Proposal (617) to South
American Classification Committee
Recognize newly described Nystalus obamai and split Nystalus striolatus into two species
on South American CL:
If adopted, this proposal would add a newly
described species of Nystalus to the
list and elevate to full species status one subspecies of N. striolatus (torridus).
Background: The Striolated
Puffbird, Nystalus striolatus is an
Amazonian endemic species with two currently recognized disjunct subspecies,
one from Mato Grosso, Brazil westward to the foothills of the Andes (nominate striolatus), and another in eastern
Pará, Brazil (torridus). According to
Bond and Schauensee (1940), N. s.
torridus is distinguished from the nominate form by its overall darker
coloration, larger size, color of the throat, more heavily streaked breast and
underparts, and spotted interscapular region.
As a result of a multi-character taxonomic revision
of the Nystalus striolatus complex,
Whitney et al. (2013) uncovered a new phenotypically and genetically distinct
population in south-central Amazonia (to which the name striolatus actually applies), prompting the naming of the westernmost
population as N. obamai. This study
also supported a separate species status for the phenotypically and genetically
distinct easternmost population (torridus).
Analysis/Recommendation: The fact that the
Bayesian phylogeny recovered N. obamai
as monophyletic with high statistical support, and that it is separated from
both N. s. striolatus and N. s. torridus by similar uncorrected
genetic p-distances (respectively, 3 and 3.5%), in conjunction with
morphological and vocal diagnoses (Whitney et al. 2013), supports its
recognition as valid species level taxon.
Similarly, the same can be inferred for N. s. striolatus and N. s.
torridus, which are separated by 3.2% of uncorrected sequence divergence in
addition to the aforementioned vocal and morphological diagnoses. Hence, we
recommend the recognition of three species in the N. striolatus complex: Western Striolated-Puffbird (N. obamai; distributed west of the
Madeira river in Brazil and both banks of the Ucayali / Marañon in Peru and
Ecuador, as well as along the foothills of Andes in Bolivia and Peru; Fig. 1); Natterer’s
Striolated-Puffbird (N. striolatus;
distributed in the Madeira - Tapajós interfluve in lowland Amazonian Brazil and
northern Depto. Santa Cruz, Bolivia); and Eastern Striolated-Puffbird (N. torridus; occurring east of the
Tapajós and south of the Amazon rivers to western Maranhão and northern
Tocantins in Amazonian Brazil).
Literature Cited
Bond, J. and R. M.
Schauensee (1940). Description of a new puff-bird from the lower Amazon. Notulae Naturae 50:1-2.
Whitney, B.M., Piacentini, V.Q. Schunck,
F., Aleixo, A., Souza, B.R.S., Silveira, L.F., Rego, M.A. 2013. A name for
Striolated Puffbird west of the Rio Madeira with revision of the Nystalus striolatus (Aves: Bucconidae)
complex. Pp. 240–244 in: del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, and D.A.
Christie (eds.) (2013). Handbook of the
Birds of the World. Special Volume: New Species and Global Index. Lynx
Edicions, Barcelona.
Carlos Eduardo B. Portes and Alexandre Aleixo,
December 2013
from Remsen: “NO. The vocal difference between obamai and the
other two taxa is clear and impressive, and I would vote for a revised proposal
that focuses solely on that taxon. But
ranking torridus as a species is a
stretch in my opinion. The sonograms of obamai and the recordings I listened to
on Xeno-canto
show clearly the stuttered introduction noted in the text, which then states
that torridus is most like obamai, despite their geographic
separation by nominate striolatus:
“Of the other two taxa, the song of N. s. torridus is most similar in that it often features a slight break in the first part almost producing a bisyllabic effect.”
“However, one of the two sonograms (F) presented for torridus does not show the stutter, and
notice that the text states “often”. So,
without larger N and documentation of individual vs. taxon variation, I’m not
convinced. Figure 1 seems to indicate
that only 6 recordings of torridus
and only 3 of nominate striolatus
were analyzed, so that concerns me when the differences are, to me, subtle. Although I trust Bret and his co-authors on
these sorts of judgments, I think that more thorough sampling and quantitative
analyses are required before treating torridus
as a species.
“The plumage differences are small and basically irrelevant to
species limits as far as we know (tangentially, a fundamental flaw in my
opinion with the “tally up the differences” approach of the Tobias et al.
scoring system for determining species rank).
That leaves the genetic data, the significance of which is vastly
overstated in the paper as well as in the proposal. As Gary notes above, we have a grand total of
4 individuals from a single mitochondrial gene!
There is really no point in discussing monophyly when you only have 4
individuals and 3 taxa. The small (by
tropical forest bird standards) genetic distances among the individuals would
not be unexpected within a single taxon (by anyone’s standards) that occurs
over such a large range, simply by virtue of isolation by distance.
