Proposal (844) to South American
Classification Committee
Recognize Mionectes
roraimae as a species distinct from Mionectes
on South American checklist: This would split an existing species on the list (M. macconnelli) into two species M.
macconnelli and M. roraimae.
Background: The taxonomic history
of M. macconnelli follows a tortured
path, now comprising two subspecies in northeastern South America and two
isolated subspecies in southwestern Amazonia. This proposal deals only with the
two northern forms, nominate macconnelli,
a small lowland flycatcher ranging across southeastern Venezuela, the
Guianas and the eastern half of Amazonian Brazil, and a highland form, roraimae, found in the tepuis of
southeastern Venezuela and adjacent highlands of western Guyana and northern
On 7
March 2001 we (Hilty and Ascanio) first noted that the vocalizations of
highland roraimae differed dramatically
from lowland macconnelli. Surprised
by this we began a series of playback experiments and observations of these two
taxa that were obtained during six different months over a five-year span,
ending in Aug of 2005.
Distribution. Based on available date the two forms
are allopatric, essentially elevational replacements, similar to many species
in the Andes and elsewhere. Records of lowland macconnelli range up to c. 500 m; those of roraimae c. 600-1900 m with the single exception of one at 335 m on
Serra do Tapirapeco in northern Brazil and two in Venezuela at 500 m, these
latter two records in areas where lowland macconnelli
has not been recorded. Voice: Display
songs of the two forms show no audible similarity to human ears. Sonograms
clearly depict these differences and readers can listen to these songs to
appreciate just how dramatically different they are. Recordings by S. L. Hilty,
D. Ascanio, and M. B. Robbins can be accessed at the Macaulay Library of
Natural Sounds, Cornell University; those of A. Whittaker are deposited at the
British library of Wildlife Sounds. Habitat:
Both species occur in lower levels inside humid to wet forest, macconnelli in more seasonal lowlands
and foothills; roraimae in wetter
premontane and montane forest, often on white sandy soil. Song playback trials: We presented the results of 16 sets of
playback trials. Not a single macconnelli
showed any response to roraimae songs
and vice versa. On the other hand, responses of roraimae to its own display calls were strong (=immediate) Dec-June
but declined to none by Sept.; macconnelli
responded strongly to its own songs in Feb but did not respond to any
display calls or songs in June when the display area appeared deserted. Displays: macconnelli displays low (c. 0.3-2.5 m up), often around buttresses, and in fairly tight groups, some
individuals just a few meters apart. Display vocalizations are often
accompanied by little sallies and wing flicking. On the other hand, roraimae display perches were higher (c.
2.5-7 m up), consisted of single birds or well-separated twos, only
occasionally 3-4 individuals, and always with individuals at least 15-60 m
apart. Their calling never reached the frantic activity associated with macconnelli and behavioral movements,
unlike macconnelli, were minimal. Measurements: wing and tail
measurements between the two forms differed significantly (t-test, p<0.001);
other measurements did not; plumage differences are diagnosable in hand but
likely not in the field.
Recommendation: Based on field
experience with both forms including 1) utterly different display songs, 2)
field playback trial experiments, 3) numerous differences in display behavior;
4) differences in their leks, and 5) elevational differences in distribution,
we recommend that these two forms be treated as separate species. The mensural
differences (above) and minor plumage distinctions, although insufficient for
separation alone, lend minor support for the strong behavioral and
distributional differences that we document.
regards an English name, there are few obvious morphological differences
between these two taxa, but it is helpful to have an English name that also
reflects a scientific name, in this case, e.g. McConnell’s Flycatcher, Mionectes macconnelli so we would
suggest retaining this name and inventing a new name for M. roraimae. With this in mind, and the fact that there is already
a Roraiman Flycatcher in existence, as well as several species prefixed by the
name “Tepui”, we thought simply highlighting the region, by calling it Sierra
de Lema Flycatcher, where we first noted the song and behavioral differences of
roraimae would provide distinction
and historical perspective for future observers or taxonomists.
Hilty, S. L. and D.
