Proposal (857x) to South American Classification Committee
NACC guidelines for English names
This is a reorganization of the original proposal into sections to more
easily focus on problem areas:
Principles and Procedures:
A1. Stability of
English names
A2. Name change procedures
General Rules for Names
B1. Orthography
B2. Uniqueness
B3. Length of names
B4. Eponyms
B5. Geographical Names
B6. Species marginally distributed in South America
New and modified names based on changes to classification
C1. Typical species
C1.1. Exceptions (to typical species splits)– relative range sizes
C1.2. Exceptions (to typical species splits)–differential usage
C1.3. Relative appropriateness
C2. Other species splits
C3. Species lumps
C4. Reallocation of taxa
at higher taxonomic levels
Special Considerations
D1. Eponyms
D1.1. Ethical standards
D1.2 Historical association
D2. Foreign language names
D3. Derogatory or otherwise offensive names
A YES vote on each section indicates approval of the statement (or approval
with minor, suggested rewording). A NO
votes indicates that the section is not acceptable, even with minor rewording,
and is accompanied by rationale for objection.
It is understood that “NACC” is to be replaced with SACC throughout, and
that examples provided will be changed to ones more appropriate for SACC where
Comments from Remsen: “In general, we need guidelines
and policies for obvious reasons, e.g. we can refer to these specifically in
proposals for new English names.
“A1. YES. One of the main reasons
for a formalized standard list of vernacular names is that they have a good
chance of being more stable over time than scientific binomials, which are
designed to change with new information on classification and, occasionally,
nomenclature. Stability, therefore, should be the primary, but not only,
consideration. Otherwise, the temptation
to “improve” names based on subjective criteria would lead to an endless
process. That said, Gary, Nacho, and
others have pointed out that we might be more flexible than NACC on this given
that Meyer de Schauensee (1966) was the first standardized list of English
names for South American birds, and that it was not subject to the constant
review that NACC names have been since the late 1800s. Further, the only countries within the SACC
region for which English is the primary language are Guyana and Trinidad and
Tobago. Thus, due to a shorter time
period of use and a much smaller literature that has used them, I don’t think
we should dig in our heels the way North Americans fight to retain entrenched
yet absurd names like Inca Dove, Pelagic Cormorant, Mountain Plover, Evening
Grosbeak, Pelagic Cormorant, and others.
“A2. YES. Given A1 in addition to
changes required by changes in species limits, a formal procedure for changes
must be established. Although sometimes
laborious, a formal process with open exchange of ideas, as well as input from
outside the Committee, should typically produce the best outcome. (However, we all know from combat experience
in this arena that some portion of the users of English names will be
disgruntled no matter what name is chosen.)
“B1. YES. This is the standard AOS
system, and as far as caps go, standard in birds. I am baffled by why other animal and plant
lists don’t adopt the same system; likewise, journal and article editors. These are formal, proper names just like
place names, and the caps remove ambiguity.
As for hyphenated group names, they also reduce ambiguity, and statements
that they are not grammatically correct are nonsense – see my diatribe on this.
Breaking with AOS/NACC on this is not feasible, in my opinion.
“B2. YES. Obviously.
“B3. YES. Common sense.
“B4. YES, but only to stay in line with NACC, which recently voted down a
proposal to remove possessive hyphens. Personally, I think they are unnecessary, but
I can live with them for the sake of stability, including at the international
level, and for the rare ambiguity their removal would cause, e.g. “White
Thrush” for White’s Thrush (Zoothera aurea).
“B5. YES. The inconsistency in
formation of bird names using place names isn’t really worth trying to fix or
legislate in my opinion --- “just deal with it.”
“B6. YES. In general this seems
wise, and because it is a guideline, not a rule, we have some wiggle room here.
“C1. YES. Note that this a
guideline, not a rule, with reasonable exceptions granted below. This has been SOP for AOU/AOS for most of its
history, and the rationale for it, as outlined in the Solitary Vireo example
below, is sensible.
“C1.1a. YES. Differences in
relative range size is a continuum, so borderline cases are inevitable (for
example, our different assessments of relative range size in the Thamnistes
English name proposal.
“C1.1b. YES. More wiggle room (and
the only way to defend Option 2 in the Thamnistes proposal).
“C1.1c. YES. Additional wiggle
room for the occasional problem case such as in the Winter Wren example.
“C2. YES. We already use this to
retain entrenched names when the species were incorrectly considered
“C3. YES – the sensible mirror image.
“C4. YES. Slippery slope
territory, but in practice we’ve been following this.
“D1. YES.
