Proposal (776) to South American Classification Committee
from Remsen: Below is the proposal submitted
to, passed by, and adopted by NACC; see latest NACC Supplement in Auk
2018). I made a few minor edits for
SACC. For NACC members’ comments on this
proposal, see:,
proposal 2017-A-8). Northern Harrier (currently
C. cyaneus in our classification) is
a wintering (NB) species in the Colombia and Venezuela)
Treat New World Circus (c.) hudsonius as a separate species from
Old World Circus cyaneus
Description of the problem: In 2015, NACC considered but narrowly rejected (by seven
votes to five) a proposal (2015-C-9) to split Circus cyaneus and C.
hudsonius, the latter currently considered a subspecies of the former.
(See:, 2015-C-9) The primary basis behind some committee members’
rejection of the split was the weak genetic sampling coupled with the relatively
low genetic divergence (1.1 to 1.7%). Another objection was the lack of
demonstrated vocal differences.
New information: Etherington and Mobley (2016) compared cyaneus and hudsonius in
DNA, plumage, measurements, and ecology, and recommended on these bases that
they should be considered separate species. These authors sequenced a few new
samples of cyt b (8 frozen tissues of hudsonius
and 3 toepads of cyaneus), and used
GenBank samples of COI from bar-coding (4 hudsonius,
7 cyaneus) and Oatley et al.’s (2015)
ND1 sequences for further analyses. They
found in each of their analyses that cyaneus
and hudsonius form monophyletic
clades. They also found genetic distances ranging from 1.3 to 1.8% between the
two taxa. They noted that in several other cases genetic distance between
undisputed species-pairs of raptors is in this range, well below 2%.
The morphological data presented by
Etherington and Mobley (2016) confirm that, sex-for-sex, hudsonius is larger than cyaneus.
They review the sexual and age-related differences between the taxa, noting
that adult males differ by 13 morphological characters, females by about four,
and juveniles by three or more.
In the discussion, Etherington and
Mobley (2016) noted “numerous differences between cyaneus and hudsonius when it
comes to vocalization, habitat, distribution and movements, mate choice and
breeding biology”, and yet their vocal analysis is limited to two paragraphs
summarizing characteristics of sonograms in the Western Palearctic handbook
(Cramp and Simmons 1980) and the BNA account (MacWhirter and Bildstein 1996);
no mention is made of online resources nor commercial CDs. They concluded based
on this tiny sample that the taxa differ vocally in that cyaneus gives kek calls
at a faster rate than does hudsonius,
both in male and female distress calls.
Etherington and Mobley (2016) then
compared life-history information extracted from the literature. They argue
that hudsonius is a bird of wetlands,
prairies, dry grasslands, and agricultural areas, whereas cyaneus breeds in heather moorland, sand dunes, young coniferous
forest, sedge-rich northern lakes, and woodland (both open- and closed-canopy).
(Note that Old World marsh habitat is typically occupied by the larger marsh
harriers.) Although cyaneus breeds at
least mostly in dry upland habitats, hudsonius
typically breeds among reed beds in marshes, even constructing platforms that
raise the nest above the water level. Other life-history comparisons given by
these authors include that in cyaneus
females have been recorded as displaying much more than males, whereas the
reverse has been found in hudsonius;
and that female hudsonius have been
recorded as being much more capable of successfully raising young successfully
after desertion by the male than is cyaneus.
Despite the statement quoted in the previous paragraph, data are not presented
on differences in mate choice, and the differences discussed in distribution
and migratory route provide no data relevant to species status.
Subsequent treatments: As far as I am aware, SACC is the only major relevant avian
taxonomic entity that has yet to adopt this split.
Effect on SACC: New World C. c.
hudsonius (Northern Harrier) would be considered specifically distinct but
would not necessarily require an English name change.
