Proposal (791) to South American
Classification Committee
Establish English names
for species in the Zimmerius vilissimus
passed Proposal 741 (Split Zimmerius vilissimus into two or three
leading to the recognition of three species:
including nominate vilissimus
(extralimital) and parvus
Zimmerius improbus, including nominate improbus and tamae
Zimmerius petersi, which is monotypic
proposal has not been implemented, however, because SACC has not yet adopted
English names for these taxa.
for names for these taxa are a mixed bag. Mistletoe Tyrannulet was used for vilissimus (sensu lato) by Stiles and Skutch (1989); perhaps this name was in
earlier use, but if so, I have not yet stumbled across it. The taxon in Costa
Rica is parvus, and Mistletoe
Tyrannulet already has been adopted by other authorities that recognize parvus as a monotypic species (World Bird List, McMullan and Donegan
2014, del Hoyo and Collar 2016). This name would be appropriate for SACC as
well, even if SACC maintains parvus
as a subspecies of vilissimus (sensu stricto). (Recognizing vilissimus and parvus as two monotypic species is a reasonable option, based on
Traylor 1982 and Rheindt et al. 2013, but arguably is an issue for NACC.) By
the way, the Ridgway (1907) and Hellmayr (1927) names are Paltry for nominate vilissimus and Lesser Paltry for parvus; needless to say, these do not
present SACC with any useful options.
Tyrannulet already is in use for petersi
(World Bird List, Dickinson and
Christidis 2014, del Hoyo and Collar 2016). This name also is used by many
authors, including Ridgely and Tudor (1994, 2009), Hilty (2003), Fitzpatrick
(2004), and McMullan and Donegan (2014), for a slightly broader concept, Zimmerius improbus, including both tamae and petersi. The taxon petersi is
not widespread in Venezuela, but it is endemic to that country. And the
modifier Venezuelan has precedent in this case, given its use for species with
similar distributions, such as Venezuelan Sylph Aglaiocercus berlepschi, Venezuelan Bristle-Tyrant Phylloscartes venezuelanus, and
Venezuelan Flowerpiercer Diglossa
venezuelensis. The Hellmayr (1927) name is Peters’s Tyrannulet. I haven't
seen any other name in English. Phelps and Phelps (1950) referred to petersi as Bobito de Serranías Caraqueño, suggesting that Caracas Tyrannulet
is a possibility, similar to Caracas Tapaculo Scytalopus caracae. Given that Venezuelan Tyrannulet already is in
wide use for petersi, however, and that
Caracas Tyrannulet or Peters’s Tyrannulet are not obviously better, Venezuelan
Tyrannulet remains the best choice for this species.
Those two
were the easier cases. For improbus,
two names already are in use. Hellmayr (1927) used Mountain Tyrannulet for
nominate improbus, and this name was
resurrected by Dickinson and Christidis (2014) and del Hoyo and Collar (2016).
This is not the most inspired or informative name, but there is plenty of
precedent among Neotropical birds for a name of this form, e.g., Mountain
Avocetbill Opisthoprora euryptera,
Mountain Velvetbreast Lafresnaya
lafresnayi, Mountain Trogon Trogon
mexicanus (Middle America), Mountain Caracara Phalcoboenus megalopterus, Mountain Parakeet Psilopsiagon aurifrons, Mountain Elaenia Elaenia frantzii, Mountain Wren Troglodytes
solstitialis, Mountain Thrush Turdus
plebejus (Middle America), Mountain Cacique Cacicus chrysonotus, and Mountain Grackle Macroagelaius subalaris. On the other hand, World Bird List has adopted Specious
Tyrannulet for improbus. This name
was coined by Frank Rheindt in a draft proposal to SACC recommending splits in
the Zimmerius vilissimus complex
(similar to those that SACC eventually adopted, but going farther in splitting vilissimus and parvus). As presented in the (never submitted) draft proposal, the
explanation for the name was "I seriously suggest the name 'Specious
Tyrannulet' for three reasons: (1) it is at least partly synonymous with the
meaning of its scientific species name (Latin improbus = dishonest), (2) it appropriately describes some of the
taxonomic history of this bird, (3) it is a long-due English name in the same
category as 'Cryptic Warbler' and perhaps 'Furtive Flycatcher' that describes
the subjective emotional impression some of these birds have made on us
researchers". Note that Jobling (HBW Online) translates improbus as "inferior" (in, not; probus, good, excellent). Rheindt's take on this (email to TSS,
April 2018) is "I am fairly certain that 'inferior' should not be a good
rendition of the meaning of improbus.
