Proposal (334) to South American Classification Committee
English names of some Poecilotriccus flycatchers
Effect on South American Checklist: This proposal
would change all the group-names in Poecilotriccus to Tody-Flycatcher
from the current mix of Tody-Tyrant and Tody-Flycatcher.
Background: At one time (Meyer De Schauensee 1970 for
example), the genus Poecilotriccus was considered to contain only
one species, P. ruficeps. But beginning in the late 1970's with Traylor
(1979)'s addition of capitalis, albifacies (formerly in Todirostrum)
and andrei (formerly in Taeniotriccus), the genus has grown.
Lanyon (1988) based on syringeal morphology suggested that a number of
erstwhile Todirostrum, including calopterus, fumifrons, latirostris,
plumbeiceps, pulchellus, russatus, senex, and sylvia belonged
in Poecilotriccus as well. Additionally since that time, an allospecies
of ruficeps, P. luluae has been described (Johnson and Jones
2001). Poecilotriccus ruficeps was
known as Rufous-crowned Tody-Tyrant. When capitalis and albifacies
were moved into Poecilotriccus, their names were adjusted to
Tody-Tyrants first, it appears, by Ridgely and Tudor (1994). However, the later
additions have retained their names as Tody-Flycatchers, both in the SACC list
and in HBW (Fitzpatrick 2004). The placement of Taeniotriccus andrei in Poecilotriccus has
never been generally accepted. It was not followed by Ridgely and Tudor, SACC
or HBW and as far as I can tell has always retained the English name
Black-chested Tyrant. It will not be further considered in this proposal.
Analysis: The notes regarding this situation in the SACC checklist say:
"Note that the English names of former Todirostrum exported to Poecilotriccus did not change from
"Tody-Flycatcher" to "Tody-Tyrant." Proposal to change them
needed? <Or better to leave as is for the sake of stability and to encode
into the English name their former placement in Todirostrum?"
However, there is a third possibility. Only two of the twelve
species in the genus have a long history of being called Tody-Tyrants, and
recent genetic work by Tello and Bates (2007) indicate that Poecilotriccus and
Todirostrum are sister taxa, and a clade separate from the larger,
messier clade containing the other taxa known as Tody-Tyrants (among other
things). This suggests that the appropriate English name for the species in Poecilotriccus
is Tody-Flycatcher, not Tody-Tyrant. I propose that we change the four species
of Poecilotriccus currently called tody-tyrants to Tody-Flycatchers as
Rufous-crowned Tody-Tyrant change
to Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher
Johnson's Tody-Tyrant change to Johnson's Tody-Flycatcher
Black-and-white Tody-Tyrant change to Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher
White-cheeked Tody-Tyrant change to White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher
This will return Black-and-white and White-cheeked to the names
they bore until Ridgely and Tudor changed them to tody-tyrants in 1994. It will
create new names for Rufous-crowned and Johnson's, but ones that are consistent
with the rest of the genus, and more consistent with the phylogenetic data
within the group.
Recommendation: I recommend a Yes vote on this proposal. I
think use of Tody-Flycatcher for all of Poecilotriccus makes the
most sense in terms of stability and consistency of the names, while retaining
some modicum of phylogenetic information within the English names.
Literature Cited:
Family Tyrannidae (tyrant-flycatchers). Pp. 170-462 in "Handbook of
the Birds of the World, Vol. 9. Cotingas to pipits and wagtails." (J. del
Hoyo et al., eds.). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
JONES. 2001. A new species of tody-tyrant (Tyrannidae: Poecilotriccus)
from northern Peru. Auk 118: 334-341.
LANYON, W. E. 1988b. A
phylogeny of the flatbill and tody-tyrant assemblages of tyrant flycatchers.
Amer. Mus. Novitates 2923: 1-41.
1970. A guide to the birds of South America. Livingston Publishing Co., Wynnewood,
TUDOR. 1994. The birds of South America, vol. 2. Univ. Texas Press, Austin.
BATES. 2007. Molecular phylogenetics of the tody-tyrant and flatbill assemblage
of tyrant flycatchers (Tyrannidae). Auk 124: 134-154.
TRAYLOR, M. A., JR. 1979a.
Subfamily Elaeniinae. Pp. 3-112 in "Check-list of birds of the World, Vol.
8" (Traylor, M. A., Jr., ed.). Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge,
Stotz, March 2008
Comments from Zimmer: "YES. I think Doug has
pieced together the best solution for dealing with this mess. It involves the
least amount of change, while retaining previously established names and
maximizing the phylogenetic information conveyed by the English names."
Comments from Stiles: "YES. Both phylogenetic
content and consistency with this evidence make this change of English names desirable."
Comments from Remsen: "YES. Although I usually
vote NO on name changes, I doubt most people can remember whether they are
called Tody-Flycatcher or Tody-Tyrant, and given the turbulent generic
boundaries, stability is not a core issue. The change is subtle, sensible, and
actually restores some older names, as Doug points out."