(705) to South American Classification Committee
Correct the scientific names of (A) Leptotila cassini and (B) Amazilia saucerrottei based on evidence
in the original descriptions
Note: This proposal was first submitted to NACC, which
passed it unanimously
Background: SACC currently lists the names of these
species as Amazilia saucerrottei and
Leptotila cassini.
“New” Information: (a) Leptotila cassini
was described by Lawrence in 1867 in the Proceedings
of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The name was published as Leptotila cassinii, and was cited as
such by Hellmayr and Conover (1942), but Ridgway (1916), and Peters (1937)
cited it as cassini, and Sibley and
Monroe (1990) flatly stated that “The correct original spelling is cassini, not cassinii.” As can be seen
from the beginning of Lawrence’s description, however:
the correct original spelling is indeed
cassinii, contra Ridgway, Peters, and Sibley and Monroe. Our spelling must be corrected accordingly,
as has already been done by Dickinson and Remsen (2013) in the new Howard and Moore non-passerine volume.
(b) Amazilia
saucerrottei was described by Delattre and Bourcier in 1846 in the Revue Zoologique (Paris) as Trochilus Saucerrottei. The species was named for Nicolas Saucerotte,
a medical doctor and “ornithologiste distingué” from Lunéville, France. Saucerotte’s name is spelled correctly (with
a single “r”) in the text of the description, but incorrectly (with a double
“r”) in the name of the species, as shown below:
According to Article 32.5.1 of the Code of Zoological Nomenclature, which
covers spellings that must be corrected (incorrect original spellings), “If
there is in the original publication itself, without recourse to any external
source of information, clear evidence of an inadvertent error, such as a lapsus
calami or a copyist’s or printer’s error, it must be corrected.” The example provided in the code concerns an
author stating that a new species was being named for Linnaeus but publishing
the name as ninnaei, which would be
an incorrect original spelling to be corrected to linnaei. The case of saucerrottei is comparable, and this
name, an obvious misspelling of Saucerotte, must be corrected to saucerottei, as has already been done by
Dickinson and Remsen (2013).
Recommendation: I recommend a YES vote in favor of these corrections:
Change Leptotila cassini to Leptotila cassinii
B. Change Amazilia saucerrottei to
Amazilia saucerottei
Lit Cited:
E. C., and J. V. Remsen, Jr. (eds.). 2013. The Howard and Moore Complete
Checklist of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1. Non-passerines. Aves Press,
Eastbourne, U.K.
C. E., and B. Conover. 1942. Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the
Adjacent Islands. Zool. Ser., Field Museum of Nat. Hist., Vol. XIII, Part 1,
Number 1.
J. L. 1937. Checklist of Birds of the World, Vol. 3. Harvard Univ. Press,
Cambridge, Mass.
R. 1916. Birds of North and Middle America. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 50, Part 7.
C. G., and B. L. Monroe, Jr. 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the
World. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Peter Kovalik for making a list of discrepancies
between the new Howard and Moore and
other checklists and to Tom Schulenberg for bringing the discrepancies to our
Terry Chesser, February 2015
Comments from Claramunt:
“A. NO. cassini might be regarded as
an emendation (33.3) but article 33.4, which deals specifically with -i
and -ii endings, clearly states that we should regard cassini as
an “incorrect subsequent spelling.” In
general, incorrect subsequent spellings should not be used but Article 33.3.1.
states that “when an incorrect subsequent spelling is in prevailing usage
and is attributed to the publication of the original spelling, the subsequent
spelling and attribution are to be preserved and the spelling is deemed to be a
correct original spelling.”
“The next
question is whether cassini is in prevailing usage. The definition of
prevailing usage is (from the Code’s glossary): “that usage of the name
which is adopted by at least a substantial majority of the most recent authors
concerned with the relevant taxon, irrespective of how long ago their work was
“Note that
there is a more restrictive definition of “prevailing usage” in article 23.9.1,
but it applies to synonyms and homonyms, not to subsequent spellings.
Subsequent spellings are not synonyms.
because cassini has been in prevailing usage during the last century, I
don’t see a reason to upset stability unnecessarily by reverting to the
clumsier cassinii.”
B. “YES. Delattre and
Bourcier (1846) dedicated the species to “M. Saucerotte”; therefore, the
original publication itself indicates that saucerrottei was a
typographical error, an “incorrect original spelling” that must be corrected
(Art. 32.5.1). saucerottei is a "justified emendation" (Art.
from Areta:
“A. YES. I am
not convinced by the prevailing usage argument in this case. As I have
discussed in Proposal 719, prevailing usage might change easily and in this
case might in part stem from the wrong assertion by Sibley & Monroe (1990).