“D1.1. YES. Controversial and with
extreme “slippery slope” danger, but I think we should have a mechanism to dump
eponyms in cases in which the person was a despicable character by the
standards of that era. Note that this
specifically excludes judging mores of a past era by current standards. It think it is safe to assume that almost
every person for whom a bird was named from a hundred or more years ago made
statements that would be unacceptable by current standards. That’s just social progress. By extension, I think it is safe to assume
that statements or actions that we all consider acceptable in 2020 will be
judged as unacceptable a century from now.
“D1.2. YES. Makes sense. At the practical level for SACC, this might
arise when we consider whether to resurrect a historically used eponym: if the
person so honored had absolutely nothing to do with the species or the
ornithology of that region, then I would be in favor of inventing a new,
descriptive or geographic name.
“D2. YES, although I’m not sure how appropriate or necessary this is for
SACC. We already use many indigenous
names or derivations from them to the point that they have actually become
English words, e.g. jacana, tanager, etc.
I suppose this would apply to use if someone named a new species using
only a local indigenous name without reference to congeners or confamilials, rather
calling it a Something Tanager (for example).
On the other hand, if someone discovered a highly distinctive species
for which at least a new genus needs to be named, I see no reason not to
consider using a colorful, local name for it.
Regardless, we can “cross that bridge when we come to it” if the
situation arises.
“D3. YES. Common sense.”
Comments from Claramunt: “YES to all. Again, the rules are clear, sensible, and
flexible where they need to be.”
Comments from Areta: “We cannot just import NACC criteria to
SACC. We need to think (somewhat) differently because we deal with a different
avifauna on a different continent, even when we also aim for a good, long-term,
stable, body of names. Among the many differences, names have a different
history of usage, we are still finding and describing new species at an
astonishing rate, we deal with the richest avifauna in the World, our taxonomy
is still experiencing drastic changes at all levels, etc. So, just using the
same template and making minor adjustments might not work. We need to modify
some of the substance as well.
“Common English names are important to the general public
interested in birds, birdwatchers, conservationists and scientists. I would like to
stress the importance to scientists. Modern editorial practices in the vast
majority of journals (at least in English and Spanish journals) demand that,
unless a paper is dealing specifically with taxonomic aspects, scientific names
be provided on the first bird mention and then keep using the common name
(sometimes scientific names appear just once, because they are never provided
again in figures or legends!). This can (and often does) create a
para-scientific communication system heavily used by scientists. So, having to
deal with papers referring to Black-and-Rufous, Red-and-White, Chestnut,
Reddish and Brownish Whatevers does demand an important extra effort for
scientists, who have to switch from scientific to common names regularly and
sometimes travel through papers dealing with many species to find where on
earth is the first mention of that bird. Worse still, many journals/authors
decide to apply different coding systems to avoid using the lengthy common
names, so we have things like four-letter codes ROWO (Robust Woodpecker, Campephilus robustus), BCBE
(Black-chested Buzzard Eagle, Geranoaetus
melanoleucus) and other paper-specific coding chimaeras. If science was
based mostly on using scientific names, by for example mentioning the common
name at the beginning and then using scientific names, I would agree in their
relative lack of importance for scientific duties; but this is not what
happens. In sum, scientific names are not used with the intensity and when they
should by scientists, because for a set of reasons (that are debatable), common
names are comfortably installed in the scientific literature. How this came to
be the case is possibly complex, but this is where we are standing today. So, I
consider common English names as an issue to be dealt with by scientists as
“Principles and Procedures:
A1. Stability of
English names --- YES, but with many
more degrees of freedom than NACC, for the reasons nicely outlined by Gary in
the explanation for his abstention. This section would demand the addition of
several of Gary´s arguments to be acceptable to me. We are not in a position to
claim such a long history of stability and I think that looking into the future
is good. There are several names out there that have been to use to some degree
and which really represent marked improvements, even if adopting them cause
some minor instability for a short time. I am not advocating for a massive
change of names just because I don´t like them, but alternative names should be
evaluated when they exist and when they are deemed to improve usefulness either
by helping in field ID, when reducing confusion to similar names or when
highlighting unique aspects. So, I am ready to look with fresh eyes and give a
chance to alternative names that are out there, at least for a window of time.
Striking balance between stasis and change can be difficult, but what I want to
say is that we need to be more flexible than NACC in some cases.
A2. Name change procedures --- YES (although perhaps this needs some
modification: one thing is to change a pre-existing name, for which 2/3 might
be good given the potential instability associated, but to adopt a new name for
a split or newly described species, I am more leaned towards a simple majority
as stated in point 7 in my previous vote).
