Proposal (#368) to South American
Classification Committee
of Tricolored Munia as the English common name for Lonchura malacca
The simple case for recognizing Tricolored Munia as the English
name for Lonchura Malacca is that the former widely used name,
Black-headed Munia applies to Lonchura atricapilla. The confusion arose
originally because the two were once considered to be conspecific. Of course,
the matter is a no-brainer in one sense, but in another, it implies that the
separation of the two species be recognized by the Committee as well.
That malacca and atricapilla were intrinsically
different was explicitly recognized by Goodwin (1982) who treated them
separately, and as separately (English) named subspecies, but retained
conspecificity in the absence of published data to prove otherwise. During 14
years of living and traveling in Asia, I dedicated my bird activities to
researching the genus Lonchura in the field, and in the process visited
local museum collections, bird trappers and dealers, and studied birds in the
field whenever possible. I first kept a pair of malacca in a
garden aviary in 1947, and have four locally trapped specimens in the
laboratory here in Caracas today. My findings in relation to Malacca and
atricapilla were first published in 1994 and again in 1995. They were
expanded upon in1996 where additional information was presented.
Dickinson (2003) chose not to recognize malacca and atricapilla
as separate species. When asked (post publication) why, it turns out that he
was unaware of any of the references given here, but supported his decision by
stating that Rasmussen (2005) found specimens of intermediates from the eastern
side of the range in India, and that was sufficient evidence for him to
maintain a separation based on doubt. I wrote to Pamela about this, in some
confusion, because while she did indeed find some specimens in the AMNH that
might be taken for intermediates, she did recognize the two as separate
species, citing in part, Restall (1996) as good enough evidence. In summary, malacca
is polymorphic with one of the morphs looking as one might imagine a hybrid to
appear (see plate 18d, Restall 1996). In contrast, atricapilla is
extremely polytypic, but absolutely monomorphic.
If anybody would like a complete list of the differences between
the two species, including sonograms of calls and songs, nestling gape
patterns, etc., and does not have access to "Munias and Mannikins",
please let me know. The final point in support of what to me is indisputable
evidence that malacca and atricapilla are distinct is that Bob
Payne has apparently found a DNA separation in his ongoing monumental study of
Estrildidae (unpubl., pers. com.).
Finally, this is important for us in the New World, because both
species are solidly established exotics on some Caribbean Islands, Central and
northern South America. On Jamaica, both occur. One is in Colombia and
Venezuela, the other in Ecuador, and were they to meet, it is essential (as in
Jamaica) that field notes and reports get the species right.
E.C. (Editor) 2003. The Howard & Moore Complete Checklist of the
Birds of the World 3rd edition. Princeton U.P., New Jersey.
Goodwin, D.
1982. Estrildid Finches of the World, Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.,
P.C. and J.C. Anderton. 2005. Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide.
Smithsonian/Lynx Editions.
R.L. 1994. The Tri-coloured Munia and the Black-headed Munia - two good species? Avic.
Mag. 100: 192-194.
R.L. 1995. Proposed additions to the genus Lonchura (Estrildidae). Bull.B.O.C.,115:
R.L. 1996. Munias and Mannikins. Pica/Yale U.P.
Restall, September 2008