(82) to South American
Classification Committee
Treat Oryzoborus
funereus as conspecific with O. angolensis
Effect on South American
CL: This proposal would lump two species currently recognized
as separate species on our baseline list; they are treated as conspecific in a
majority of current classifications.
Background: The
two taxa involved consist of the black-bellied, Middle American and mostly
trans-Andean funereus group, and the chestnut-bellied, mostly
cis-Andean angolensis group. Although the difference in the
single plumage character is striking, they seem to otherwise be
"identical." They were long treated as separate species (e.g.,
Hellmayr 1938) until Meyer de Schauensee (1966, 1970) and Paynter (1970) lumped
them, based on the existence of intermediate specimens from their contact zone
in northern Colombia in Santa Marta region and the Magdalena Valley, as well as
the existence of specimens throughout the range of funereus with
traces of angolensis-like chestnut in their plumage. The latter has
been interpreted as evidence of gene flow or of natural "ancestral"
variability in funereus reflecting their common ancestry.
Olson (1981), however, said that such specimens were almost always subadult
males and, therefore, that the presence of these chestnut feathers did not
reflect gene flow.
Olson (1981), however, did
advocate continued treatment of them as a single species because of the
intermediate plumage of specimens in the contact zone.
This was followed by Hilty
& Brown (1986), Ridgely & Tudor (1989), and Sibley & Monroe (1990)
and most other authors.
The AOU (1983, 1998),
however, continued to maintain funereus as a species, and as a
member of that committee, I can report that the rationale was as follows: (1)
the two forms maintain themselves as discrete phenotypic units over a huge
range that stretches from Mexico to Argentina with no hint of extensive gene flow
despite apparently ample opportunity for this in northern Colombia; and (2)
Olson's conclusions were based on only 12 specimens from the area of contact
that showed intermediate plumage states, and it is not really clear from
Olson's paper whether "pure" phenotypic types were also found in this
same region (Magdalena Valley). Thus, the AOU preferred to wait for better
data, either a more explicit analysis of all specimens from northern Colombia
or, preferably, some field data.
Analysis: There
is not much to analyze here. On the one hand, these two forms are similar, and
available data, scanty as it is, suggests extensive hybridization at contact
zone. Although explicit comparisons seem to be missing, I cannot find any hint
that their songs differ. On the other hand, the abrupt shift in phenotype
across a very small area compared to the massive areas occupied by
"pure" populations suggests that more thorough analysis is needed to
investigate the true nature of the contact.
Recommendation: I will
vote "NO" on this proposal because in the absence of real data, I see
little reason to change our current classification. Perhaps by maintaining a
"minority" view in our classification, we will provoke a badly needed
Literature Cited:
HELLMAYR, C. E. 1938.
Catalogue of birds of the Americas. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser.,
vol. 13, pt. 11.
BROWN. 1986. A guide to the birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, New Jersey.
1966. The species of birds of South America and their distribution. Livingston
Publishing Co., Narberth, Pennsylvania.
1970. A guide to the birds of South America. Livingston Publishing Co.,
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.
OLSON, S. L. 1981.
Interaction between the two subspecies groups of the seed-finch Sporophila
angolensis in the Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Auk 98: 379-381.
PAYNTER, R. A., JR. 1970.
Subfamily Emberizinae. Pp. 3-214 in "Check-list of birds of the World,
Vol. 8" (Paynter R. A., Jr., ed.). Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
TUDOR. 1989. The birds of South America, vol. 1. Univ. Texas Press, Austin.
MONROE, JR. 1990. Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the World. Yale
University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.
Remsen, December 2003
SACC voting chart
proposals 1-99
Comments from Robbins:
"[NO]. I vote "no" if for no other reason than to follow A.O.U.
and our current treatment."
Comments from Stiles:
"[NO]. I agree with Van on this one. They are likely one
species, but more solid published data should be forthcoming before taking
issue with 'Papa'."
Comments from Zimmer:
"NO, although I don't feel on particularly strong ground with this
Comments from Stotz:
"NO. I think the supporting data for this split or lump is weak. Somebody
needs to study this in detail."
Comments from Jaramillo:
"NO. happy to retain them as different until someone proves
otherwise with a more detailed analysis."
Comments from Nores: "Yo voto NO a juntar Oryzoborus funereus con O.
angolensis. No porque esté convencido de que sean especies separadas,
sino porque tampoco hay evidencias contundentes de que sean subespecies."