Proposal (646) to South American Classification Committee
newly described Tolmomyias sucunduri
on SACC: This would add a new species to the
Background: Our current SACC
footnote describes the situation. I
think that it has been widely understood that Tolmomyias assimilis consists of multiple species:
& Greenfield (2001), followed by Hilty (2003), considered populations of
Central America and trans-Andean South America to represent a separate species,
T. flavotectus, from Tolmomyias assimilis; they restricted
the name "Yellow-margined Flycatcher/Flatbill" to the latter and
called the Amazonian species "Zimmer's Flatbill." Proposal needed. The latter is also likely to consist
of more than one species (see Ridgely & Greenfield 2001). Fitzpatrick
(2004) concluded that further research was needed before any changes are made
to current species limits. Whitney et
al. (2013) described a new species in the complex, Tolmomyias sucunduri, from south-central Amazonian Brazil. SACC proposal badly
New information: Whitney et al.
(2013; let me know if anyone needs a pdf) described T. sucunduri on the basis of 9 specimens from 7 localities
collected W of the Tapajos and E of the Sucunduri in the lower part of that
interfluvium (the upper regions are occupied by other members of the T. assimilis complex). An additional 6 localities documented by
voice recordings provide critical delimitation of the range. Sonograms of T. sucunduri, including from one of the paratypes, illustrate how
the song differs from that of T. a.
assimilis (recording from type locality!) and T. a. calamae (also a recording from type locality!). Those sonograms show clearly the “widely
modulated or ‘washboard’ quality” of the song notes that separate it from other
members of the group. The specimens are
diagnosably different from other members of the complex in having darker crowns
(as is evident from a photograph of one of the paratypes). Some additional supporting material (mainly
recordings) is available online at:
canopy-dwellers are hard to see, record, and collect, so the sampling
represents a lot of intensive fieldwork.
Analysis and recommendation: At first this looks a straightforward case – the song of sucunduri looks (and sounds)
distinctive, and thus the rank of species seems unquestionable by our
standards, and the vocal differences match up with the plumage
differences. However, what bothers me is
that there is an area on the Tapajos at about 5.5 degrees S. Lat. where Whitney
at al. found individuals with songs described as intermediate between sucunduri and T. a. assimilis/calamae: “At roughly this latitude,
there appears to be a gradient of hybridization at least 30 km wide, as judged
by the prevalence of hybrid-type vocalizations there (collected specimens
represented by black triangles in Fig. 1), and we expect that genetic
introgression will prove to be considerably more pervasive east of the
Sucunduri.” In Fig.
1 these are “Black triangle = postulated hybrid or
intergrade between T. sucunduri and T. a. assimilis/calamae, specimen
voice-recorded before collection.” I do not think the
plumage of these specimens is discussed in the text or SI, nor are sonograms
If there really is a wide zone of
introgression between the taxa with no pure phenotypes, then sucunduri should be treated at the rank of subspecies, by definition. However, whether these songs and populations
are actually intermediate is not documented, and the genetic samples of the
complex have yet to be analyzed. Given
the distinctiveness of the song of sucunduri,
that it would intergrade with parapatric taxa punches a bothersome hole in my
worldview of the importance of song in suboscines.
I see it, here are the choices. Vote YES
if you think that, given the distinctiveness of the voice of sucunduri, better documentation of the
degree of interbreeding is required (or that this could be a case like that of
Blue-winged/Golden-winged warbler in which one species is replacing the other
through “aggressive” hybridization and displacement). Vote NO if you think that the mention of
possible extensive hybridization is sufficient to put burden-of-proof on
treatment as separate species or that the genetic data should be analyzed first
to assess degree of gene flow. I am
agnostic at this point and will be interested in the discussion.
English names: If the proposal passes, we will need a separate proposal
on English names. Whitney et al. (2013)
chose “Sucunduri Yellow-margined Flycatcher”, which would require a new
modifier for the rest of “Yellow-margined Flycatcher”, which itself might be
subject to further splitting. Retention
of “Yellow-margined” would be helpful in labeling members of this complex;
despite the dislike by many of compound names, I personally think that the
usefulness of the compound names would outweigh the burden of longer names.