“General Rules for Names
B1. Orthography ---
B2. Uniqueness ---
B3. Length of names --- YES
B4. Eponyms ---
B5. Geographical Names --- YES
B6. Species marginally distributed in South America --- YES
“New and modified names based on changes to classification
C1. Typical species
splits --- NO, major overhaul needed to accommodate the South American
avifauna. I oppose to separating "typical" from "atypical"
C1.1a. Exceptions (to typical species splits)– relative range sizes --- --- NO, major overhaul needed to accommodate
the South American avifauna.
C1.1b. Exceptions (to typical species splits)–differential usage --- --- NO, major overhaul needed to accommodate
the South American avifauna.
C1.1c. Relative appropriateness --- NO
C2. Other species splits ---
C3. Species lumps --- NO
C4. Reallocation of taxa
at higher taxonomic levels --- YES
“I justified my NO votes on these before (see points 1-4, and 6 in my
previous vote)”
D1. Eponyms ---
Looking at the past from the present is a complex issue that should demand
extremely careful scrutiny. It is clear that most eponyms across the Americas
stand for white males (which were often actively involved in collection of
specimens, a prime tool to gather knowledge then and now). This eponymic
imbalance is the product of a historical way of doing things that is now being
questioned. I fully agree with these questionings and firmly believe in the
need of plurality in science in particular and in the World in general.
However, the emphasis on changing bird names is from my perspective misguided
and is far from a solution to the base problems. These names contain part of
the history we want to question, and history should be studied, understood and
put in perspective, not simply erased. I am not particularly concerned about
the extant eponyms in the South American avifauna (I have not detected anything
utterly offensive) or with eponyms at all, this seems more like a pour la galerie witch-hunt than a move
aiming at some deep, real change (the roots of the problems are not in old
names, but rather on current and inherited practices). I am more concerned
about the lack of eponyms reflecting more pluralism in the modern era: the
reasons for this rest, I think, on the current scientific practices and in how
the World is structured. This, however, is a thorny issue that demands a
separate debate (and deep changes).
I think that before deciding on how
deep we will delve on this, and how to treat this topic, we would need to know:
a) How many eponyms do we have in the SACC area? b) How many of such eponyms
are suspected of referring to people with questionable ethical standards? and
c) Based on whose ethical standards? To what degree of involvement/protagonism
in a conflictive issue does an eponym deserves elimination?
D1.1. Ethical
standards --- I would modify this to read "highly unusual
D1.2 Historical
association --- It makes sense that eponyms are mostly related to
ornithological matters, but I am not averse to the usage of eponyms for other
people that played an important role in, say, conservation of a certain area
from where a species is known and things like that, which are not strictly
D2. Foreign language
names --- NO? We are dealing with a different avifauna, and thus applying names
drawing terms from local languages, which refer to local names, local practices
and local ideas should be welcome, especially for splits and newly described
taxa. Thus, I think that this needs to be moderated and toned down, to be more
accommodating of the South American reality. See also point 5 in my previous
D3. Derogatory or
otherwise offensive names --- YES. Derogatory or offensive names must be
avoided. Get ready to let Tapaculo go?”
Comments from Lane”
“Principles and Procedures:
A1&2. YES
General Rules for Names
B1-6. YES
New and modified names based on changes to classification
C1. Typical species
splits: YES
C1.1. Exceptions (to typical species splits)– relative range sizes: YES
C1.2. Exceptions (to typical species splits)–differential usage: YES
C1.3. Relative appropriateness: NO. I actually am not pleased with the
retention of Winter Wren in the face of the split of Troglodytes troglodytes
as it results in a fair amount of confusion over the senu stricto/sensu lato
usage. That was a case where I think a new name should have been created
(“Canada Wren” maybe?). Similar situations in South America should be handled
with new daughter names too.
C2. Other species splits: YES
C3. Species lumps: YES
C4. Reallocation of taxa
at higher taxonomic levels: YES
Special Considerations
D1. Eponyms: YES
D1.1. Ethical standards: YES
D1.2 Historical association: YES
D2. Foreign language names: NO. Since little of our region of coverage
contains native English speakers, it seems likely, if not inevitable, that bird
names using non-English etymologies will be established. These can be Spanish,
Portuguese, native languages or of pidgin origin. We already have many common
names from these etymological origins (Jacana, Anhinga, Macaw, Tapaculo,
Canastero, Hornero, Gravateiro, etc.) and few if any have been difficult for
English speakers to handle. These are certainly no more difficult to pronounce
than names based on scientific (e.g., genus) names!
