Proposal (917) to South
American Classification Committee
Add Cuculus canorus (Common
Cuckoo) to main list
Effect on South American CL:
This would add a species to the Main List
Background: Mentioned in the SACC
Hypothetical List as follows:
photograph from 2018 from Fernando do Noronha (Whittaker et al. 2019). SACC proposal badly needed.”
An individual of this
species was photographed in Fernando de Noronha in 27
February 2018 and represents the first documented record for Brazil [and South
America] (Whittaker et al. 2019).
Three images published
(Whittaker et al. 2019: 194) show the
distinctive mark "the pure white undertail-coverts indicate the present
species and eliminate Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus
optatus in which these feathers are buff".
CBRO has endorsed the present occurrence (Pacheco et al. 2021) and treats Cuculus
canorus in the main list of Brazilian checklist of birds.
Pacheco, J.F.;
Silveira, L.F.; Aleixo, A.; Agne, C.E.; Bencke, G.A.;
Bravo, G.A; Brito, G.R.R.; Cohn-Haft, M.; Maurício, G.N.; Naka, L.N.; Olmos,
F.; Posso, S.; Lees, A.C.; Figueiredo,
L.F.A.; Carrano, E.; Guedes, R.C.; Cesari, E.; Franz,
I.; Schunck, F. & Piacentini, V.Q. 2021. Annotated checklist of the birds
of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee – second edition. Ornithology Research, 29(2):94-105.
Whittaker, A., Silva,
J.P.F, Lucio, B. & Kirwan, G.M. 2019. Old World vagrants on Fernando de
Noronha, including two additions to the Brazilian avifauna, and predictions for
potential future Palearctic vagrants. Bull.
Brit. Orn. Cl. 139(3):189-204
José Fernando Pacheco,
August 2021
from Remsen:
“YES. Published photos, vetted by
experts, and endorsed by CBRO, which includes Fernando and Vitor.”
from Lane:
“YES. I think the images show this species and safely
eliminate other Cuculus from consideration.”
Comments from Robbins: “YES on adding the cuckoo to the
from Stiles:
“YES to adding C. canorus to the SA list as a vagrant, based upon good
photographic evidence.”
Comments from Areta: “YES. The images published by Whittaker et al. (2019) clinch the
identification to species level.”
Comments from Bonaccorso: “YES. I agree with Gary that it
should be included as vagrant until more records are reported.”
Comments from Claramunt: “YES.”
from Jaramillo:
“YES – ID looks established vs. Oriental Cuckoo.”