“I recommend that this proposal be
overhauled, with a part A (obamai)
and part B (torridus).”
from Cadena: “NO. I
believe obamai may well be a good
species, but I find that the information presented in the paper describing it
is insufficient to demonstrate it clearly. Vocalizations do sound different,
but there are no quantitative analyses and the authors mention the existence of
vocal variation within obamai, so
this makes me wary about accepting the conclusions on vocal differentiation (it
would be easier for me if at least some indication of the number of recordings
examined and their geographic distribution were provided). I realize that most
of the vocal differences are qualitative and not quantitative (i.e. the
introductory stutter in obamai), but
I also wonder about their mentioning that obamai
responds (albeit less strongly) to songs of torridus.
Could it be that the stutter is not relevant for species recognition? The
genetic data say little to nothing about species status for allopatric
populations, and evidently too much is made in the description about reciprocal
monophyly with such an extremely limited data set (4 individuals, 2 of which
are obamai, possibly from the same locality? I could not find locality data for
these in the paper). Plumage variation is slight (arguably similar to plumage
variation existing among subspecies) and, although there is no formal statistical
analysis, obamai does not appear
morphometrically distinct relatively to the other two taxa.”
from Stiles: “NO, at
least for now. The vocal differences are not great, but might be diagnosable
with statistically meaningful samples from all three populations over their
entire distributions. A photo or two showing representative specimens of all
three forms should also be included, as well as a thorough analysis of
morphometrics. The genetic differences
are appreciable, but with such small samples “reciprocal monophyly” is not
demonstrated, just assumed: all we can really say is that the specimens
differ by x %.”
Comments from Nores:
“NO, for the reasons given by Van, Gary and Daniel.”
from Zimmer: “NO. I also think that this proposal needs to be
split, so that we can deal separately with obamai
versus splitting striolatus. I also would like to see some bigger sample
sizes, with more geographic breadth, and a true vocal analysis.”
from Bret Whitney: “Before
the voting reaches quorum on this proposal (and others from the Special Volume
of HBW), I suggest that you all take into consideration the information on
specimens examined, sample sizes, and spread of localities available in Supporting
Information on the IBC website (click on the emblem in the middle of
their home page). This information is appropriately cited in each of the
descriptions, yet it is obvious that no one who has voted thus far has bothered
to consult it. For example, Nystalus
obamai was given a fairly thorough vocal vetting, with n = 4
for striolatus, 14 for torridus, and 30 for obamai. These n should have
been included in the description, for sure; I neglected to put them in there.
However, the map (Fig. 1) indicates all localities examined for each
taxon, whether vocal or skin. There, sample size of vocalizations
examined is possible to infer: 4 for striolatus,
7 for torridus, and 20 for obamai. Some of these localities
were represented by more than one individual, which becomes clear in the SI.
The description should have made it clear that there was no overlap in
these three vocal types as mapped in Fig 1 (all it says is that vocalizations
were “diagnostic”, which is not a well-supported statement without context
of the SI, and I should have provided a stronger statement). We did
mentioned that there is some variation in vocalizations of obamai from across its range, and included a couple of examples
exemplifying it, but I guess I should have added a phrase to make it clearer
that the vocal type is still 100% diagnostic of obamai everywhere it is mapped in Fig. 1 (Van, you’ve
understandably distorted the bit about similarity to torridus — no, the two are not at all similar, it’s just that torridus is slightly more similar to obamai than is the geographically most
proximate taxon, striolatus).
Morphological differences are minor at best (does that tip them to
subspecies?), and the genetic analysis is clearly nothing close to being
definitive, but, quite honestly, it is “better than nothing”, which is why we
included it — basically just to show that we probably are dealing with three
discreet populations that are quite clearly indicated by the geographic spread
of diagnostic vocalizations. The key word in that sentence as concerns
the genetic data is, of course, “probably”. Personally, I do believe it
is “probable” that we have three monophyletic groups, which is the best we can
do for many/most of these taxonomic decisions, mainly because of poor to very
poor (like this case) sampling of both n and geographic spreads.
I’m optimistic, however, that we will be able to gather adequate, perhaps
even robust, samples of voice-recorded specimens from lots of critical regions
(in Brazil, at least) over the coming years. Then, and really only then,
will we be able to make proposals for “new species” that actually have
meaningful data behind them — especially true when we eventually determine
which genes influence and control characteristics relevant to mate choice, and
how those genes are shaped by abiotic forces. For the time being,
however, taxonomists are bumping heads in a dimly lit swirl of real and
artificial trees."
Comments from Robbins: “NO. Given all
that has been stated, including Brett underscoring actual samples that were
examined, it seems that at least obamai
deserves species status. So, I agree with remarks by other committee members
that a separate proposal should be made recognizing obamai. Yes, torridus may
indeed merit species status, but until there is additional sampling (genetic,
vocal) I think the prudent course of action is to recognize only obamai as a species”