Proposal (919) to South
American Classification Committee
Change the
English group name for Pseudotriccus from Pygmy-Tyrant to Thicket-Tyrant
As an analog to SACC proposal 916, which
changed the English group name for Euscarthmus from Pygmy-Tyrant to
Scrub-Tyrant, this proposal follows in the same logical line to rename the
remaining far-outlying genus, Pseudotriccus, to distinguish it from the
rest of the Pygmy-Tyrants.
Kevin Zimmer already had thoughts along this line as far back as
his Proposal 702, attempting to clean up the
English name mess of so many Pygmy-Tyrants and Tody-Tyrants. Gary Stiles has
since suggested the name Thicket-Tyrant, which seems an excellent fit. Here are
the relevant excerpts from Kevin’s proposal:
”Proposal 702d: If Proposal
702c is adopted, then something has to be done with the three species of Pseudotriccus
and the two species of Euscarthmus, all of which currently share
(inappropriately) the hyphenated group-name of “Pygmy-Tyrant.” The two genera are not particularly close to
one another, and neither is at all close to any of the other flycatchers
currently called “Pygmy-Tyrants”. Pseudotriccus
and Euscarthmus care not only currently treated as belonging to a different
subfamily, but their taxonomic past is even more checkered, with Euscarthmus having,
at one time, been variously treated as belonging with either antbirds or
gnateaters, based largely on similarities in tarsal scutellation.
Proposal 702f: Construct
new group-names for Pseudotriccus and Euscarthmus. Still another option would
be to construct a new hyphenated group-name for each of these genera, which may
not be worth the bother, given the small number of species (3 and 2
respectively) involved. I could see
calling the two Euscarthmus “Scrub-Tyrants” for example, although I’m hard-pressed
to come up with an appropriate group name for Pseudotriccus.”
As already noted in proposal 702, and now strongly confirmed by
Harvey (2020), Pseudotriccus is not closely related to any of the
remaining species that bear the English name Pygmy-Tyrant. Whereas Pygmy-Tyrant
is not a perfectly monophyletically aligned group name, the three Pseudotriccus
species are more closely related to Antpipits and Bristle-Tyrants than to
any other species that bears the name Pygmy-Tyrant. As such, continuing to call
Pseudotriccus Pygmy-Tyrants is somewhere between very uninformative and
downright misleading. Pseudotriccus
is far enough from the remaining Pygmy-Tyrants that the name change could
easily be viewed as mandatory. Despite the unclean definition of what the
remaining Pygmy-Tyrants are, they are at least all in the same subfamily and
Given how infrequently observed the three Pseudotriccus species
are, and how little known they are to casual birders, I do not think this name
change would be overly disruptive. Changing the name to Thicket-Tyrant leaves
all remaining Pygmy-Tyrants as a much more sensible group, defines the three Pseudotriccus
as a cohesive group, and gives English name users an excellent habitat clue as
Given the (relatively) obscurity of these birds and the
correspondingly minor disruption, the phylogenetic mandate to rename these
species as they aren’t even in the same subfamily as the rest of the
Pygmy-Tyrants, and the appropriateness of the proposed new name, I recommend a
yes vote for this proposal.
Josh Beck, September
from Remsen:
“YES. The new genetic data confirm what was
predicted from Bud Lanyon’s analysis of syringeal morphology (American Museum
Novitates 2914 and 2923 [1988]), namely that Pseudotriccus is not a
Pygmy-Tyrant and to continue to call it by that name is misleading, as outlined
above. This is a case in which the
stability needs to be disrupted because it is misleading. As for the loss of stability, the name change
is a minor one, and as noted in the proposal, these are not familiar
birds. benefit of giving them a unique
group name is that it calls attention to how different they are. (By the way, that the new Harvey et al. data
shows that “Pygmy-Tyrant” does not refer to a monophyletic group requires
removal of that hyphen by our conventions.)”
from Lane:
“NO. I know most of the Pseudotriccus
reasonably well, and "thicket" is not a satisfying descriptor of
their typical habitat. They are found in understory of humid montane forest,
not in thickets, which for me suggests no overstory. Their most notable feature
may be their loud bill snaps when agitated, and that would be a far better
feature to call attention to in their name than "thicket', which I find
frankly quite inaccurate. I would recommend something like
"Snapping-Tyrant" or "Clapping-Tyrant."
from Stiles:
“YES to Thicket-Tyrant for Pseudotriccus. To me, a patch of dense
understory vegetation within a forest or at its edge qualifies as a thicket:
such patches are the preferred habitat of Pseudotriccus spp. I see no
need to restrict the term thicket to non-forest habitat as Dan suggests.”
from Donsker:
“NO. I fully agree with Dan that "thicket"
is not the right English word that appropriately describes the
montane understory habitat of these species. But I'm not sure that there is an
existing English word that does apply, other than "understory"
itself, and "Understory-Tyrant" is hardly acceptable. I rather
like Dan's suggestion of "Snapping-Tyrant" and would support that.”
comments from Remsen:
“Here are some online dictionary definitions say for ‘thicket’:
• Merriam-Webster: “a dense growth of shrubbery or small
trees: COPSE”
• “a thick or dense growth of
shrubs, bushes, or small trees; a thick coppice”
• Cambridge: “an area of trees and bushes growing closely
together. Synonym
• Wikipedia: “A thicket is a very dense stand of trees or tall shrubs,[1] often
dominated by only one or a few species, to the exclusion of all others.”
although I agree with Gary that a less precise use of thicket is ok, Dan has
the dictionary on his side, and so I change my vote to NO. Like David, I cannot find a suitable
equivalent that doesn’t sound contrived or silly.”
if we just removed the “Pygmy-“ from the names?
They aren’t Pygmy Tyrants phylogenetically, nor are they particularly
“pygmy” with respect to other small tyrannulets. In fact, I wonder if they would make the Top
100 Smallest Tyrannids based on body weight?
So in my opinion, that part of the name is somewhat misleading even as a
description. The “Pygmy-free” names
would be:
Bronze-olive Tyrant
Hazel-fronted Tyrant
Rufous-headed Tyrant
wondered if a problem with this that unmodified “Tyrant” might imply a larger
sized tyrannid, as in Cattle Tyrant and Long-tailed Tyrant, but we already have
Black-chested Tyrant for Taeniotriccus andrei, Sharp-tailed
Tyrant for Culicivora caudata; and we also use Tyrant for
mid-sized species such as Spectacled Tyrant and Riverside Tyrant. So, I don’t see problems with any
implications of size.”
comments from Stiles:
“ If one goes by dictionaries, maybe we just
don't have a word in English for "dense patches of understory inside or at
edges of forest"... and the nearest I can come to placing
"copse" in the Neotropics is "mata de monte" in the Llanos,
which hardly fits the case. Because the three species differ considerably in
plumage, and their vocalizations, while similar, are not all that distinctive
in the family, maybe the bill-snaps (also not unique but definitely more
distinctive) would be the best peg upon which to hang a name.”
from Jaramillo:
“NO – For reasons given. I do not know these birds much at all. But you look at
them and they are all a particularly dark plumage, dusky, or olive. Why not
“Dusky-Tyrants” or as Van suggests, just simplify to “Tyrant” and be done with