Proposal (942) to South
American Classification Committee
Transfer Accipiter superciliosus and A. collaris to the new genus Microspizias
Effects on South
American CL:
This proposal would transfer two Neotropical raptor species currently
recognized under Accipiter genus, to
the new genus Microspizias.
Background: Based on skeletal
details, Olson (2006) proposed that the Tiny Hawk (Accipiter superciliosus)
does not belong in genus Accipiter, and this was supported by genetic
evidence (Kocum 2008). Olson (2006) recommended transferring Tiny Hawk to its
own genus and suggested that Hieraspiza
was available. However, the type species of that genus is A. virgatus (Dickinson & Remsen 2013), as designated by the author of the genus, Kaup (1845),
prior to G. R. Gray’s subsequent (and therefore irrelevant) selection of “Falco tinus” (a synonym of A.
superciliosus); thus, another valid genus name is required (Bierregaard
& Kirwan 2020).
New information: Further genetic
evidence (Hughall & Stuart-Fox 2012, Oatley et al. 2015, Mindell et al. 2018) supports the conclusions
of Olson (2006) and Kocum (2008), which should also be applied to its sister
taxa, the Semicollared Hawk (Accipiter
collaris). Furthermore, new observations on nesting,
showed that the Tiny Hawk prefers much more exposed sites to locate their nests
compared to the typical Accipiters (Rivas-Fuenzalida & Angulo 2021).
Recently, Sangster et al. (2021),
proposed Microspizias as a new genus-group name for A. superciliosus and
A. collaris.
Recommendation: Based on the
osteological, genetic, and ecological evidence, following Sangster et al.
(2021), I recommend transfer Accipiter superciliosus
and Accipiter collaris to the genus Microspizias.
Literature Cited:
Bierregaard, RO and GM Kirwan (2020) Tiny Hawk (Accipiter
superciliosus), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (J. del Hoyo, A.
Elliott, J. Sargatal, D. A. Christie, and E. de Juana, Editors). Cornell Lab of
Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Dickinson, EC, and JV Remsen, Editors (2013) The Howard and Moore
Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. Fourth edition. Volume 1. Aves
Press, Eastbourne, UK.
Hugall AF, and D Stuart-Fox
(2012) Accelerated speciation in colour-polymorphic
birds. Nature 485: 631–634.
Kaup, JJ (1845) Ueber Falken, mit
besonderer Berücksichtigung der in Museum der Senckenbergischen
naturforschenden Gesellschaft aufgestellten Arten. Museum Senckenbergianum 3: 229–262.
Kocum, A (2008) Phylogenie
der Accipitriformes (Greifvögel) anhand verschiedener nuklearer und
mitochondrialer DNA-Sequenzen. Vogelwarte 46: 141–143.
Mindell DP, J Fuchs, and JA Johnson (2018) Phylogeny, taxonomy, and geographic
diversity of diurnal raptors: Falconiformes, Accipitriformes, and
Cathartiformes. In: Sarasola JH, Grande J, Negro J
(Eds) Birds of Prey. Springer, Cham, 3–32.
Oatley G, RE Simmons, and J Fuchs (2015) A molecular phylogeny of the
harriers (Circus, Accipitridae) indicate [sic] the role of long
distance dispersal and migration in diversification. Molecular Phylogenetics
and Evolution 85: 150–160.
Olson, SL (2006). Reflections on the systematics of Accipiter and
the genus for Falco superciliosus Linnaeus. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club
126(1): 69–70.
Rivas-Fuenzalida, T, and F Angulo (2022) Nesting records of the Tiny Hawk
(Accipiter superciliosus) in eastern
Peru. Ornitología Neotropical 33: 39–43.
Sangster, G, GM Kirwan, J Fuchs, EC Dickinson, A
Elliott, and SMS Gregory (2021) A new genus for the Tiny Hawk Accipiter superciliosus and Semicollared
Hawk A. collaris (Aves:
Accipitridae), with comments on the generic name for the Crested Goshawk A. trivirgatus and Sulawesi Goshawk A. griseiceps. Vertebrate Zoology 71:
Tomás Rivas-Fuenzalida,
May 2022
from Remsen:
“YES. Genetic data confirm the morphological data that suggested that these two
species are not members of Accipiter, and I am assuming that the experts
on nomenclature in Sangster et al. have correctly concluded that a new name is
available. The proposed new name meets
all Code qualifications.”
from Areta:
“YES. What a conundrum... I wish Hieraspiza was applicable to superciliosus, but Sangster et al.
(2021) indicate it is not. Therefore, provided that their interpretations of
The Code are correct (and they seem so to me), Microspizias must be adopted for superciliosus (and collaris).”
Comments from Lane: “YES, contingent on the fact that
Microspizias is the correct name to apply to this new genus-level clade.
However, I do wonder if Kaupifalco wouldn't be a reasonable genus to
include these two in, considering it is the sister taxon to them? Yes, it's
African, but the only substantive differences mentioned in the description of Microspizias
are plumage or soft part coloration characters, not structural morphological
characters. I'm sure raptorologists can provide a
list of characters that make this grouping unnatural, but I am curious why that
option wasn't discussed in Sangster et al 2021?”
Comments from Bonaccorso: “YES. It makes sense from the
osteological and genetic evidence. On a related topic, with M. superciliosus
and M. collaris so closely related to Kaupifalco monogrammicus (from
Africa), one would think that they could be in the same genus (not so
different, after all?). However, Mindell et al. (2018) said that this
relationship “is not strongly supported and further data may be needed”. Also,
biogeographically, it makes sense having them in separate genera. Finally, as I
understand from Sangster et al. (2021), this is a new genus, which avoids any
potential taxonomic conflict.”
Comments from Claramunt: “YES. A change required by
phylogenetic evidence and nomenclatural reasons. The argument regarding the
inapplicability of Hieraspiza or other existing names to superciliosus
and collaris seems well researched and correct.”
Comments from Stiles: “YES. On genetic and
nomenclatural grounds, this split and the new generic name are quite reasonable
… and I like Elisa's comment regarding Kaupifalco as well.”
Comments from Robbins: “YES. Genetics and
osteology demonstrate that it should not be in Accipiter.”
Comments from Pacheco: “YES. The allocation of this two-species clade to the newly described Microspizias based on osteological and genetic evidence closes the question.”
from Jaramillo:
“YES – multiple lines of evidence clarify that these two species are not
Accipiters. The creation of Microspizias for the two is warranted.”