Ascanio. 2014. McConnell’s Flycatcher Mionectes
macconnelli is more than one species. Bull. B. O. C. 134 (2): 270-279.
Hilty, S.
L. Birds of Venezuela. 2003. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
Library of Natural Sounds, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
(example) for lowland M. m. macconnelli:
(example) for M. m. roraimae:
Steven L. Hilty, 1 Jan. 2020
Comments from Areta: “YES. The differences in vocalizations and morphology coupled to their
narrowly parapatric distributions provide incontrovertible species-rank
evidence for M. roraimae. The
reciprocal playback experiments, indicating response to homotaxon vocalizations
and no-response to heterotaxon ones during the breeding season, seals the deal
beyond doubt. Regarding the English name, I am fine with Sierra de Lema
Flycatcher, to escape from the Tepui/Roraiman monikers.”
Comments from Stiles: “YES to the Mionectes
split proposed by Steve and agree with his E-name as well. I consider that the
evidence presented (ecological behavioral, and especially vocal - including the
reciprocal playback results - make a strong case.”
Comments from Jaramillo: “YES
– separate Mionectes macconnelli into two species, based on differing
vocalizations, lack of response to heterospecific vocalizations, and differing
elevational distribution (habitat). YES – to Sierra de Lema
Flycatcher for M. roraimae.”
Comments from Bonaccorso: “YES. Plumage and mensural differences are
imperceptible in the field, which will confuse non-taxonomist, but differences
in song and, especially, the results of playback experiments are very
from Zimmer:
“ “YES. In February of 2004, alerted to
the pending work on these flycatchers by Hilty & Ascanio, I had the
opportunity to observe and tape record multiple lekking individuals of M. roraimae in the Sierra de Lema, and found the vocal, behavioral (with respect to
display height and spacing on leks and less frenetic physical behavior as
regards wing-flicking, etc) and ecological distinctions from nominate macconnelli (with which I was familiar
from the Brazilian Amazon) to be exactly as portrayed by Hilty & Ascanio (2014). I also performed some informal playback
trials of recordings of nominate macconnelli
to those displaying roraimae, and, as
expected (given the rather extreme differences in vocalizations), failed to
elicit any response. These are truly
cryptic taxa from a morphological standpoint, but the vocal, behavioral and
ecological distinctions first brought to light by Hilty & Ascanio provide a
slam-dunk rationale for treating these two taxa as specifically distinct. I would also voice support for the authors’
choice of “Sierra de Lema Flycatcher” as an
appropriate English name for roraimae.”
from Robbins:
“YES. It has been clear for some time
(in part based on our work in Guyana; audio and specimens) that this represents
an unrecognized species.”
Comments from Pacheco: “YES. The distinctive characteristics of the
taxa with respect to the display song and display behavior are sufficient, in
my opinion, to accept the recommendation.”
Comments from Remsen: “YES. Technically the two may be allopatric,
but barely. Perhaps there is a gap in
their elevational distribution, but without any true barrier, I wonder if more
thorough sampling would reveal parapatry.
Therefore, as long as the plumage differences are diagnostic, and there
is no sign of gene flow through intermediate plumages, then these two taxa are
species by any definition. The
behavioral, vocal, and habitat differences reveal the mechanism by which gene
flow is minimized or prevented. Congrats to Steve and David for sleuthing this out. Note also
that the differences between widespread macconnelli and oleagineus are really pretty small, so treating roraimae as a species is not conspicuously divergent from taxa already ranked as
separate species a century ago because of sympatry. With geographic variation
within them, one wonders if there are other taxa that are actually species out
“As for the English name, I am reluctant to use the proposed
name without a separate proposal, especially because it is basically
Spanish. However, “Sierra de Lema” is the official geographic name used on all maps
(i.e. there are no “Lema Mountains”, the name is
published, all comments above are favorable or neutral, and l suspect that
trying to concoct a novel name would be an ordeal.”
from Stotz:
“YES I am not thrilled with the suggested
English name, but I have no alternative. I am okay with using Sierra de Lema Flycatcher for the new species.”