Proposal (713)
to South American
Classification Committee
Merge Pseudoscops
clamator into Asio
Background: Pseudoscops clamator has been included in the genus Asio Brisson 1760 (type: A. otus), Pseudoscops Kaup 1848 (type: P.
grammicus), or in its own genus Rhinoptynx
Kaup 1851(type: R. clamator). The
classification used in by SACC follows the recommendation of Olson (1995). He
examined the osteology of Asioninae owls, and suggested that otus, capensis and flammeus
shared a derived morphology that included a higher cranium dome in lateral view
and a more triangular skull outline in dorsal view. He suggested restricting Asio to these three “more advanced”
forms. Species clamator and grammicus shared a presumed more
primitive condition with more prominent frontal bones. The overall similarity
between these two species led Olson to unite them in the genus Pseudoscops, which has priority over Rhinoptynx.
Wink et al. (2008) inferred the
phylogeny of owls using a combination of cytochrome b and RAG-1 sequences. The
Asioninae clade is fairly well resolved, with strong support for most clades.
Although the tree is not complete (A.
stygius and two African species are missing), the result already indicates
that Olson’s “advanced” forms—otus, capensis and flammeus—do not form a monophyletic groups because clamator is sister to otus with 98% ML bootstrap support and a
Bayesian posterior probability of 1.
and Recommendation:
While I agree with Olson (1995) regarding skull similarities and differences,
the molecular phylogeny of Wink et al.
(2008) is a more reliable assessment of relationships. Maintaining clamator in a separate genus makes Asio paraphyletic and the simplest
solution is to place clamator back
into Asio. The binomen Asio clamator was in regular use during
the 1990s (e.g., Sibley & Monroe 1990, König et al. 1999, Marks et al.
1999). Rhinoptynx will enter the
synonymy of Asio. If grammicus is sister to clamator, as Olson (1995) suggested, Pseudoscops can also be merged into Asio, but the taxonomic status of Pseudoscops does not need to be
considered by SACC since P. grammicus
is out of the SACC region.
Literature Cited:
OLSON, S. L. 1995. The
genera of owls in the Asioninae. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club
WINK, M., A. A.
EL-SAYED, H. SAUER-GÜRTH, & J. GONZALEZ. 2009. Molecular phylogeny of owls
(Strigiformes) inferred from DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b
and the nuclear RAG-1 gene. Ardea 97(4):581-591.
Claramunt, March 2016
Comments from Remsen: “YES.
Although better sampling of taxa, genes, and individuals would obviously
be desirable, I think this is sufficient evidence for merging Pseudoscops and Rhinoptynx
into Asio.”
from Stiles: “YES.
Strong genetic support clearly places clamator
in Asio. This is our question,
and NACC should deal with generic status of grammicus,
which morphologically seems the likely sister species of clamator, although genetic evidence is currently lacking.”
from Areta: “NO. The
easy alternative would be to place everything in Asio. However, without
sampling of the type of Pseudoscops [i.e., grammicus] we cannot
make an informed decision. Taxon sampling is not satisfactory: note that only 4
out of 7 recognized species were sampled, and the situation gets worst when
subspecies of very-widespread taxa are considered. Even if Olson was wrong
regarding species-level relationships, this does not mean that Pseudoscops must
go. Vocally and structurally, grammicus and clamator are similar,
whereas capensis and flammeus are morphologically and
structurally similar (although differing notably in vocalizations). Prima
facie, three groups appear to be recognizable: the whistling grammicus and
clamator, the open grassland and short- eared capensis and flammeus
in a separate clade, and the low-pitched single-hooting forest species (otus
and I would also say stygius). I am not even close to suggesting
where the unsampled abyssinicus and madagascariensis would fall.
So, based on natural history data, preliminary interpretations regarding
morphological similarities, and lack of more compelling phylogenetic data I'd
rather keep the distinctive clamator in a genus different from the type Asio
otus, either in Pseudoscops (if sister to grammicus) or in Rhinoptynx
(if distantly related to the core Asio). Asio as a genus
seems to hide more than what it shows, and I like cohesive genera.”
from Pacheco: “NO. Given Nacho's comments, I prefer
to be cautious and wait for broader coverage in the molecular analysis of this
group of owls.”
Additional comments from
Claramunt: “I wanted to emphasize that merging clamator into Asio
is the easiest solution AND the only solution available at the moment! Nacho’s
suggestion of splitting these owls into three genera is interesting but
implementation of that classification will need to wait until further studies
are published, in particular, a phylogeny with higher taxon sampling and a
formal description of a new genus for the “flammeus group”, because the
type of Asio is A. otus,
and there does not seem to be a genus name available for the flammeus
group. We have to work with the evidence at hand. Taxon sampling in Wink et al.
