Proposal (671) to South American Classification Committee
Change the scientific name of Chapada
Historically, Suiriri consisted of two sets of taxa, white-bellied suiriri (Bolivia, Paraguay, northern
Argentina, and Uruguay), and yellow-bellied affinis
and bahiae (eastern Bolivia east
across Brazil, south of Amazonia). These formerly were recognized as separate
species, but now usually are lumped (as per SACC), following discovery of a
zone of introgression in Paraguay. In
the background to many discussions in the literature on the classification of Suiriri were comments on a small number
of specimens that did not match any of the known taxa (see Zimmer et al. 2001
and Kirwan et al. 2014 for a more complete survey of the history of the
nomenclature of the genus). As Traylor
(1982) noted, the characters of these specimens "ordinarily ... would be
strong evidence that we have two sibling species", but that "without
field studies of the various taxa, it is useless to speculate".
Zimmer et al. (2001) provided the field
studies that Traylor had called for, documenting that two taxa of yellow-bellied
Suiriri were broadly sympatric, and
locally syntopic. These two taxa
differed in morphology (especially bill length), plumage (especially in tail
pattern), in vocalizations, and in behavior (with one taxon having a
distinctive wing flapping display, lacking in the second taxon). Zimmer et al. (2001) followed all earlier
authors in assuming that the widespread member of this pair represented affinis; since the second member of this
pair seemed to lack a name, they described it as a new species, Suiriri islerorum Chapada Flycatcher.
More recently, Chapada Flycatcher has
been documented at Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais (Vasconcelos et al. 2006 and
references therein). The significance of
the presence of Chapada Flycatcher at Lagoa Santa is that this is the type
locality of affinis Burmeister 1856. Kirwan et al. (2014) followed up on this point
and reviewed the type series of affinis
(syntypes), and they found that they all represented the same taxon as islerorum Zimmer et al. 2001. Indeed, Burmeister's original description of affinis (in German) adequately
delineates the diagnostic characters of this taxon. Thus, islerorum is a junior synonym of affinis, and the scientific name of Suiriri islerorum should be Suiriri
This also leaves the taxon
traditionally named affinis without a
name, for which Kirwan et al. proposed the name burmeisteri.
SACC should revise the scientific name
of Chapada Flycatcher to reflect the nomenclatural detective work of Kirwan et
al. A "Yes" vote on this
proposal, then, is a vote to change the scientific name of Chapada Flycatcher
from Suiriri islerorum to Suiriri affinis.
Kirwan, G.M., F.D. Steinheimer,
M.A. Raposo, and K.J. Zimmer. 2014. Nomenclatural corrections, neotype designation
and new subspecies description in the genus Suiriri
(Aves: Passeriformes: Tyrannidae). Zootaxa
3784: 224-240.
Traylor, M.A., Jr. 1982. Notes
on tyrant flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae). Fieldiana: Zoology, new series 13:
Vasconcelos, M.F. de, S. D'Angelo Neto,
G.M. Kirwan, M.R. Bornschein, M.G. Diniz, and J.F. da Silva. 2006. Important
ornithological records from Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club
126: 212-238.
Zimmer, K.J., A. Whittaker, D.C. Oren. 2001. A
cryptic new species of flycatcher (Tyrannidae: Suiriri) from the Cerrado region of central South America. Auk 118:
June 2015
from Zimmer:
“YES”. Unfortunately, there is no
getting around the fact that the entire type series of affinis is unambiguously referable to what we described as “islerorum”. Amazing that none of the previous authors who
had commented on a handful of “aberrant” specimens, and who were in agreement
on the ways in which those specimens differed from “typical affinis” had ever actually examined the
type series of affinis or
Burmeister’s written description of the holotype. The fact that the handful of recognized
specimens (as of 2001) of the unusual phenotype clustered around Mato Grosso,
far removed from the Minas Gerais type locality of affinis, further served to deflect us from considering that the
name “affinis” could possibly apply
to anything other than the widespread phenotype with which everyone seemed to
be familiar.”
from Stiles: “YES. This
seems the only way to go – presumably a separate proposal will deal with the
English name for affinis.”
from Pacheco:
“YES. In nomenclatural terms, a very
interesting case, in my opinion, very well solved by Kirwan et al. The participation of Kevin in the original
description of islerorum and in this
paper is in tune with the "Code of Ethics" of the ICZN.”