(93) to South American
Classification Committee
Separar Myiopsitta luchsi de Myiopsitta
taxon es similar a Myiopsitta monachus, pero el gris de la
frente es más claro y extendido hasta la mitad de la corona. El gris pálido del
pecho carece del efecto escalado ("scaly") que le dan los centros de
las plumas oscuros. Tiene además la banda que cruza el vientre más amarillo y
la barba externa de las primarias todas azules. Nidifica en grietas (crevices)
en acantilados y aparentemente también entre bromelias colgando de acantilados,
donde construyendo un nido voluminoso de ramas apretadas.
especie fue descripta en 1868 por Finsch como Bolborhynchus luchsi, con
ejemplares procedentes de Bolivia. Posteriormente la especie fue transferida al
género Myiopsitta y el nombre Myiopsitta luchsi fue
usado aparentemente hasta 1918 por Cory. A partir de 1943, Bond & de
Schauensee ya la tratan como una subespecie de monachus (Myiopsitta
monachus luchsi), criterio que ha sido seguido por todos los autores
modernos, pero Collar (1997) finalmente considera que los caracteres
morfológicos y su modo de nidificar son suficientes para elevarla nuevamente a
nivel de especie.
voto No a esta propuesta porque considero que ni las diferencias morfológicas
ni el modo de nidificar (es similar a monachus pero adaptado
al sustrato disponible en su hábitat) son suficientemente importantes como para
separarla como especie.
Bond, J.
and R. M. de Schauensee. 1943. The birds of Bolivia. Part 2. Acad. Nat. Sci.
Ch. 1918. Catalogue of birds of the Americas. Chicago. Collar, N. 1997.
Handbook of the birds of the world.
Nores, January 2004
SACC voting chart
proposals 1-99
Comments from Remsen:
"NO. I agree with Manuel that the difference in nest location (luchsi nests
on cliffs), emphasized by Collar's English name "Cliff Parakeet,"
merely reflect a habitat difference; furthermore, lowland monachus itself
nests on telephone poles and other structures (in addition to trees) that would
seem roughly equivalent to cliff ledges. More intriguing is the difference in
nest structure (single-pair nests in luchsi, communal nests in
lowland monachus), although the difference seems less, as I read
it, than it first might appear: luchsi nests are evidently
jammed in next to one another, and such cliff ledges might not have sufficient
room for a larger communal nest; also Collar noted that lowland monachus is
sometimes a solitary nester; therefore, it is unclear to me whether the
differences really represent a hard-wired fixed genetic difference. As for
plumage, may taxa of Bolivia's dry montane valleys differ in plumage from their
lowland relatives at least as much as in these parakeets yet are treated as
conspecific. e.g., Thamnophilus caerulescens, Lepidocolaptes
angustirostris. What I need for a YES vote on this is data on voice or on
details of nest structure that confirm fundamental differences."
Comments from Stiles:
"NO I agree that the differences cited do not a species make, at least
without more hard data!"
Comments from Robbins:
"NO, more information on a number of aspects is needed before recognizing
"luchsi" as a species."
Comments from Zimmer:
"NO. Evidence here is suggestive, but still too weak for my liking."
Comments from Jaramillo:
"NO. I bet that in the end this form will be elevated to
species status, based on good data, it is a gut feeling. However, right now the
data is entirely lacking, so it is premature to split this taxon from monachus."