This word is the antonym of 'probus',
which means 'proper', 'honest', 'virtuous'. The meaning of improbus can be rendered in many ways, such as 'improper',
'immoderate', but I think 'disingenuous' or 'dishonest' hits it best in this
case". So, the etymologies that Jobling and Rheindt came up with are in
the same ballpark, but they differ on how best to express that thought in
English. And I have no idea what Sclater and Salvin meant by coining this name.
I appreciate a clever name, but my take on Specious is that it is just reaching
too far; perhaps this name resonates more with others.
the options are
Zimmerius vilissimus
A) Mistletoe Tyrannulet
B) a great alternative
name that has not yet been proposed
Zimmerius petersi
C) Venezuelan
D) Peters’s Tyrannulet
(thanks Duncan Ritchie for pointing out the correct formulation of the name)
E) Caracas Tyrannulet
F) a great alternative
name that has not yet been proposed
Zimmerius improbus
G) Mountain Tyrannulet
H) Specious Tyrannulet
I) Spectacled
Tyrannulet (as per Gary Stiles’ suggestion)
recommendations are A, C, and I.
del Hoyo,
J., and N.J. Collar. 2016. HBW and BirdLife International illustrated checklist
of the birds of the world. Volume 2. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
E.C., and L. Christidis (editors). 2014. The Howard and Moore complete
checklist of the birds of the world. Fourth edition. Volume 2. Passerines. Aves
Press, Eastbourne, United Kingdom.
J.W. 2004. Family Tyrannidae (tyrant flycatchers). Pages 170-462 in J. del
Hoyo, A. Elliott, and D.A. Christie (editors), Handbook of the birds of the
world. Volume 9. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
C. E. 1927. Catalogue of the birds
of the Americas and the adjacent islands. Part V. Field Museum of
Natural History Zoological Series volume 13, part 5.
S.L. 2003. Birds of Venezuela. Second edition. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, New Jersey.
M., and T. Donegan. 2014. Field guide to the birds of Colombia. Second edition.
Fundación ProAves, Bogotá.
W.H., and W.H. Phelps, Jr. 1950. Lista de las aves de Venezuela con su
distribución. Parte 2. Passeriformes.
Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 12: 1-427.
F. E., A. M Cuervo, and R. T. Brumfield. 2013. Rampant polyphyly indicates
cryptic diversity in a clade of Neotropical flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 889-900.
R.S., and G. Tudor. 1994. The birds of South America. Volume II. The suboscine
passerines. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.
R. S., and G. Tudor. 2009. Field guide to the songbirds of South America.
University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.
R. 1907. The birds of North and
Middle America. Part IV. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 50, part 4.
P.L., and O. Salvin. 1870 [1871]. Descriptions of five new species of
birds from the United States of Colombia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of
London [1870]: 840-844.
F. G., and A. F. Skutch. 1989. A guide to the birds of Costa Rica. Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, New York.
M.A., Jr. 1982. Notes on tyrant
flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae). Fieldiana new series number 13.
Tom Schulenberg, May
Note on voting from Remsen: A YES vote on each
indicates going with Tom’s recommendations (A, C, I), and a NO is for other
options (indicate in Comments which one.
from Stiles:
“A: YES to Mistletoe Tyrannulet: its strong preference for mistletoe berries
was evident to Skutch and me in Costa Rica, and to him in Guatemala. B: I’m OK
with Venezuelan Tyrannulet. C: I agree that Mountain is a rather insipid
adjective for improbus, and I must say that “Specious” seems pretty pedantic.
However, improbus does have a
striking facial pattern, with a white superciliary and white suborbital
crescent; How about Spectacled Tyrannulet?”
from Schulenberg:
Tyrannulet" (Gary's suggestion) is a fine name for Zimmerius improbus.”
Note from Remsen: “With Tom’s permission, I added Gary’s
“Spectacled” as Option I and Tom’s preference.”
Comments from Steve
Hilty: “The names outlined by
Gary and Tom look good. Spectacled, in particular, seems appropriate for the improbus
group because of the prominent face pattern. Mistletoe is also fine for the
Central American parvus. In fact, it would work for almost any of these
little Zimmerius because all of them eat a lot of mistletoe berries.”