Proposal (874) to South American Classification Committee
Split Arremon flavirostris into two or three
species and add English name(s)
taxonomy of the Saffron-billed Sparrow (Arremon
flavirostris) was briefly discussed by Silva (1991), who examined 55 specimens
and tentatively suggested the recognition of three species: two green-backed
ones, A. flavirostris and A. dorbignii, and a grey-backed one, A. polionotus (including devillii as a synonym). Silva also
proposed that the olive-green back color shared by flavirostris and dorbignii
was plesiomorphic whereas the short eyebrow length was a synapomorphy that indicated
a closer relationship between flavirostris
and polionotus. Two recent works have
discussed the taxonomy of A. flavirostris
and are used as the main sources for this proposal (for more historical
information, refer to references therein). Buainain et al. (2016)
studied specimens and vocalizations while Trujillo-Arias et al. (2017)
focused on potential distributions and phylogeographic analyses. We describe
the evidence and offer our view in three subproposals.
A) Split Arremon dorbignii from A. flavirostris
studies agree in affording species rank to the Andean green-backed taxon dorbignii. Genetic data show that dorbignii is a fairly recently diverged
monophyletic clade (also recovered as a distinct population in 3/4 genes; see
Figures 2 and 5 from Trujillo-Arias et al. 2017 below), morphologically
it is diagnosed by a narrower pectoral band, a longer supercilium that usually
begins in front of the eye and a complex song that does not include repeated
notes (see Figures 3 and 5 from Buainain et al. 2016 below). The song
differences are remarkable, and our more extensive (unpublished) dataset
indicates that structural vocal differences described above uphold with larger
sample sizes.
For the sake of completion, we also paste here the only
(infinitesimal) piece of evidence that may go against recognition of dorbignii as a full species. Buainain et
al. 2016 (p. 558-559) wrote: "One individual (MN11845) from Goiás has
a green back and long superciliary stripes, which are diagnostic characters of A. f. dorbignii. It is plausibly either
a hybrid specimen between A. f.
flavirostris and A. taciturnus,
or an aberrant individual. In addition, this individual is the only one with
this character, thus the diagnosability of the taxon is still guaranteed by
other plumage features, vocalizations and its geographic separation from A. f. dorbignii by more than 1900 km."
et al. (2017) summarized their findings as follows "We suggest to split A.
flavirostris into two full species (A.
flavirostris and A. dorbignii).
The current species is divided in two divergent genetic lineages that are
completely isolated: subspecies dorbignii
(central Andes rainforests) and the lineage of flavirostris, devillii
and polionotus (Atlantic Forest and
gallery forests in the Cerrado and Chaco). These two lineages are
morphologically diagnosable (Fig. 2a); i.e. dorbignii
has longer eyebrow starting at the nape-forehead (not at the upper-eye), a
narrower pectoral band (Hellmayr, 1938) and a unique song (Buainain
et al., 2016). These two lineages could be
considered full species according to different species concepts. For example,
according to the phylogenetic concept (Cracraft,
1983), they are full species because represent
monophyletic populations (Fig. 5b). Also, according to the general lineage species concept
(de Queiroz, 1998), they represent independent evolutionary lineages (i.e.,
migration between them M < 1) that are morphologically diagnosable. Finally,
it is not clear if both populations could be separated according to the
biological species concept. Even though there is very low gene flow between the
Andean and the Atlantic Forest populations, indicating no interbreeding, and
they are phenotypically diagnosable (plumage and song), it is impossible to
show that both populations would not hybridize if their geographic ranges met
(but see Buainain et al., 2016)."
recommend a YES vote to A. Differences in genetic, plumage and vocal
data suggest that it is a good species by any criteria.
B) Assign
English name to Arremon dorbignii
We propose to use Moss-backed Sparrow for A. dorbignii. It is a memorable name, describes its rich green
dorsal coloration, and evokes the Andean cloud-forests in which it is found.
recommend a YES vote on B. The distribution of A. dorbignii is small in relation to A. flavirostris, and we do not recommend a name change for the
C) Split Arremon polionotus from flavirostris
studies differed in this regard: Buainain et al. (2016) proposed
splitting polionotus as a separate
species, while Trujillo-Arias et al. (2017) proposed to keep it within flavirostris. In plumage, devillii + polionotus differ from flavirostris in their grey backs, but
are otherwise structurally identical, while vocally, devilli + polionotus are
very similar (or identical) to flavirostris
as was described above in subproposal B. Buainain et al. (2016) mention
the existence of greenish feathers on the back of the grey-backed taxa as an
indication of female sex and as a feature of juvenile/immature birds, proposing
that these are not intermediates (hybrids?) between grey-backed birds and
nominate flavirostris (for males they
mention that "the hypothesis that this is a
remnant of immature plumage and not hybrids is much more parsimonious").
