same]:
"Yes, they are still unvouchered.
"Also, although the cyt b of many species was re-sequenced
for the second
study (this I think provides some level of corroboration, if the
sequences behave like the old ones), that of Pipile jacutinga
was not - the
sequence used in both studies is the same (GenBank AF165476).
irrespective of whether the sequences were vouchered or not, the
two studies
cannot be viewed as independent regarding the placement of this
which is critical for the monophyly of Pipile.
"I was a bit intrigued by the very high support of the clade
[Aburria + other
Pipile] in the molecular analysis of the second paper,
as compared to the
moderate support this clade received in the first one, so I downloaded
sequences from GenBank and checked them rapidly... Of the three
genes in
Grau et al.'s data set (cyt b, CR, ND2), the cyt b seems in fact
the only
one that really has a strong signal for placing jacutinga
outside this
clade. When this gene is removed, the CR and ND2 place P. jacutinga
basal to
the other Pipile - although with low/moderate support also
- and Aburria
basal to this group.
"IOW, the conclusion that Pipile is not monophyletic,
in both studies, seems
to rest entirely on this single P. jacutinga cyt b sequence.
"The second paper has the merit to offer a more explicit
analysis of the
non-molecular evidence, I think. But, as in Grau et al.'s study,
evidence provides no basis to say that Pipile is not monophyletic.
"That said, both papers partly advocate the merger based
on other criteria
than the paraphyly of Pipile, actually, such as the absence
of osteological
differences, and clearly established close relationship, with
distances lower than e.g. within Penelope."
Comments from Cadena: "NO. Given the overall similarity in external morphology among species currently placed in Pipile and their differences with Aburria, I believe the molecular result (let alone the low Bayesian support mentioned by Van) is an odd one that we should evaluate carefully. I see two problems, one is that owing to the lack of voucher specimens, the identification of the birds employed in the analyses cannot be corroborated, and thus one cannot rule out the possibility that the sample of Aburria used came from a hybrid (or from some sort of backcross), and we know that people that keep cracids in aviaries regularly hybridize them (remember the cases of Crax estudilloi and C. viridirostris). The other problem is a related one, the use only of mtDNA data in phylogenetic analyses. In the absence of unambiguously identified specimens, before making a taxonomic change I would like to see support from a nuclear gene so that we can reject the possibility that one (or more) of the samples used come from hybrid or "mitochondrially introgressed" individuals."
Comments from Robbins: "NO. Until we have a more clear cut data set, I'm for staying with the status quo."
Comments from Sergio Pereira, Anita Wajntal, and Erwin T. Grau: "We would like to take this opportunity to comment on Proposal #277 to the South American Classification Committee: Merge Pipile into Aburria.
"In our 2005 paper (Grau et al, Mol Phylogenet Evol 35:
637-645) we
suggested that Pipile and Aburria should be merged
not only based on our
findings that Aburria aburri was embedded within Pipile
according to
phylogenetic hypothesis derived from multiple mitochondrial genes,
but also
as stated in Grau et al 2005:
"1) 'The divergence time estimated for Aburria
and Pipile based on
nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data was around 3.8 MYA
years ago), well below the range of 810 MYA among genera
of curassows or
1018 MYA among other genera of guans (Pereira et al., 2002).
Also, this
divergence time is within the range estimated for species of curassows
within Crax and within Mitu based on mitochondrial
DNA sequences (Pereira
and Baker, 2004a).', and
"2) 'TN+G distances ranged from 0.7 to 2.9% with a mean of
2.2% for the
Pipile-Aburria group. These estimates are in the
range for accepted species
of guans of the genus Penelope (4.4%; Table 2 [in Grau
et al 2005]), and
corresponding cyt b and CR fragments of curassows of the genera
Crax and
Mitu (1.33.0% estimated by Grau et al., 2003).'
"We believe that "reviewers didn't jump on [the relatively
low support for
placing Aburria aburri within the former Pipile],
given the emphasis in the
title of the paper" because they probably agreed with the
three reasons
given above.
