(302) to South American Classification
Recognize Eriocnemis
isabellae as a species
proposal would add a species to the SACC list, Eriocnemis isabellae
(Gorgeted Puffleg) CortŽs-Diago, Ortega, Mazariegos-Hurtado & Weller 2007.
new taxon occupies an extremely limited range on the Serran’a del Pinche, a
small outlying spur of the Western Andes in Cauca Department, southwestern
Colombia. It shows a unique combination of characters in the genus, in part
effectively combining certain features of E. vestita and E.
nigrivestis. The males resemble those of nigrivestis in
their overall black coloration (if anything, the breast is even blacker -
velvety black with no faint green highlights); in both the center of the gorget
is flashing violet but in isabellae the sides of the gorget
are broadly brilliant, flashing green whereas in nigrivestis these
areas are dull, dark green with a blackish "veiling" similar to the
rest of the head and not at all conspicuous; the nape and upper back of nigrivestis show
a distinct bronzy gloss absent in isabellae, in which the nape is
greener and the upper back nearly as black as the breast. In both, the lower
back and rump are brighter green, passing abruptly to dark steel-blue (isabellae) or
violet-blue (nigrivestis) on the upper tail-coverts and central
rectrices; in both, the lower tail-coverts are flashing violet (perhaps more
brilliant in isabellae compared to our one nigrivestis. In
size, isabellae is decidedly smaller (wings of all three
male isabellae are more than 3 mm shorter than that of our one
male nigrivestis); there is no overlap in bill lengths and very
little if any in tail lengths in the data given in the original paper and the
tail appears to be more deeply forked in nigrivestis. I have seen
no females but the description states that those of isabellae are
more similar to those of vestita than to those of nigrivestis in
having extensive rufous fringes and turquoise reflections on the abdomen. The
authors recommend considering all three as members of a superspecies. I should
note that the isolated race paramillo of E. vestita (at the
N end of the Western Andes) is also much darker than nominate vestita of
the Eastern Andes, showing in this and its slightly smaller size an approach
to nigrivestis and isabellae. My personal opinion,
having specimens of all of these before me, is that isabellae is best
treated as a species: I am especially impressed by the very striking difference
in the males« gorgets, which could easily act as a factor influencing female
choice (and hence, as an isolating mechanism) were isabellae to
come into contact with either of the other species. The size differences are
also striking. Differences of similar magnitude define species in some other
Andean genera (e.g., Heliangelus, Metallura). As isabellae is
completely diagnosable, species status by a phenetic criterion (the
"phylogenetic species concept") is also applicable. Hence, I
recommend a YES vote on this proposal.
CortŽs-Diago, A., L. F.
Ortega, L. Mazariegos-Hurtado and A.-A. Weller. 2007. A new species of Eriocnemis (Trochilidae)
from southwest Colombia. Ornitologia Neotropical 18:161-170.
Schuchmann, K.-L. 1999.
Trochilidae. HBW, vol. 5.
F. Gary Stiles, August
Note added by Stiles: One tiny thing I noticed on the Eriocnemis
vestita paramillo specimen (and forgot to include in the proposal) is
that the sides of the throat are also brilliant green as in isabellae,
although they do not form a clear-cut gorget in the same way ... another reason
to consider that vestita, nigrivestis and isabellae form
a unit - given species limits in Eriocnemis and other Andean
genera, the superspecies level seems best.
Comments from Remsen: "YES. Having just had the privilege of
examining the specimens, including the type, under Gary's care, I am convinced
that this taxon merits species rank, for all the reasons listed by Gary above.
Especially impressive is the unique gorget pattern."
Comments from Jaramillo: "YES - The photos of the bird are neat!
Reading the paper and proposal it does seem clear that this forms a
superspecies with vestita and nigrivestis."
Comments from Robbins: "YES, based primarily on
Gary's recommendation."
Comments from Nores: "YES. Aunque
la coloraci—n que puede verse en una foto que aparece en Internet y la distribuci—n geogr‡fica
sugieren de que se trata de una subespecie de nigrivestis, m‡s que
de una especie. Por supuesto, quienes han podido ver los ejemplares y opinan
que es una especie tienen muchos m‡s elementos que yo para opinar, por eso voto
que SI."
Comments from Cadena: "A tentative YES. This is a difficult one
in principle: why is this not a subspecies of E. nigrivestis?
To be consistent with the rationale we often follow to rank allopatric
populations, it would be good to know how do the differences between this taxon
and E. nigrivestis compare to differences between accepted
subspecies and species in the genus (Gary?). Even then, the only real clincher
in my opinion would be a phylogenetic (molecular) analyses that shows this
taxon to be more allied to vestita than to nigrivestis,
which would appear unlikely. With all this said, I think I will be a bit
liberal in this case. Clearly, isabellae and nigrivestis are
isolated populations that are most likely on completely independent
evolutionary trajectories given their distributions, so I am confident in
calling them different species especially considering that this is what the
hummingbird experts have recommended."