(280) to South American Classification Committee
of Agriornis albicauda for Agriornis andicola
The names involved here include:
Peopaza andecola d'Orbigny 1840 = Agriornis
microptera andecola and, for the two subspecies of the species treated
here: andicola Sclater 1860, and its junior synonym: pollens Sclater
1869 albicauda Philippi & Landbeck 1863.
When andicola Sclater 1860 and andecola d'Orbigny
1840 are combined with Agriornis, the former is an homonym of the latter
- contra Traylor in Peters VIII: 166. The Latin Andium and the French Andes
(nominative plurals) are both formed from the Quechua "Andi"; here
then, art. 58 (andecola and andicola have the same origin and
meaning = the Quechua Andi), and art. 58.12 (use of different connecting
vowels) both apply (ICZN 1999).
I therefore submit that the oldest available name for the species
is albicauda Philippi & Landbeck 1863 (= Agriornis albicauda
albicauda), and that andicola Sclater 1860 must give way to its
next oldest available synonym (arts. 23.3.5, 53.3.1, 59.1, 60.2), which
is pollens Sclater 1869 (= Agriornis albicauda pollens).
Normand David, May 2007
Comments from Stiles: "YES. As I read it, andicola was
considered available because of that one-letter difference in spelling
from andecola, which has priority. David points out that a strict
application of ICZN rules negates this, so it looks like there is no
alternative to YES on this one."
Comments from Nores: "YES. Está bien demostrado que andecola y andicola son sinónimos y
por lo tanto albicauda surge como el nombre válido más
Comments from Pacheco: "YES. Tal mudança reflete o uso estrito das regras do ICZN e
deve ser implementada."