Recommendations: Etherington and Mobley (2016) provided further evidence that
cyaneus and hudsonius are discrete lineages with differing breeding habitats
and possibly with behavioral differences. The vocal differences alluded to therein
simply do not hold up, however, I reexamined the recordings from commercial CDs
that led to our conclusion in Rasmussen and Anderton (2005) that vocalizations
are broadly similar (mainly Roché 1996 and Chappuis 2000) for cyaneus, and compared these and the few
for cyaneus on xeno-canto with the
now-extensive sample for hudsonius
from several sources. This expanded sample shows that there is complete overlap
in rate of kek calls, and I can hear
no intertaxon differences in quality of these or the other main vocalization
type, the more prolonged mewing calls. That is not to say that careful study of
homologous display sounds would not turn up differences, but these must be
subtle at best. Because many diurnal raptors lack obvious vocal differences,
especially among those (like harriers) that tend to be fairly quiet, I do not
think this is particularly consequential. (Note the dearth of recordings of cyaneus even on xeno-canto, and a total
lack thereof on Macaulay Library and IBC sites, which is surprising for a
widely distributed Palearctic species.)
However, these taxa are
well-differentiated morphologically, more so than most other
Holarctic-distributed species (e.g. subspecies of Golden Eagle, Rough-legged
Hawk, Common Raven, Greater Scaup, and Common Goldeneye, for example). I have
thought them better treated as separate species for a couple of decades now,
ever since preparing materials for our book. In retrospect, I think that my
quote from Oberholser in the original proposal may have led some to be swayed
by his viewpoint, which was probably based on examination of specimens with
folded wings, and thus not a full accounting of the prominent differences,
especially in adult males.
Please vote on (A), and if your vote
is yes, also vote on (B):
(A) recommend splitting Circus
hudsonius from C. cyaneus.
(B) If split, I recommend continuing to use the name
Northern Harrier for C. hudsonius
(rationale given in:,
Literature cited:
Chappuis, C. 2000. African Bird Sounds.
Birds of north, west and central Africa. 11 CD set. Soc. d’Etudes Orn. France,
Cramp, S. and K. E. L. Simmons. 1980.
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of
the Western Palearctic. Vol II. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Etherington, G. J. and J. A. Mobley.
2016. Molecular phylogeny, morphology and life-history comparisons within Circus cyaneus reveal the presence of
two distinct evolutionary lineages. Avian Research 7: 17.
MacWhirter, R. B. and K. L. Bildstein. 1996. Northern
Harrier (Circus cyaneus). In: Poole, A. and F. Gill (eds.). The Birds of
North America (No. 210).
Rasmussen, P. C. and J. C. Anderton. 2005. Birds of South
Asia: the Ripley Guide. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Roché, J. C. 1996. Bird Songs and Calls of Britain and
Europe on 4 CDs. WildSounds.
Pam Rasmussen, February 2018
Comments from Claramunt: “YES. Morphometrically
there’s a lot of overlap and I don’t think there’s anything “significant”
there. Although they don’t show quantitatively that there is discontinuity in
the variation, they say that all individuals of hudsonius can
be distinguished from all individuals of cyaneus based on
multiple plumage traits. The illustrations and photographs that I’ve seen so
far corroborate that. The differences are not outstanding, but they seem
diagnostic. What is missing from this proposal is the results of Oatley et al.
(2015), which showed that hudsonius is more closely related
to C. cinereus than to cyaneus based (mostly)
on ND1 mtDNA sequences (however, some CO1 sequences that I reanalyzed
show cyaneus and hudsonius as sister, so don’t
take Oatley et al. 2015 as the final word on this). In any case, I think that
the evidence so far indicates that hudsonius is a
species-level taxon and evidence of reproductive compatibility with cyaneus is
completely absent.”
Comments from Stiles: “YES - the argument is well summarized by
Santiago, and the split has been accepted by NACC.”
from Jaramillo:
“YES. Etherington and Mobley did a great
job of summarizing the multiple lines of evidence that these are closely
related taxa, but which deem species status. It is of particular interest to
determine where C. cinereus fits in.
If it is sister to hudsonius, the
fact that it is much more divergent in plumage would suggest that the
similarity between hudsonius and cyaneus may be convergent perhaps.”
Comments from Pacheco: “YES. Diagnostically well-differentiated morphology.”