(741) to South American Classification Committee
Split Zimmerius vilissimus into two or three
Effect on SACC: Elevates Zimmerius
improbus and Zimmerius petersi to
species rank.
Background: Paltry Tyrannulet (Zimmerius
vilissimus) is a common and familiar bird of Central America and
northwestern South America. It occurs in several disjunct populations that
correspond to recognized subspecies as well as some populations that may
additional taxonomic recognition. There are five named taxa that NACC and SACC
currently include within Zimmerius
· Zimmerius v. vilissimus -
Paltry Tyrannulet, southeastern Mexico, southern Belize, much of Guatemala, and
possibly northwestern Honduras
· Zimmerius v. parvus -
Mistletoe Tyrannulet, most of northern Honduras, eastern Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Panama, and a small part of Colombia bordering Panama.
· Zimmerius z. petersi -
Venezuelan Tyrannulet, coastal mountains of north-central Venezuela
· Zimmerius z. improbus -
Mountain Tyrannulet or Specious Tyrannulet, Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and
Mérida Cordillera of Venezuela
· Zimmerius z. tamae -
Mountain Tyrannulet or Specious Tyrannulet, Tamá Paramo of Venezuela, Santa
Marta Range of Colombia, Serranía de Perijá of Colombia and Venezuela
This map is based on the range map from the Neotropical
Birds Online default account
( -
I've just submitted an updated account for this species), and has a few errors:
the Z. i. vilissimus population in southern Guatemala extends into central El Salvador, and
Z. i. petersi is separated from Z.
i. improbus by an extensive low elevation
region near Barquisimetro, Venezuela. The southernmost Z. i. tamae population is restricted to the Tamá Paramo
in western Venezuela, with Z. i. improbus populations to both the east and west (though references disagree on
the exact range of these two taxa, particularly the Norte de Santander,
Colombia, population).
SACC is perhaps the last group
maintaining this complex as a single species. Taxonomic arrangements accepted by various references include:
· Howard
and Moore - Dickinson & Christidis (2014): Z. vilissimus (Paltry Tyrannulet), Z. improbus (Mountain Tyrannulet), and Z. petersi (Venezuelan Tyrannulet)
· Handbook
of Birds of the World - Fitzpatrick et al. (2004): Z. vilissimus (Paltry Tyrannulet), Z. improbus (Venezuelan Tyrannulet)
World Bird List - Gill and Donsker (2017): Z.
vilissimus (Paltry Tyrannulet), Z.
parvus (Mistletoe Tyrannulet), Z.
improbus (Specious Tyrannulet), and Z.
petersi (Venezuelan Tyrannulet)
SACC has previously visited this
species, in Proposal 441 (
Proposal 441 was based on a Donegan et al. (2010) qualitative review of calls
from xeno-canto as well as references to plumage differences. Without a
rigorous review of the calls, the committee did not accept the proposal.
Several voting members preferred to hold off until genetic data were available.
New information: Rheindt et al. (2013) undertook a molecular analysis of the
entire genus Zimmerius, with denser
taxon-sampling within the Z. vilissimus complex.
Their samples came from museum vouchers, and they obtained sequence from both
mitochondrial DNA (ND2 plus some adjacent tRNA-Met) and nuclear DNA (FiB5).
Their results are robust: they recovered the same topology among named taxa
using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian approaches, and when
analyzing each gene separately as well as with a concatenated dataset.
Their Figure 3, shown below, is based
on the concatenated dataset. They have highlighted in red the taxa currently
included in Zimmerius vilissimus.
There are at least three non-sister taxa within Zimmerius vilissimus. Only one Z.
v. petersi sample was available, but it is a distinct lineage that is
sister to Z. gracilipes. Secondly, Z. v. improbus is a separate clade that
is sister to five other South American taxa (with strong support for improbus monophyly, but without
significant support for this arrangement). Finally, Z. v. parvus and Z. v.
vilissimus are part of an unresolved polytomy together with Z. albigularis.
Figure 3. Bayesian tree topology of the concatenated dataset
(outgroup not shown). Nomenclature is based on the taxonomic recommendations of
the present study. The green vertical bar marks the former Zimmerius chrysops (sensu Remsen et al., 2012). Taxa formerly
subsumed under Zimmerius vilissimus
are given in red. Branch support is given in the order: parsimony
bootstrap/maximum likelihood bootstrap/Bayesian posterior probabilities. Only
significant branch support is given, here defined as > 90 (for Bayesian) or
> 85 (for parsimony/likelihood). A bold ‘100’ indicates maximum branch
support for all three analytical modes. Where only one nonbold number is given,
it refers to Bayesian support and implies that likelihood and parsimony support
were not significant.
The structure within the Z. i. improbus / tamae group was
unclear; samples instead fell into three groups: (1) Norte de Santander, Colombia & Táchira, Venezuela: 4
samples; (2) Santa Marta Range of Colombia: 2 samples; (3) Serranía de Perijá
of Colombia: 2 samples. This group needs additional clarification with
molecular, song, and plumage analysis.
The authors suggest that four taxa be
recognized: Z. vilissimus, Z. parvus, Z. petersi, and Z. improbus.
The Z. vilissimus-parvus split should
be considered by the NACC; the remaining splits directly impact South America.
