Proposal (470) to South American Classification Committee


Move White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) from the Hypothetical to Main SACC List


Background.  Ingels et al. (2010) published documentary photos of a White Wagtail of the nominate subspecies (M. a. alba) in French Guiana during October 2009.  Prior to the photographic record there were no less than a total of four sight records from Barbados, Trinidad, and French Guiana (Hayes and White 2000, Ingels et al. 2010).  The authors acknowledge Per Alström, an expert on Motacilla (e.g., Alström and Mild 2003), for confirming the species and subspecies identification.


Based on this documentation, which I find convincing, this species can now be moved from SACC’s Hypothetical to main list.


Literature Cited:


Alström, P. and K. Mild.  2003.  Pipits and wagtails.  Princeton Univ. Press, 496 pp.


Hayes, F. E. & White, G. 2000. First report of the Trinidad and Tobago Rare Bird Committee. J. Trinidad & Tobago Field Nat. Club 1999–2000: 39–45.


Ingels, J., Claessens, O. Luglia, T., Ingremeau, P. and M. Kenefick. 2010. White Wagtail Motacilla alba, a vagrant to Barbados, Trinidad and French Guiana. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 130:224-226.


Mark Robbins, October 2010




Comments from Stiles:  YES – the published photographic evidence is conclusive.”


Comments from Nores:  “YES.  Aunque las fotografías no están bien en foco y no es posible ver el pecho negro que caracteriza a la especie, parece que el ejemplar fotografiado corresponde a esta conspicua especie. Además, ya hay varias citas previas.”


Comments from Pacheco:  “YES.  A evidência documental foi consistentemente analisada.”


Comments from Jaramillo:  YES – Reaches the threshold for inclusion with photo, publication and correct identification.