I do not see any good reason to perpetuate a mismatch between the original
spelling and subsequent spellings. The difference is minor, and it should not
result in any drastic problem. In this case an authoritative and widely cited
source (Hellmayr & Conover 1942) used the correct original spelling, and
recently Dickinson & Remsen (2013) used the original spelling again. A
Google search of Leptotila cassinii returns 15300 hits, while Leptotila
cassini returns 8200 hits (16 may 2016). Importantly, all major sources
(HBW on-line [but not the IBC site], xeno-canto, Neotropical Birds Online,
BirdLife, etc.) refer to this dove as cassinii. I have not checked
specific papers using the name of this dove. Given that both names have been
used widely, I am in favor of using the name in the original description by
YES. It is clearly an original incorrect spelling and must be corrected.”
from Pacheco: “YES to
both. Because prevailing usage of 'cassinii'
(as raised by Areta) favors the original spelling (also an appropriate
latinization). The spelling 'saucerottei'
is the obvious "justified emendation."
from Jaramillo: “A. YES.
B. YES. Nothing controversial here -- these look like good corrections to me.”
Comments from Stiles: “YES,
especially as these corrections are already in use.”
from Piacentini:
rationale is an important one; nonetheless I cannot see that cassini is in prevailing usage. The
definition given in the Glossary states that a "substantial majority of
the most recent authors" must use an ISS to afford it a prevailing usage.
The first problem is to define "most recent authors". Is it the last
100 years? The last 50, or perhaps 20? If we restrict to the last 20, most of
the important referential sources seem to be using the original spelling: HBW
online, Xeno-canto/IOC, H&M, Clements/eBird/Neotropical Birds Online, while
only SACC and the printed HBW use cassini. If we do not apply any temporal
filter, we should go through many more sources. My impression is that the
spelling "cassini" then may
supersede "cassinii", but
not by a "substantial majority". I got slightly different numbers
from Nacho when searching on Google (but I've put the name with quotation
marks): 3100 cassini vs. 2900 cassinii [19.x.2016], so we have a
percentage of about 52% vs. 48%. A more relevant search, though, should be
Google Scholar: 85 cassini vs. 80 cassinii -- again 51.5% vs. 48.5%. But
the most surprising numbers came from BHL: 7 uses of cassini vs. 16 of cassinii
[counting only when used as valid by different publications; otherwise the
numbers given were 8 vs. 37:
!]. That definitely buries the argument for prevailing usage of the ISS, in my
opinion. With all that in mind, I strongly support the use of the original
cassinii for the species.”
Additional comments from
Claramunt: “On second thought, I think
Nacho and Vitor are right in that there is no clear "prevailing
usage" of cassini versus cassinii. I should change my vote.”
Comments solicited from Murray
Bruce: “ “YES. The
–ii vs. –i issue has affected a number of eponyms and such ‘corrections’ in
more recent works usually just demonstrate that efforts were made to check the
original sources. Why the difference anyway? It was originally about Latinizing
names within Latin diagnoses before creating eponyms but for some, such as
Lawrence, this formality could be skipped by just giving an English description
but use –ii anyway, with the Latin diagnosis surviving only in the –ii, but in
these cases, it invariably connects to authors from the time when Latin
diagnoses for birds were still often provided. While these continue for plants,
in birds this formality seems to have ended with the 19th Century. For
example, Charles Hose has a Dicaeum hosii (from Sharpe in 1892) because
it has a Latin diagnosis, whereas for English diagnoses only he is commemorated
elsewhere as hosei. The difference is more obvious with vowel
ending names, except, of course, those names ending in –i, but just as
prevalent with ones like cassinii in those days, who, in a Latin
diagnosis, was Cassinius and thus the possessive –i is added to the
additional –i from the Latin declension of the name within the descriptive
framework. Apologies if I’m being superfluous in discussing this aspect,
but it seems relevant because while I see where Claramunt is going with his
points about emendations and prevailing usage, the Code has at least tried to
recognise that –ii vs. –i is a special case for reasons noted above by
highlighting them in a separate article, 33.4, despite the contradictory
example of 33.3.1 (brucii vs. brucei) seeming to belong better
with 33.4 rather than demonstrate a typical example of an ISS. This
inconsistency can seem to undermine the issue, but in all such cases, we should
try to follow the original proposed spelling, easily settled by verifying the
original source. This is despite such statements as by Sibley &
Ahlquist, who no doubt trusted Peters and Ridgway to be right because they
usually were (or did they have a bias for a single ‘i’? I have not looked
further into this point at this time). In the case here, both the –ii and –i
spellings are in use, as could be demonstrated for a number of other
species-group eponyms, making the choice of following the original spelling the
logical solution. As for saucerrottei/saucerottei, a good
example of the relevant Code rule with the name offered for dedication clearly
provided and easily solved by checking the original source. With so much
of the old literature now digitised, one can hope such cases as these can more
easily be settled.”