Recommendation: Based on the Rheindt et al. (2013) molecular analysis, I
suggest a vote structured as follows:
NO: Maintain the status quo, with five
named subspecies within Zimmerius
YES: Split Zimmerius vilissimus into two species:
Zimmerius vilissimus (including vilissimus
and parvus) - Paltry Tyrannulet
Zimmerius improbus (including tamae
and petersi) - Venezuelan Tyrannulet
NO: If part A is accepted, then this
would maintain two species: Zimmerius
vilissimus and Zimmerius improbus.
YES: Split Zimmerius vilissimus into three species:
Zimmerius vilissimus
(includes Z. v. parvus) - Paltry Tyrannulet
Zimmerius improbus (includes Z. i. tamae)
- Mountain or Specious Tyrannulet
Zimmerius petersi (monotypic) - Venezuelan Tyrannulet
recommendation is YES for both parts.
· Part A
is straightforward: vilissimus and improbus are well-sampled in this
phylogeny, and are clearly not sister taxa. Their calls and plumage differ, and
they are quite disjunct. Their altitudinal ranges differ (all elevations in
Central America; mid-elevations in South America).
· Part B
recognizes three non-sister taxa as full species. Rheindt et al. (2013)
analyzed the petersi-improbus split; forcing those two taxa
to be sister taxa was rejected by a Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. There are strong
plumage differences between improbus and
petersi, and Rheindt et al. mentions
that there are call differences, though details have not been published. The English
name for Z. improbus is unclear: both
Mountain and Specious Tyrannulet are already in use.
Donegan, T., Salaman, P., Caro, D. & McMullan, M. 2010.
Revision of the status of bird species occurring in Colombia 2010. Conservación Colombiana 13: 25-54.
Rheindt, F. E., A. M Cuervo, and R. T. Brumfield. 2013.
Rampant polyphyly indicates cryptic diversity in a clade of Neotropical
flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae). Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society 108:889-900.
Andrew W. Jones, February 2017
Note from Remsen: If this proposal passes, then a separate proposal needed
for English names. SACC policy on
English names is to avoid using the "parent" species English name,
i.e. Paltry Tyrannulet, for one of the daughter species if avoidable.
from Stotz:
“A YES. B YES. I would rather have more
explicit description of the vocal differences here, but the fact that these
taxa are all over the tree indicates to me that they should be fully
split. There are a couple of English
name issues. If we split up vilissimus, normally we would not use
Paltry Tyrannulet for vilissimus, but
would create a new name. I don’t have a
good alternative, but would be open to any ideas anybody else has (maybe Tom
Schulenberg has an idea). For improbus, I would say Mountain. I have no idea what the theory behind
Specious Tyrannulet as an English name is.”
from Stiles:
to A and B. The three S.A. taxa are nowhere near being sisters and differ
considerably in plumage. Refer the vilissimus-parvus
split to NACC.”
Comments from Zimmer: “YES to A and B”.
It’s pretty clear from looking at the tree that the three South American
taxa are not sisters, and the three-way split makes more sense than any other
option. My memory of petersi is that it was vocally and
morphologically a pretty different beast from the Central American populations
that I was much more familiar with. I
can’t speak to differences between improbus/tamae
and the others, but the tree tells me enough.
I would argue that the four-species split favored by Rheindt et al
(2013) is the even better path, but the split of parvus and vilissimus is
out of our jurisdiction. As for English
names: I think “Mistletoe Tyrannulet”
for parvus and “Venezuelan
Tyrannulet” for petersi should be
baked in, and I have a definite preference for “Mountain Tyrannulet” over
“Specious Tyrannulet” for improbus/tamae. If NACC does, indeed, end up splitting vilissimus and parvus, then I would think that a new name would be desirable for vilissimus. If NACC doesn’t split those two, then I would
actually suggest adopting “Mistletoe” as the modifier for the combined vilissimus/parvus.”
from Jaramillo:
“YES – to A and B. Having recently returned from the Perijá Mountains after a
visit to Guatemala, it is hard to fathom that improbus and vilissimus
are considered sympatric. Not only are they quite different in plumage, the
size and structure differences are easily visible. So, it is heartening to see
the molecular data bear this out.”
from Areta:
"YES to A and B. I wish there was more information available for petersi, but how little data is
available on genetics and vocalizations is consistent with species level
differentiation for Zimmerius petersi."
from Robbins:
"YES to both A and B, as the genetic data demonstrate that the three
pertinent taxa to our committee aren’t even sister taxa.?"
Comments from Claramunt:
"A YES. Z. improbus seems
a well differentiated clade and separated from the trans-Andean clade.
"B YES. Z. petersi falls in a clade with bolivianus and gracilipes only
in mtDNA but Bf5 strongly suggests affinities with improbus, which
makes more biogeographical sense (note that the proposal is misleading in
saying that analyses of the two genes produced the same topology). So, there’s
gene-tree incongruence here. But given the levels of gene divergence, the
conflict seems an issue lineage sorting in ancestral populations, not ongoing
gene flow. In addition, there are plumage differences (although I wouldn’t say
they are “strong”) and songs seem also to differ drastically (two notes versus
one note, if I’m interpreting well what is available on-line).
"Finally, note that two of the basal nodes in the mtDNA tree
are not strongly supported and one of those conflicts with one strongly
supported BF5 node. So, be cautious in reading the mtDNA tree. Some nodes may
reflect just the stochasticity of gene genealogies rather than species
relationships. For example, I would not be surprised if BF5 turns to be right
in suggesting that petersi is sister to improbus."
Comments from Pacheco: "YES to A and B. In both cases, the data now available indicate
that those involved taxa are not sisters."