Proposal (934) to South
American Classification Committee
Añadir Sipia laemosticta (Dull-mantled
Antbird) a la lista principal
Efecto sobre la lista de
Suramérica: transferir a la especie de la lista de
hipotéticos a la lista principal.
Información: La distribución conocida de Sipia laemosticta
está restringida al sur de Centro América, desde Costa Rica hasta Panamá (Fig.
1). Al sur de su distribución se encuentra presente en la Serranía del Darién
(en la porción de Panamá), serranía compartida con Colombia y conectada con
pequeñas serranías más al oeste como la de Tripogadí
(Colombia). Su hábitat son los bosques húmedos de piedemonte, especialmente
asociado con pequeñas quebradas. La especie, como todas las demás dentro del
género, no presenta indicios de movimientos migratorios. Adicionalmente, se
presume que su capacidad de dispersión es baja. Al sureste de la depresión del
Río Atrato, aproximadamente a 80km, se distribuye S. palliata (especie
hermana de S. laemosticta) (Fig. 2 y 3; Chaves et al. 2010).
Figura 1. Distribución de Sipia
Figura 2. Distribución de Sipia palliata.
Nuevos registros con
evidencia: el 9 de octubre de 2012 fue capturado en
redes de niebla y fotografiado un individuo ( en la Reserva Integral y Ecoaldea
Sasardí, en la serranía de Tripogadí
(Chocó, Colombia), por Edwin Munera; en la fotografía se observan las manchas
negras que bajan de la garganta al vientre, lo cual es uno de los rasgos que la
separan de Sipia palliata. Más recientemente, el 5 de marzo de 2019 fue
grabada una llamada de la especie ( en la quebrada Sasardí, en la
serranía de Tripogadí (Chocó, Colombia), por Danny
Figura 3. Registros de eBird (eBird 2022)
para Sipia laemosticta y S. palliata a ambos lados de la
depresión del Río Atrato (Colombia). Marcador verde, registro de S.
laemosticta; marcador rojo, registro de S. palliata; marcador azul,
nuevo registro de S. laemosticta para Suramérica en la Serranía de Tripogadí (Chocó, Colombia). La línea amarilla corresponde
al límite entre Panamá y Colombia.
Recomendación: Geográficamente el registro era de esperar que
correspondiera a Sipia laemosticta, y la evidencia presentada corrobora
la identidad. Por lo que recomiendo votar sí por esta propuesta para su
inclusión a la lista principal como residente.
Literatura citada
Chaves, J. C., A. M. Cuervo, M. J. Miller,
& C. D. Cadena. 2010. Revising species limits in a group of Myrmeciza
antbirds reveals a cryptic species within M. laemosticta (Thamnophilidae).
The Condor 112: 718-730.
eBird. 2022. eBird: An online database of
bird distribution and abundance. eBird, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New
York. Available: (Accessed: February 1, 2022).
Miranda, February 2022
from Areta:
“YES, plumage and vocalizations agree with S. laemosticta and not with S. palliata.”
Comments from Robbins: “YES. Photos on the eBird checklist leave no
Comments from Lane: “YES. Based on locality and (it
seems) plumage characters, I think these reports can be confidently identified
as S. laemosticta. The presence of the species in Colombia isn't
particularly surprising given how close to the border in Panama it is known.”
Comments from Steve Hilty (who has Remsen’s vote): “YES.
Regarding Sipia laemosticta, the photos (of a male) confirm the
irregularly spaced black blotching and/or spotting that spreads across chest
and much of breast; also upperparts color, is strongly rufescent (cf. male of Sipia
palliata, with more olive tone to duller rufescent), this latter assuming
the digital photo colors are accurate. Distribution also is expected and
consistent with Sipia laemosticta, where immediately eastward the swampy
Río Atrato lowlands (now, sadly, heavily converted to oil palm plantations)
represent a possible barrier separating this taxon from the more easterly
distributed Sipia palliata.
“Voice is a bit equivocal as the recording by D. Zapata is of call
notes and some agitated chattering, not song, but the note shape even of these
call notes seems a bit more consistent with S. laemosticta than with S.
palliata (not much material on call notes available for palliata). I
am unsure if call notes of these two species can be reliably separated in the
field (maybe with younger ears). Songs of the two also are fairly similar but,
in general, reliably separated.
“I might also add that Edwin Munera, who
originally reported this species (mist net capture) in Colombia in 2012, is experienced
and reliable and I have confidence in his field records.”
I think Sipia laemosticta should be officially
confirmed for both Colombia and also, of course, continental South America.”
Comments from Zimmer: “YES. The linked photos of a hand-held male would
appear to confirm the identification of S.
laemosticta as opposed to S. palliata
by virtue of the more rufescent mantle, darker gray head and underparts, and by
the more extensive and ‘messier’ lower boundary to the black throat patch,
which ‘bleeds’ irregularly well onto the breast, in a blotchy fashion (black
throat patch of palliata is less
extensive and more sharply delineated on its lower border; mantle is more
olivaceous-brown; head and underparts are typically somewhat paler gray). The linked audio recording of calls, sounds,
to my ears, consistent with those of laemosticta,
although I have no field experience with calls of palliata to compare these to.
Songs of the two are pretty different, so it’s too bad that there are no
songs on the recording, which would clinch the ID. All in all, however, I think the in-hand
photographs, combined with the audio recordings of calls, are enough to
document this record of laemosticta,
which, as others have pointed out, is not a huge surprise, given the proximity
to the known range in the Darién of Panama.”
from Stiles:
“YES to including S. palliata in the SA list
as a resident species: the ID looks good, and this also makes sense
ecologically and zoogeographically.”
Comments from Diego Calderón (who has Bonaccorso’s vote): “YES. This species undoubtedly occurs in Colombia
as proven by photos and voice recordings on eBird checklists by various people.
I have actually myself quickly seen a silent Sipia sp. at El Cielo area
above Capurganá, Acandí,
Chocó (around 8.620987, -77.381877 - quite near the eBird locations mentioned
in the proposal) back in March 2014 . I vote YES to add Sipia laemosticta
to the Colombia list based on the evidence and the biogeographically
from Pacheco:
“YES. I vote yes for the incorporation of this taxon
in the list of birds of Colombia and, by extension, in the list of documented
birds of South America.”
Comments from Claramunt: “NO for now. I agree that plumage
and calls suggest S. laemosticta, and it makes sense biogeographically,
but the two species involved are very similar and show some variation. I would
like to see more concrete evidence or further discussion of the evidence.”
from Jaramillo: