Proposal (508) to South American Classification Committee
Transfer Larus marinus from
Hypothetical List to Main List
Effect on the SACC List: This transfers a species from the
Hypothetical List to the Main List.
Background: The Hypothetical List currently reads:
Larus marinus Great Black-backed Gull:
One unpublished photograph and one sight record from Aruba (Voous 1977, 1983)
and one unpublished photo from French Guiana (fide A. Renaudier); sight
record from northwestern Venezuela (Casler 1996); sight record from w. Colombia
(Naranjo & Franke 1995). Two published photos from Trinidad (Kenefick
Kenefick’s 2010 rarity
report reads: ‘A “near-adult” Greater Black-backed Gull, Larus marinus
was photographed at Orange Valley on 31 January, 2009 (JM). It
remained present until at least 21 March. This is the first record for Trinidad
and Tobago. On 23 February, 2009, a first winter plumaged bird was found at the
same site (MK); well watched and photographed until 9 July, 2009.’
Photographic evidence: Looking at the first photograph (p.83:1
– just email Van Remsen for pdf) we see a black-backed gull that could
indicate L. marinus, L. fuscus fuscus,
L. dominicanus, L. atlanticus,
or L. belcheri. Importantly, the bird
has pink tarsus, which rules out all but L.
marinus because the others have yellow tarsus. The retention of a black
subterminal bill band is from the third year, although the bird lacks a wing
moult to attain adult plumage, so “near adult” is a fair description. The
second photograph (p.83:2) shows a first year bird (all dark bill and pale
head) with a nice direct comparison against Laughing Gulls Leucophaeus atricilla. The shear size of this bird, and thickness
of the bill with a notable gonydeal angle immediately point to L. marinus and rule out all other gull
Recommendation: There are no doubts about the
identification, there seems to be no controversy over the authenticity of the
locality data notwithstanding that both were long staying birds. I recommend a
YES vote to add this species to the main list as a vagrant to the region.
Literature Cited:
2010. Seventh report of
the Trinidad and Tobago Rare Birds Committee: rare birds in
Trinidad and Tobago 2009. J.
Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club 2010: 78-83.
Mark Pearman, October 2011
Comments from Pacheco: “YES. Em vista das informações
reunidas e do aval do Trinidad and Tobago Rare Birds Committee.”
Comments from Pérez: “YES.
Published information confirms the presence of this species in the region.”
Comments from Jaramillo: “YES – I have seen photos of the 2009 bird,
and it looked clearly like marinus
based on structure, soft parts, back color and wing pattern.”
Comments from Zimmer: “YES.
I agree with the analysis of the identity of the birds in the