Van Remsen, September 2014
Comments from Robbins: “It is unclear whether Tolmomyias sucunduri should be recognized at the species level. Like Van, I interested in what others have to say about this.”
from Stiles: “NO. This looks like a classical case of secondary
contact with limited hybridization, which could either lead to the
reinforcement or breakdown of isolating mechanisms – cases of both are known in
the US Great Plains. Analysis of
morphology and genetics of the hybrids vs. “pure” specimens of the two forms
might help to clarify things, and until at least these have been studied, I´ll have
to vote NO. Only continued monitoring of the hybrid zone (and establishing its
true extent ) could give a definitive answer here.”
from Stotz: “NO. We know that Tolmomyias is a mess, and that there are certainly additional
species floating around within the currently recognized species. This is likely one of those additional
species, but the alleged intermediate songs of some populations makes it hard
to accept it currently. The lack of any
info on morphology of these alleged intermediates and lack of sonograms is
unfortunate. If this claim had come from
somebody other than the original describers, I might be disinclined to pay
attention to it, but it is hard to ignore coming from Bret. I think we should hold off until we have
better info on the potentially intermediate population.”
from Nores: “NO, for now. Differences in color and
vocalizations seem to correspond to subspecies rather than to species.”
from Zimmer: “NO. As pretty much everyone recognizes, there are
multiple species nested within T.
assimilis. I’m not sure what is
going on in this particular case, given the reference to a potentially wide
zone of introgression. I too, think that
we need more data from the contact zone to adequately sort this out.”
from Areta: “NO.
I agree with comments on the problematic vocal intermediacy of some
populations. Tolmomyias seems to me a
special tyrant genus in which populations with vocally intermediate characters
appear here and there in different species (somehow recalling the plumage
intermediacy of several populations of Picumnus).
Until a thorough quantified study has been carried out, I think a conservative
decision is needed. My hunch is that once Tolmomyias
is thoroughly studied, it will prove to be a mess with less clearly delimited
units than hitherto believed.”
Comments from Cadena: “NO. I agree with
others that more detailed study of the hybrid zone (extent of introgression,
mating patterns, playback experiments) would be needed before treating this new
taxon as a species. I realize, though, that this is a remote area and these
birds are hard to study, so gathering the data would be rather difficult.”
Comments from Jaramillo: “YES, I will be
the contrarian here. To me a 30km band of intermediacy, if in fact that is what
is occurring there, is not wide at all. Having collected orioles with Jim
Rising in Western Kansas back in the day, hybridization is not that bothersome
to me, and that relatively narrow hybrid zone is much wider than 30 km. In this
case the members on either side of the hybrid zone are well defined, and the
hybrid zone is narrow. This does not appear to be similar to the Western
Flycatcher case where that is more likely a ring species with hundreds of km of
intermediate birds. I am more impressed by the vocal distinctiveness of the
taxon, and the fact that it is visually diagnosable too, more so than the zone
of possible intermediates. At this point I would rather separate this taxon,
and work on the dynamics of the hybrid zone and genetics later.”
Comments from Remsen: “NO. Although I would say that the N is too small
to be conclusive, all signs point to free interbreeding, i.e. 1 BSC species
regardless of hybrid zone width. I would
not be surprised that additional data will reverse this.”
comments inspire me to expound a little on hybridization. All modern BSC proponents allow plenty of
hybridization between two taxa treated as species. However, it all depends on what one means by
hybridization. Here’s my personal view;
I wish someone with a strong background in hybrid zones would do an updated
review paper on this that we could cite.
Of course, trying to squeeze every example into a categorical scheme is
dangerous, and any attempt to pigeon-hole all real-world situations into
categories is doomed (in this case species vs. subspecies). Nonetheless, we will need to have a strong
statement on this sort of thing in the eventual hard-copy version of our
Occasional hybridization. Low levels of
hybridization may be fairly good predictors of relationship (Trevor Price did a
review paper on this) but do not indicate conspecificity. In fact, the lack of free interbreeding
indicates separate species rank.”
Frequent hybridization but still most mating is assortative. I can’t think of a good South American
example, but Claramunt’s (2002) study of Cranioleuca obsoleta
and C. pyrrhophia might
fit. In North America, good examples
would be Icterus galbula and I. bullockii and Passerina amoena
and P. cyanea. I would have to
check the latest synopsis of the Vermivora chrysoptera/V. cyanoptera
situation, but I think the aggressive “displacement” hybrid zones likely fit
this category.
“3. Non-assortative
mating. In such cases free interbreeding
produces a hybrid zone in which almost no pure parentals can be found. Regardless of width, what it says is that the
two taxa do not discriminate between each other for mating … so the intuitive
appeal is, ‘if they don’t think each other is different, why should we
humans?” The problem with the move to
treat “narrow” hybrid zones as indicating separate species rank is that there
is no objective, meaningful way to define “narrow” – any definition is
necessarily arbitrary as far as I can see.
Some, including even Mayr himself, acknowledge that a hybrid zone with
no sign of introgression outside that zone suggests a barrier to gene
flow. The problems that I see with this
view are (1) there may actually be substantial gene flow that would require
strong genetic data to reveal, and (2) I can’t get past the intuitive appeal of
“if they don’t discriminate between each other, then they aren’t species’.”
“4. Like #3 but with
introgression outside hybrid zone. A
no-brainer ‘1 species’ treatment under any definition of BSC.”
opinions welcomed. A proposal page might
not be the best medium for getting such a discussion going, but … “