"Moreover, a closer association between Andean and Amazonian
taxa in
exclusion of taxa in Southern South America, Southeastern or Northern
seem to be common in birds (Aleixo 2004, Evolution 58: 1303-1317;
Burns et
al 2004, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 32: 838-854), including other
(Pereira and Baker 2004, Auk 121: 682-694). Biogeographically,
this outcome
seems more plausible than placing Andean taxa as sister lineages
non-Andean South American taxa for groups assumed to have originated
South America.
"Hence, we stand to our view that Pipile should
be merged with Aburria based
on all the reasons given above.
"In an additional note, we regret that you feel that 'without
vouchers, one
could make a strong case that this is not science, because it
cannot be
replicated and the identification of the individuals sampled cannot
"Although we understand the SACC's point of view regarding
lack of vouchers,
we would like to ensure you that members of the Laboratory of
Genetics and
Molecular Evolution of Aves (LGEMA) have carefully curated and
stored all
blood samples donated to us. Vouchers are not available because
most of our
blood samples were collected from live animals housed in licensed
breeding facilities and zoos throughout Brazil and some other
countries. Without these thoughtful contributions, our work on
systematics of cracid birds could not have been done as Brazilian
only recently started tissue collections, and tissue samples for
taxa are usually unavailable. Unfortunately, we have no control
that the
animals which blood samples were taken would be donated to our
lab or any
museum at the time of their death. Moreover, all blood samples
donated from
Brazilian institutions were taken in the presence of at least
two members of
our group. Hence, any specimen misidentification can be ruled
"Regarding the use of only one specimen per species, our
decision was based
"1) preliminary studies that Sergio Pereira performed
in the early days of
his PhD studies back in 1996-1997 at the LGEMA in Brazil under
of Anita Wajntal show zero to less than two substitutions in cytochrome
control region and 12S rDNA for several cracid species, including
A. aburri
and P. jacutinga; and,
"2) lack of chance to obtain multiple specimens for all species
"We decided that we should concentrate getting more genes
per cracid genus
than few genes for many specimens. Funds for fieldwork were not
available to
us, and museum samples are rarely, if ever, granted to the LGEMA
in Brazil
because the lab is housed in an institution without tradition
in fieldwork
and, hence, we cannot offer any reciprocal benefits to international
institutions. Moreover, all piping-guans are threatened or endangered,
largely decreased our chances of getting additional samples.
"Although the Brazilian government has imposed more restrictive
laws to
collect, transport, import and export biological samples, anyone
in studying the samples in Grau et al (2005) are welcome to do
so in situ at
the LGEMA located at the University of São Paulo, Brazil."
Comments from Zimmer: "NO. As Van points out, the monophyly of Aburria + Pipile does not seem to be in question, and the decision of where to draw the limits of the genus is subjective. The various Pipile species, including jacutinga, are so similar in plumage patterns and vocalizations as to form a cohesive group, the members of which are all more similar to one another than any are to Aburria. This is consistent with my view of what a genus should be. Daniel's cautionary point regarding possible introgression in aviary cracids influencing the molecular results is also well taken."
Comments from Nores: "NO. Aunque sospecho que Grau et al (2005) y otros pueden tener razón que Aburria es congenéricas con Pipile, todavía no hay buenas evidencias genéticas como para demostrar que el plumaje y el canto de las especies de Pipile no son suficientes para separarlas de Aburria. Además está el hecho señalado por Cadena de la posibilidad de híbridos en zológicos y aviarios. Por otro lado, en dichos trabajos resulta claro que Mitu debe ser includo en Pauxi.
"Nota: es llamativo que en las propuestas sobre Cracidae, nadie menciona la publicación de F. Vuilleumier.1965. Relationships and evolution within the Cracidae (Aves, Galliformes) (Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134 (1) que para mi fue un gran aporte en ese momento y constituyó el primer trabajo que intentó realizar un análisis biogeográfico y filogenético de las especies."
Comments from Jaramillo: "NO - These are clearly sister groups, however
definition of genera are subjective. I don't go for the approach
of comparing branch lengths on trees to define genera, at this
point sinking Pipile into Aburria would generally
decrease the information content of the genus in my opinion. I
also worry about the possibility for aviary birds having mixed
or odd parentage. We need more data on this one."