Proposal (851) to South American Classification Committee
Add Spizella pallida to the South American
Tigreros et al. (2019) recently presented a brief article with photos, to
document the addition of the Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida) to the South American avifauna. They presented
comparisons with the known species of Ammodramus
(humeralis, aurifrons, savannarum)
that clearly demonstrate that the photographed bird cannot be placed in this
genus, all species of which are much more brownish to buffy in color than the
bird in the photo. However, they did not make a detailed comparison between the
specimen and other species of Spizella,
especially S. breweri, to justify
their identification.
The specimen was collected on 11 May
2016 in Cali after its collision with a window and was immediately frozen.
Posterior dissection and preparation of the specimen led them to conclude that
the specimen represented S. pallida.
However, the rather poor preparation may
have left the identification in doubt: evidently the tail was partly disarticulated,
leaving its measurement doubtful. It was sexed as an adult male with abundant
fat, but evidently data on its gonads and skull ossification were not taken,
such that its age could not be determined precisely, and not all of its
characteristics excluded S. breweri.
I have consulted several sources comparing the two species, both of which
regularly winter as far south as northern Central America. There are records of
vagrant individuals of pallida from as far south as central Panama, making it
the more likely for the Cali specimen. Nonetheless, a more detailed comparison
between this species and breweri seems in order, because in most features the
two species are quite similar. The following table presents this analysis,
based on Sibley (2000), Pyle et al.
(1987) and National Geographic (2004), and the photographs of the specimen.
S. pallida |
S. breweri |
Cali specimen |
Tentative conclusion |
Breast coloration |
buffy wash, esp. In HY; faint in ASY |
white, no trace of buffy color |
white, at most faint trace of buffy color |
breweri?(NG does not mention buff in adult pallida) |
and auriculars |
to brown |
grayish-brown |
grayish-brown |
? |
Postocular and malar
stripes |
darker brown to blackish |
distinct, slightly darker gray-brown |
distinct, blackish-brown |
pallida? |
Superciliary |
Buffy |
grayish to whitish |
Buffy-whitish |
pallida? |
Crown pattern |
blackish and brown, distinct whitish medial stripe |
blackish and brownish, pale medial stripe weak or lacking |
blackish and brownish, distinct pale gray medial stripe |
pallida |
Lateral throat stripe |
dark brown to blackish |
indistinct, gray |
fairly distinct, gray-brown |
? |
Nape |
gray, unmarked |
more or less streaked with blackish-brown |
anteriorly immaculate, lightly streaked posteriorly |
¿ |
Other facial markings |
distinct pale eye-ring |
pale eye-ring |
distinct pale eye-ring |
pallida |
Rump |
unstreaked |
light darker streaking |
very lightly streaked darker |
breweri? |
the well-marked pale gray central crown-stripe is the most marked character
supporting the specimen’s identification as pallida;
various other characters are less distinctive. The wing measurements provide no
clue, beyond being OK for males of both species. Pyle gives wing minus tail as
usually greater than 1.5mm in pallida, less
than this in breweri, but because r5
has been clearly displaced in the specimen, no conclusion can be drawn. The May
date of the specimen would indicate that it should be in breeding plumage,
assuming that it molted on schedule (but the specimen is described as molting
r5.) The abundant fat of the specimen
suggests that it was in migratory condition, but the May date indicates that it
was late for spring migration, because Sibley states that birds of both species
appear to reach their breeding grounds by March; a retarded or partial
prealternate molt in the specimen is thus at least possible. Pyle indicates
that individuals in worn breeding plumage are often faded and thus with less
contrast in facial markings, .i.e.,
more difficult to distinguish from breweri.
Hence, a more detailed examination of its plumage would be desirable: are the
remiges fresh or worn?
conclusion, based on the crown pattern, the specimen is most probably S. pallida, but more details on its
plumage would be desirable to clinch the case. Hopefully, the authors can
contribute this information.
Geographic guide to North American birds, fourth edition (2004). National
Geographic, Washington, D.C.
P., S.N.G. Howell, R. P. Yunick & D. F. DeSante.
1987. Identification guide to North American passerines. Slate Creek Press,
Bolinas, CA.
D. A. 2000. The Sibley guide to birds. National Audubon Society, Alfred A.
Knopf, NY.
Tigreros A., A.-F., S. G. Dávila, and G. Londoño.
2019. First record of the Clay-colored Sparrow
(Passerellidae: Spizella pallida) for South America. Ornitología Neotropical 30: 85-87.
Comments from
Remsen: “YES. Photographs
in published paper are S. pallida in my
opinion because of strong facial pattern, median stripe, and general color
tone. This species is still migrating in
the USA into at least the second week of May.
Although fat level was not mentioned in the paper, the body weight (10
g) suggests no fat, however.”
Comments from
Robbins: “YES. I vote to accept the record based
on the photos that clearly indicate a Clay-colored and not a Brewer's.”
from Jaramillo:
“YES. Apart from the pale central crown
stripe, I can see the well-marked “surround” to the auriculars typical of pallida.
In addition, gray and contrasting areas on the side of the neck are visible;
these are not usually obvious on breweri, which is browner and streaked
here. It looks fine for Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida) and one
can exclude breweri.”
from Claramunt:
“YES. I agree with the identification and a voucher
was preserved.”
Comments from Areta: “YES.
Although my personal experience with Spizella
taxa is limited, I agree in that the specimen can be confidently identified as pallida.”
Comments from Zimmer: “YES. In spite of the condition of the specimen, photos B (lateral
view) and C (dorsal view) clinch the identification of S. pallida in my opinion.
The dorsal view shows that the rump is the same sandy brown color as the
ground-color of the back (not contrastingly gray), which eliminates S. passerina from consideration. Both the dorsal and lateral views indicate a
broad, contrastingly gray hind-collar, the dorsal photo shows a clear
(unstreaked) pale median crown stripe (framed by boldly contrasting dark
lateral crown stripes), and the lateral view shows a buffy brown auricular
patch, outlined by a narrow dark posterior border and malar stripe, all of
which are perfect for S. pallida, and
too pronounced and contrasting in all respects for S. breweri, which would have a more uniformly and finely streaked
crown (without an obvious median stripe), a less boldly patterned face, and a
less contrastingly colored hind-collar.
The bold, pale eyebrow, typical of pallida,
appears to have been largely destroyed by specimen preparation, but there is
still enough here that I feel certain of the identification.”
Comments from Pacheco: “YES, based on the features visible on the photo, as well as all
the comments posted here.”