So, this was left as an open question while clearly indicating their preferred
interpretation. However, in part answering this question, some
individuals of devilli were recovered
as more closely related to some flavirostris
than to polionotus in phylogenetic
trees and in COI population structure analyses (see Figs. 2 and 5 from
Trujillo-Arias et al. 2017 below) and the genetic divergence in the
group comprising devillii, polionotus and flavirostris is shallow. Finally, the three taxa deliver a short
introduction followed by a repetitive series of piercing notes (see Figures 3
and 5 from Buainain et al. 2016 below).
Again, Trujillo-Arias
et al. (2017) summarized their findings as follows "Regarding the other subspecies (flavirostris, devillii and
polionotus), our analysis did not
support them as independent evolutionary entities (Figs. 2 and 5b) (but see
Buainain et al., 2016). These subspecies are similar morphologically, with the
only difference between them the color of their back plumage (e.g. green in flavirostris; grey in devillii and polionotus) (Hellmayr, 1938;
Silva, 1991). However, since they are not
genetically divergent (Fig. 5b), we do not suggest considering them as full species.
We recommend a NO vote
on C.
Lack of vocal differences, meager genetic differentiation, lack of monophyly,
and existence of allegedly intermediate looking birds do not support the
recognition of polionotus as a
separate species.
Figures from Buainain et
al. (2016)
Figures from
Trujillo-Arias et al. (2017)
Buainain, N. R., Brito, G.
R., Firme, D. F., Figueira, D. M., Raposo, M. A. & Assis, C. P. (2016)
Taxonomic revision of Saffron- billed Sparrow Arremon flavirostris Swainson,
1838 (Aves: Passerellidae) with comments on its holotype and type locality. Zootaxa
4178: 547–567.
Silva, J.M.C. (1991)
Geographical variation in the Saffron-billed Sparrow Arremon flavirostris. Bulletin
of the British Ornithologists’ Club 111: 152–155.
Trujillo-Arias, N., Dantas,
G. P. M., Arbeláez-Cortés, E., Naoki, K., Gómez, M. I., Santos, F. R., Miyaki,
C. Y., Aleixo, A., Tubaro, P. L. & Cabanne, G. S. (2017) The niche and
phylogeography of a passerine reveal the history of biological diversification
between the Andean and the Atlantic forests. Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution 112: 107–121.
Juan I.
Areta and Mark Pearman, August 2020
from Stiles:
“YES to A: split dorbignyi from flavirostris and B: for E-names,
Moss-backed is fine for the former, retaining Yellow-billed for flavirostris. C: NO evidence for the
further split of polionotus from flavirostris is insufficient.”
Comments from Zimmer: “A) YES” to splitting dorbignyi from flavirostris
based upon genetic, plumage and vocal data.
(B) YES to using “Moss-backed Sparrow” for dorbignyi – this name is descriptive, novel, and evocative of the
Andean cloud forests that the species occupies.
(C) NO to splitting gray-backed polionotus
+ devilli from green-backed flavirostris, given that the two “groups” differ only in back
color, but have very similar vocalizations, a broad pectoral band (relative to
that of dorbignyi), a supercilium
that starts above the eye, not at the forehead, and a lack of genetic
divergence between them.”
from Pacheco:
“A – YES. The splitting of dorbignyi from flavirostris
is well corroborated. C – NO. There is no evidence to support this change, as
recommended by Nacho and Mark.”
Comments from Bonaccorso: “A. YES.
Phylogenetic and vocal differences are solid. Geographically and ecologically,
it also makes a lot of sense. I am not so comfortable with the plumage
differences since it seems that the back plumage color is quite labile in this
group, and differences in eyebrow are subtle.
C. NO. Arremon flavirostris polionotus is not monophyletic, and
both clades that contain it also contain A. f. devilli,
which may indicate ongoing hybridization; the suspicion of intermediate
plumages supports this possibility. If anything, the logic proposal from the
plumage point of view would be separating A. polionotus + devillei
from A. flavirostris, if faster markers recover them as monophyletic in
future studies.”
Comments from Jaramillo:
– Yes, the genetic, vocal and biogeographic data conforms to plumage details
that confirm a species level separation here in my mind.
– Moss-backed is a great name. I would maintain Saffron-billed for the more
widespread taxon.
– No, although back coloration is quite different, there seems to be little
else here.”
from Schulenberg:
“B. YES to 'Moss-backed Sparrow’, fine name. in this
case it's probably safe to retain Saffron-billed Sparrow for the (slightly
reduced) new Arremon flavirostris concept, so sure, yes to this as well.”