(2009) is not complete but is nonetheless sufficient to demonstrate that clamator
is embedded into Asio. A “No” on this proposal would perpetuate an
erroneous classification in which clamator is portrayed to be out of the
group formed by otus, flammeus, stygius, and other owls
currently in Asio (i.e. a non-phylogenetic classification).”
from Jaramillo: “YES. I
understand and feel Nacho’s point, this seems like a step back in some respects
as Asio might better be separated
into various groups. The call structure however, could be due to acoustical
convergence due to habitat type? Or perhaps not. On the other hand, Santiago
makes the point that I am voting on. Right now, there is no way to defend
retention of Pseudoscops given that
we know it is something embedded in what we understand to be Asio. So maybe in the future this genus
can be divided again, once we have more information, but with today’s
information we cannot leave Pseudoscops
as is.”
Additional comments from
Areta: “I disagree in that this is
THE only solution available at the moment. The argument put forward by Santiago
is inherently circular: because what is at stake is the concept of Asio,
available evidence does not indicate per se that clamator is
"embedded" within Asio, but rather is embedded within one
possible and generous definition of Asio. Importantly, a closer
relationship between grammicus and clamator has not been
falsified, and thus there is nothing solid against usage of Pseudoscops
clamator or even Rhinoptynx clamator as names. The problem, as I see
it, is making a change with meager data. Is it better to change to something
that might be wrong or inaccurate or to stick to our present treatment, which
could likewise be wrong or inaccurate? I am concerned by stability in this
case: if we put everything into Asio and later evidence indicates that
it makes much more sense to put this species in Pseudoscops or Rhinoptynx
we would have added the usage of a different name without solid reasons.
Fitting everything into Asio when half of the species and less than half
of the taxa have been sampled seems risky to me. But, as I said before, it is
the easy solution to embrace a fully phylogenetic classification which
nonetheless needs to assume that the addition of the other >50% of taxa in
"Asio" will not change how we conceive the genus.”
Additional comments from
Claramunt: “There is nothing circular
in my reasoning; it follows from the basic principle of modern taxonomy adopted
by our SACC in which supraspecific taxa should be monophyletic. If clamator is kept as Pseudoscops, then Asio
remains paraphyletic. Taxon sampling in Wink et al. (2008) is sufficient for
demonstrating the paraphyly of our Asio
because we have flammeus in Asio but clamator is more closely related to Asio otus, the type of the genus Asio. The hypothetical alternative envisioned by Nacho requires
information that we do not have now; it would require a minimum of one
publication describing a new genus for flammeus
and defining the phylogenetic position of stygius
and grammicus. Therefore, maybe
sometime in the future there will be other alternatives, including the one
envisioned by Nacho, but right know, that alternative is just speculation. On
the other hand, our flawed current taxonomy can be corrected by merging clamator into Asio. I also wanted to emphasize that this change has minimal
effects on stability because Asio
clamator has been used more often than Pseudoscops
clamator (for example, a search in Google Scholar results in 284 references
citing Asio clamator versus 142
references citing Pseudoscops clamator).”
Comments from Robbins: “YES, based on the
evidence at hand, there is only one conclusion that can be made: clamator should be placed in Asio.”
Comments from Zimmer: “YES. I am wholly sympathetic to Nacho's line of
reasoning, and his arguments regarding three apparent groups within the species
under consideration are compelling, and agree with my field experience with the
taxa in question (and by the way, abyssinicus, at least, would seem
pretty clearly to group with otus and stygius on vocal,
morphological and natural history grounds). I do think that the vocal
characters separating these "groups" are not quite as simple as
presented -- clamator also hoots (much like the typical hoots of otus
and stygius), and stygius routinely gives piercing whistles (much
like the typical calls of clamator) -- so the vocal distinctions may be
less of repertoire and more of frequency of use or context. But that is
neither here nor there. With regard to the proposal, setting aside the
very real problems of incomplete taxon-sampling, the Wink et al. (2009) paper
presents us with a situation in which clamator is clearly embedded with Asio,
as we currently understand it (whether or not our understanding is correct).
It seems preferable to correct what we know to be wrong, at least within
our current understanding of Asio, than to wait to do anything until
such time as more taxa have been sampled and we have (perhaps) a greatly
revised understanding of Asio. I
look forward to revisiting this question in the (hopefully) not-too-distant
future, when we have more data involving more taxa within this group, by which
time I suspect Nacho's assessment of structure within Asio will have
gained much more traction. Like Nacho, I too prefer more internally
cohesive genera.”
from Cadena: “YES. I hear Nacho's points, but I think
it is clear that otus, clamator, capensis, and flammeus
form a clade within which clamator is
sister to otus. This calls for a
change in classification to make Asio
monophyletic, and the simplest solution is to merge clamator into Asio. More
complete sampling will undoubtedly reveal details about relationship in this
clade that are not apparent right now, but that would not necessarily result in
further changes in classification assuming all these taxa will be members of
this same clade. One thing that bothers me a bit with the Wink et al. data set
is that three of the taxa relevant to the issues discussed here were sampled
from captive animals. I don’t know anything about hybridization in owls in
captivity, but given problems related to hybridization in other groups in which
material from captive animals was used in taxonomy (e.g. cracids), I always
wonder about why do researchers not use material from animals collected in the
comments from Pacheco:
“YES. I will change my vote here to Yes. After carefully rereading I am now convinced
that the Santiago's suggestion is a step forward.”