(86) to South American
Classification Committee
the taxon melanolaemus as a subspecies of Atlapetes rufinucha
Effect on South American
CL: This proposal would lump two taxa that we treat as
separate species into a single, more traditional Atlapetes rufinucha.
Background: The
taxon melanolaemus has traditionally been treated as a
subspecies of Atlapetes rufinucha; they are evidently parapatric, with
the barrier, if it exists, probably being the dry upper Madidi valley in
northern depto. La Paz, Bolivia. Melanolaemus looks like
nominate rufinucha except that its breast is markedly clouded
to varying degrees with irregular blackish markings; also, its head is more
extensively black, connecting the black face to the black malar streak and
lacking the pale marks in the loral area of nominate rufinucha.
New information:
García-Moreno & Fjeldså (1999) found that the "species" Atlapetes rufinucha
was polyphyletic, with the northern form, A. latinuchus, more
closely related to nominate A. schistaceus than to A.
rufinucha. This was based on a very small (275 bp) portion of the
cytochrome-b gene, and the bootstrap values are unimpressive (and I doubt that
these results would be publishable in 2003). Nevertheless, their resulting tree
shows sufficient geographic structure, with adjacent Atlapetes usually
appearing as sisters, so I suspect that many of the results will hold up with
larger data sets. Of particular relevance to this proposal is that the
2nd-highest bootstrap value in their tree (72%) was between nominate rufinucha
and Atlapetes fulviceps, the parapatric species that borders the
southern distribution of A. rufinucha; also, melanolaemus clusters
with a set of parapatric taxa from southern Peru, A. melanopis, A.
canigenis, and A. forbesi. The low bootstrap values for this
"southern Peru" group mean that it should not yet be taken seriously,
despite its geographic "sense"; regardless, if the rufinucha-fulviceps node
is solid, then that would make traditional rufinucha a
paraphyletic species without the removal of melanolaemus. For
that reason, and the lack of any signs of intergradation despite their presumed
parapatry, beyond a single suspicious specimen, García-Moreno & Fjeldså
(1999) elevated melanolaemus to species rank, and this was
followed by Dickinson (2003). No comparative data on vocalizations have been
Analysis: The
data for species rank of melanolaemus are fairly weak. The
genetic data are intriguing but weak by current standards. The contact zone, if
there is one, has not been studied, and that single specimen (at LSUMZ) may
indicate some gene flow between them, although it is ca. 100 km south of the
potential contact zone, and no other specimens from the area show any
phenotypic sign of intermediacy. [As an aside, I personally do not object
strongly to paraphyletic species ... I know this is heresy among strict
phylogeneticists, but in my opinion, phylogenetic analyses are not intended for
population-level processes in which problems with lineage-sorting and gene
trees are inevitable; Willi Hennig himself explicitly noted that cladistic
analysis was inappropriate at the population level for this reason; it seems
likely to me that historical gene flow among adjacent populations requires that
he label "monophyletic" at the population level refers only to the
genes analyzed and to the current time period.]
An argument in favor of
retaining species rank for melanolaemus could be constructed as
follows. The genetic data, weak as they are, are nonetheless consistent with
species rank. The geography of phenotype distribution is also consistent with
species rank; these two taxa may be parapatric with no sign of substantial gene
flow, or if separated at all, it is by a narrow dry valley. Melanolaemus, by virtue of its more
extensively black face, shows a fundamental difference in head pattern from
nominate rufinucha that might affect mate selection; these
pattern differences are actually greater than those between the head patterns
of nominate rufinucha and the latinuchus species
group further north. Parapatric Atlapetes canigenis also shows
this "expansion" of black in the facial area, suspiciously similar to
that of melanolaemus. As emphasized by García-Moreno &
Fjeldså (1999), minor differences in Atlapetes brush-finches
seem to "matter" in that there are no known cases of zones of
intergradation or hybridization among parapatric taxa. Even In concert, these
arguments are fairly weak, but perhaps stronger than the arguments for the
traditional classification.
Recommendation: I
tentatively vote NO on this one (i.e., stick with current classification).
Although the evidence is weak for species rank of melanolaemus, I
think that the "burden of proof" in this falls on the case for
considering it conspecific with Atlapetes rufinucha.
Literature Cited:
E. C. (ed.). 2003. The Howard and Moore complete checklist of the birds of the
World, Revised and enlarged 3rd Edition. Christopher Helm, London, 1040 pp.
J., AND J. FJELDSÅ. 1999. Re-evaluation of species limits in the genus Atlapetes based
on mtDNA sequence data. Ibis 141: 199-207.
Remsen, December 2003
P.S.: If this proposal
doesn't pass, then I'll do a proposal on the English name of melanolaemus,
for which there are two competing choices.
SACC voting chart
proposals 1-99
Comments from Stiles:
"[NO]. I agree that the evidence is not overwhelming, but it is a shade
better than the evidence for the contrary - and solid contrary evidence should
be forthcoming to change the "status quo". NO to both (maintain
species status, at least for now)."
Comments from Zimmer:
"NO, although the evidence for separate species status is somewhat
Comments from Robbins:
"[NO] Although the evidence certainly isn't compelling for treating melanolaemus as
a species, the data for considering it as a subspecies is even less. Hence, I
vote for following the "status quo". A "no" vote.
Comments from Stotz: "YES,
for lumping all of these into rufinucha. I have to say that I hardly
consider the splitting of these species as the "status quo." To me
the status quo is the broad rufinucha, which we had until 1999. Van
is correct to point to the short piece of DNA used in the Garcia-Moreno and
Fjeldså study and to note the weak support for the taxa that they suggest.
There are only two branches with over 50% bootstrap support. They support a
northern clade, and a sister relationship between rufinucha and fulviceps.
I am willing to overlook this because of the shortness of the segment of DNA
that was studied. My personal feeling is
that we would be better off with the original 4 species (schistaceus, rufinucha,
rufigenis and tricolor) with the recognition that there are
problems that need to be solved, but as that is not currently on the table, I
don't think placing terborghi, melanolaemus, and rufinucha into
a single species conflicts with any of the results of the 1999 in a significant
way. Terborghi and melanolaemus occupy
basically adjacent areas to canigenis, but only if you believe the
poorly supported results and believe that species have to be monophyletic is
that a problem. Finally, I have to say that it seems strange to me
that we completely follow the novel arrangement suggested based on very weak
data for these brush-finches, while Poospiza whitii and Hyloctistes
virgata are not split."
Comments from Schulenberg:
"YES. I think that someday we should vote on the split of Atlapetes
rufinucha rather than take the new arrangement for granted. The split
may fit with our world view, but in concrete terms has poor support."
Comments from Jaramillo:
"NO. Somewhat reluctantly, because of the poor data involved.
However, there is a paper that exists and proposes a phylogenetic organization
that makes sense in terms of biogeography, and lack of intermediate specimens,
etc. Although poor, this piece of work does shift the burden of proof in my
mind. Until someone performs a stronger analysis that refutes this, we should
keep this taxon as a separate species."
Comments from Nores: "NO, yo voto en contra de considerar a Atlapetes
melanolaemus como una subespecie de A. rufinucha. Pienso
que las características morfológicas, genéticas y su distribución parapátrica
sin intergradación tienen suficiente peso como para asignar nivel de especie
a melanolaemus. No obstante, el razonamiento de Stotz es también