Proposal (652) to South American Classification Committee
Porzana flaviventer and Porzana spiloptera to Laterallus
current footnotes summarizes the situation:
Porzana flaviventer has been placed by some authors (Olson 1970, 1973)
in a separate genus Poliolimnas, along with P. cinereus of the
East Indies and Australasian region, but see Mees (1982) as cited by Walker
(1998). Slikas et al. (2002) showed that
it is not closely related to Old World P.
cinereus, but rather is sister to Anurolimnas + Porzana. Therefore,
Dickinson & Remsen (2013) resurrected the monotypic genus Hapalocrex for this species. Garcia-R. et al. (2014) found that it was
sister to a group of species currently placed in Laterallus; however,
these species are not sister to the type species (melanophaius) for the genus Laterallus. Proposal badly needed.
Porzana spiloptera has been placed by some authors (e.g., Hellmayr &
Conover 1942, Meyer de Schauensee 1970, Blake 1977) in the genus Laterallus,
the genus in which it was described, but see and Ripley (1977) and Storer
(1981). However, Garcia-R. et al. (2014)
found that it is the sister species to Laterallus jamaicensis. Proposal badly needed.
Garcia-R. et al. (2014) produced a phylogeny for the
Rallidae based on a fairly large analysis of DNA sequence data, both mitochondrial
and nuclear, largely compiled from GenBank etc.
Their taxon sampling was fairly good for a family that is cosmopolitan
and difficult to collect: 70 species in 22 of 33 extant genera. Below is the relevant section of their tree:
neither flaviventer or spiloptera are close to true Porzana, which is another part of the
tree – see the lower part of the tree above.
The type species for Laterallus
is melanophaius; therefore, to
maintain our Laterallus as
monophyletic, everything branching from that node needs to be included in
Laterallus, including spiloptera and flaviventer. The problem is that this also includes
extralimital Coturnicops, so it will
be interesting to see whether NACC and others are willing to do this. To retain Coturnicops,
two new genera will have to be resurrected (presumably Hapalocrex for the group containing flaviventer, and Creciscus
Cabanis for the group containing jamaicensis).
Recommendation: I have none and will sit back and see what all of you
think, especially in terms of voice. A
broad Laterallus that includes Coturnicops might be too heterogeneous,
although in terms of relative depth of nodes, it would match up fairly well
with true Porzana. A NO vote would mean that we would follow
this with a proposal to treat these taxa in four genera. The logistic problem with that is that
placement of levraudi, spilonota, leucopyrrhus, and xenopterus,
i.e. half of the South American taxa, will have to be inferred from non-genetic
data, so one could argue that a broad Laterallus
would be safer until those taxa are sampled.
Cited (also see SACC Biblio):
Deep global evolutionary radiation in birds: diversification and trait
evolution in the cosmopolitan bird family Rallidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 81:
Van Remsen, October 2014
from Stiles: “YES. At
least until more complete taxon sampling has been conducted, a broad Laterallus seems reasonable, although
this means subsuming Coturnicops therein
as well.”
from Stotz: “YES I think we are probably better off with fewer
genera in this part of Rallidae rather than more. Certainly the original ideas on
relationships, and then the attempts to fix those relationships have been a
miserable failure based on the tree. I
am completely comfortable with Coturnicops
noveboracensis in Laterallus.”
from Nores: “YES, although it could also be to treat
these taxa in three genera: 1) resurrect Creciscus
(Sharpe 1894) for spiloptera and jamaicensis; 2) Coturnicops; and 3) Porzana, including flaviventer.”
from Zimmer: “YES. I think recognizing a broader Laterallus is the way to go (even though
that means including Coturnicops). Based on the tree, we would have to broaden Laterallus anyway, or, else, do
something with jamaicensis, and the
latter course, taken alone, would not resolve the problem with flaviventer and spiloptera, nor would it take into account the fact that we don’t
have genetic data for several species of putative Laterallus, as mentioned by Van in the proposal. Better to dump them all in Laterallus, at least until we have the
benefit of broader taxon-sampling among the SA crakes, and can see how
everything settles out.”
Comments from Robbins: “YES, I’m fine
with a broader defined Laterallus
that includes Coturnicops. By
choosing this course of action we also may preclude making additional changes
that might be precipitated by the inclusion of missing taxa, i.e., taxa that
might be embedded in an unexpected way in this clade. Also, if we do this it would seem to be consistent
in generic treatments that we should consider melanops as a Porzana
(see proposal 651).”
from Areta: “NO.
I think that taxon sampling needs to be more comprehensive to make this
decision. Several problems arise when trying to accommodate the phylogeny into
a classification:
1) the inclusion of Laterallus viridis and Anurolimnas viridis in the same clade
(=genus in this case) demands a taxonomic change, as otherwise they would both
have the same name.
2) lack of sampling of Laterallus leucopyrrhus, L. levraudi and L. xenopterus makes it unsafe to assume that they will all fall in
the same clade, given their similarities in vocalizations and plumage to
different members of Laterallus and
even Anurolimnas. It is already
surprising enough to find that several species that appeared to be closely
related based on voice and plumage are not so closely related, that I don't
trust first impressions anymore (and that is what we would be doing by assuming
that unsampled members will fall where we expect them to fall).
3) The Cresiscus are vocally and morphologically a very coherent group,
and presumably spilonota will also
fall here.
4) We have no idea of where Coturnicops notatus fits this scheme,
while vocally Coturnicops noveboracensis
is millions of years away from other Laterallus.
“In sum, the chances of having to undo an all-encompassing,
highly uninformative and eco-morpho-vocally very diverse Laterallus are big, and until natural history and phylogenetic data
have been put together in a densely sampled study, lumping a diverse array of
birds in a single genus (without even sampling several!) doesn't seem to be the
best choice.
“We are clearly approaching a better taxonomy of rails and
the work by Garcia et al. is a great contribution, but until rail phylogeny has
been fully solved (or nearly so), changes might not give us both good
information contents and stability as desired in any classification.”
Comments from Cadena: “NO. The thread of
proposals derived from the fine García et al. paper reflect that our historical
intuition on what rail genera should be based on overall phenotypic similarity
was fraught with problems because several genera turned out not to be
monophyletic. I thus feel uncomfortable in assuming that half of the South
American species of "Laterallus",
which have not been sampled, will fall in the same clade as the rest of the
taxa. Like Nacho, I think that we need more data here.”
Comments from Jaramillo: “NO. As noted “To
retain Coturnicops, two new genera
will have to be resurrected (presumably Hapalocrex
for the group containing flaviventer,
and Creciscus Cabanis for the group
containing jamaicensis).” I am more
comfortable doing this given the present knowledge. The inclusion of other Laterallus in the analyses will likely
create clearer patterns of relationships and may even shift some of the birds
in the current tree, maybe? Yet Coturnicops
seems to me a valid genus, as does Creciscus.
Clearly the unsampled spilonota is a Creciscus based on voice; jamaicensis likely needs to be split
given vocal differences between northern and southern populations, so
eventually we will obtain a much more “robust” and informative Cresciscus that matches both plumage and
vocal similarities in the members. I would not want this, nor Coturnicops subsumed into a broad Laterallus even with what we know
Comments from Remsen: “NO.
After reading through all of the comments, it is clear that there are no
good options here. The choices are
basically to (1) retain these two in a genus in which we are certain they do
not belong, or (2) create additional problems.
I favor the former because option 2 is almost certainly only a temporary
solution until all Laterallus are
sampled, and thus I favor maintaining stability until we have all the data.”