Proposal (636) to South American Classification Committee
Split Cercomacra
fuscicauda from Cercomacra nigrescens
on South American CL: If passed, this proposal would result in the
elevation of the subspecies Cercomacra
nigrescens fuscicauda of the Blackish Antbird to that of a distinct
species, and in the process, add a species to our list.
Background: Over the past two decades, various workers
have remarked on the vocal distinctiveness of the western Amazonian subspecies fuscicauda of the Blackish Antbird (Cercomacra nigrescens), relative to
other named subspecies in the nigrescens-complex
(e.g. Mayer 1996, P. Coopmans in
Ridgely and Greenfield 2001, Zimmer and Isler 2003, Schulenberg et al. 2007), something noted by T. A.
Parker as early as the 1980s. In recent
years, speculation that more than one species was involved has turned into the
“conventional wisdom” among those familiar with the various taxa nested within C. nigrescens, but in the absence of any
published analysis, there have been no changes to the taxonomic status
Mayer et al. (2014), who, for the first time, presented a vocal analysis of the
six named subspecies comprising C.
nigrescens. The authors analyzed
audio recordings of all six subspecies of nigrescens,
plus recordings of possible intergrades between the subspecies aequatorialis/notata from San Martín and
Amazonas, Peru. Their analysis revealed
that male loudsongs of fuscicauda
differed significantly in the number of notes and in mean pace from those of
all other populations. The ranges of
those measurements were non-overlapping, and distributions met tests of the
likelihood that they would not overlap with larger samples. Therefore, two independent characters of the
male loudsong of fuscicauda were
considered diagnostic. Furthermore, no
intermediate song types between fuscicauda
and adjacent forms were found, despite the fact that recording were obtained
from potential contact zones in regions of parapatry between fuscicauda and aequatorialis, fuscicauda
and notata, and fuscicauda and approximans
– all recordings from these areas were clearly assignable to one song type or
the other, in spite of the absence of any apparent habitat barriers between
subspecies. The lack of evidence for
intermediate song types near the contact zones is evidence that either the
various subspecies maintain their integrity despite limited hybridization, or,
that they do not interbreed at all.
Songs of fuscicauda also
differed, on average, but with overlap, in a longer introductory note, higher
maximum pitch of the rattle, and in decelerating rather than accelerating pace.
song in all six subspecies was found to be very similar, as also indicated by
Zimmer and Isler (2003). The various
subspecies of C. nigrescens also give
various calls, but Mayer et al (2014) found these varied widely within
populations as well as between populations.
Loudsongs of the other five subspecies (minus fuscicauda) were not found to vary diagnosably from one another.
variation in plumage within the genus Cercomacra
is conservative, so it is not unexpected that males of all six subspecies of C. nigrescens are very similar to one
another in plumage characters, showing subtle variation in overall degree of
color saturation of the mostly gray plumage, as well as variation in the size
of the white interscapular and shoulder patches, and the white tips to the wing
coverts. Males of fuscicauda most resemble males of nominate nigrescens (Guianan region) in being darker gray overall, with
smaller white interscapular and shoulder patches and reduced white-tipping to
the wing coverts relative to the paler neighboring subspecies of the Andes and
central Brazil. As is often the case
with thamnophilid antbirds, females within the nigrescens complex are more readily identified to subspecies group
than are the males. Females of fuscicauda differ from females of the
other 5 subspecies of nigrescens in
having a blackish tail (versus fuscous in nominate and other Brazilian forms
and pale brown in the Andes), and in being paler and duller ochraceous than the
rest, with the crown washed tawny, and showing a markedly less contrasting
facial pattern.
et al. (2014) concluded from their analysis that fuscicauda is diagnosable in plumage characters (at least as
regards females) and in two characters of the male loudsong from the other five
subspecies of nigrescens. They also take the lack of intermediate song
types in areas of parapatry as evidence that fuscicauda does not interbreed with geographically adjacent forms,
and conclude that it should be ranked as a biological species.
fuscicauda is, throughout most of its
range, confined to seasonally flooded forest or stands of Gynerium cane and adjacent thickets on sandbars and riverbanks, and
appears always to be associated with riparian habitats, Mayer et al. (2014)
followed Krabbe and Nilsson (2003) in applying the English name of “Riparian
Analysis &
Recommendation: Vocal differences are far more important in
the field recognition of most species of Cercomacra
than are the relatively subtle plumage distinctions, and I would bet that is
even truer for the birds themselves than it is for the field
ornithologists. The loudsongs of fuscicauda are more different from those
of all other subspecies of C. nigrescens
than are the songs of C. nigrescens
(minus fuscicauda) from C. tyrannina. For anyone not familiar with the
vocalizations of these taxa, I would urge you to check out examples of the
loudsongs of each on Xeno-canto or the Cornell website. It is one thing to read that the analysis
identified 2 diagnostic vocal characters in the loudsong of fuscicauda, but it is another thing
entirely to listen to just how different those songs sound relative to the
songs of other members of C. nigrescens. I have zero doubt that the authors’ analysis
and conclusions are correct, and that fuscicauda
is vocally and morphologically differentiated from all other populations of C. nigrescens, and that it should be
treated as a distinct species under any species concept. The English name advocated by Krabbe and
Nilsson (2003) and by Mayer et al. (2014) seems very appropriate, given that fuscicauda is pretty much restricted to
riparian habitats, whereas other taxa within C. nigrescens occur in other habitats as well, some exclusively
so. Ornithologists have already pretty
much exhausted any descriptive possibilities for English names in Cercomacra, all of which attempt to
capture some shade of color between gray and black (e.g. Gray, Dusky, Blackish,
Black, Jet), and neither the distinguishing characters of the female plumage,
nor the geographic distribution of fuscicauda
lend themselves well to English names.
conclusion, I strongly recommend a YES vote on splitting fuscicauda from the rest of Cercomacra
nigrescens, and treating it as a distinct species, Cercomacra fuscicauda, Riparian Antbird.
Krabbe, N. and J.
Nilsson. 2003. Birds
of Ecuador: Sounds and photographs. DVD-ROM.
Bird Songs International, Westernieland.
Mayer, S. 1996. Birds of Bolivia: Sounds and photographs. CD-ROM.
Bird Songs International, Westernieland.
Mayer, S., P. Coopmans, N.
Krabbe, and M. L. Isler. 2014. Vocal evidence for species rank to Cercomacra
nigrescens fuscicauda J. T. Zimmer. Bulletin British Ornithologists’
Club 134: 145-154.
Ridgely, R. S., and P. J.
Greenfield. 2001. The birds of Ecuador. Vol. I. Status, distribution, and
taxonomy. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.
Schulenberg, T. S., D. F.
Stotz, D. F. Lane, J. P. O'Neill, and T. A. Parker III. 2007. Birds of
Peru. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Zimmer, K. J. and M. L. Isler. 2003. Family
Thamnophilidae (typical antbirds). Pages 448-681 in J. del Hoyo, A.
Elliot, and D. A. Christie, editors. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol.
8. Broadbills to Tapaculos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Kevin J. Zimmer, July 2014
Comments from Robbins: “YES, the
vocalizations of fuscicauda are quite
distinct from those of other members of nigrescens.”
Comments from Stiles: “YES, the vocal evidence and the good
geographical coverage of recordings clearly indicate that two species are
involved. The plumage differences, while
slight, are on a par with differences between other species of Cercomacra.”
from Remsen: “YES. Vocal differences are convincing and
consistent with taxa ranked as species in this group, among which differences
are often slight, e.g. C. parkeri.”
from Jaramillo: “YES
– A well-crafted proposal, but what sold me was listening to the songs on
xeno-canto. Good to have the published analysis as backup for this decision.”
from Pacheco: “YES. The
data indicate this taxon should be treated as a distinct species under any
species concept.”