D3. Derogatory or otherwise offensive names: YES”
Proposal (857) to South American Classification Committee
Adopt NACC guidelines
for English names
our official stance on English names is as follows (from our introductory
English names: The English names used by
SACC follow those in Dickinson (2003), which in turn generally followed those
used by Meyer de Schauensee (1970) and AOU (1998) for New World species. Several, however, have been changed subsequently
from Dickinson (2003) through the proposal mechanism. Alternative English names are given if they
have appeared in reference literature since 1900. SACC follows the published guidelines for
English names and their orthography as noted in AOU (1983: xxi-xxii) and references
therein. See SACC
policy on use diacritical marks (accents, cedillas, tildes).
Thus, we follow the guidelines in the 1983 AOU Checklist. NACC has now revised these guidelines and posted them at the NACC website:
is the text:
American Ornithological Society (AOS)
Committee on Classification and Nomenclature: North and
Middle America (NACC)
3 June 2020
Guidelines for English bird names
The American Ornithological
Society’s North American Classification Committee (NACC) has long held
responsibility for arbitrating the official names of birds that occur within
its area of geographic coverage. Scientific names used are in accordance with the
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999); the committee has no
discretion to modify scientific names that adhere to ICZN rules. English names
for species are developed and maintained in keeping with the following
guidelines, which are used when forming English names for new or recently split
species and when considering proposals to change established names for
previously known species:
A. Principles and Procedures
1. Stability of English names. The NACC recognizes that there are substantial benefits
to nomenclatural stability and that long-established English names should only
be changed after careful deliberation and for good cause. As detailed in AOU
(1983), NACC policy is to “retain well
established names for well-known and widely distributed species, even if the
group name or a modifier is not precisely accurate, universally appropriate, or
descriptively the best possible.” The NACC has long interpreted this
policy as a caution against the ever-present temptation to ‘improve’
well-established English names and this remains an important principle. In
practice, this means that proposals to the NACC advocating a change to a
long-established English name must present a strongly compelling, well-researched,
and balanced rationale.
Name change
procedures. The NACC process of
considering an English name change is the same as for other nomenclatural
topics. NACC deliberations are proposal-based, and the committee welcomes
proposals from interested members of the professional and non-professional
ornithological communities. Proposals from previous years, which may be useful
as models, are posted online, as are general instructions for proposal
preparation and submission. Proposals to change an established English name
require a 2/3 vote in favor for passage, following the committee’s
long-standing policy for all proposals.
B. General Rules for Names
Orthography. English names of birds are
capitalized in keeping with standard ornithological practice. As noted by
Parkes (1978), capitalization also prevents ambiguity between a species name
and a description in such cases as “gray flycatcher” or “solitary sandpiper”.
Diacritical marks are not used in English names. With respect to the use of
hyphens, the committee follows Parkes (1978).
Uniqueness. The
English name of every species (and of named groups within species) should be
unique both within the NACC region and, with occasional exceptions, globally.
Length of names. Names may consist of a single
word or more than one word. However, modifiers must be used for single word or
group names that apply to more than one species. Thus, Gray Catbird is used for
Dumetella carolinensis rather than
Catbird because there are other species of catbird (e.g., the closely related
Black Catbird Melanoptila glabrirostris
and eleven distantly related species of catbirds in the family
Eponyms. Eponyms,
names that incorporate the name of an individual historical person, add an
apostrophe “s” ending (e.g., Baird’s Sparrow, Lucy’s Warbler). Eponyms already
ending in “s” also add an apostrophe “s” (e.g., Xantus’s Hummingbird).
Geographical names. Names
based on geography may use either the adjectival (e.g., Jamaican Woodpecker) or
noun (e.g., Canada Warbler) form of a name, but names should be used
consistently for each geographical entity.
marginally distributed in North America. Names
generally accepted by global or regional authorities are typically used for
species that occur in our area as vagrants, introduced species, or species of
otherwise marginal distribution.
C. New and
modified names based on changes to classification
1. Typical species splits. In the case of
true phylogenetic daughter species formerly treated as a single parental
species, the usual policy is to create new names for each daughter species. For
example, the split of Solitary Vireo resulted in new names for each of the
three daughter species (Blue-headed, Cassin’s, and Plumbeous) rather than
retention of Solitary Vireo for one of the daughters. This practice is designed
to prevent confusion in the literature as to what taxonomic entity the parental
name (e.g., Solitary Vireo) references. Note that this differs from the
procedure used for scientific names, which mandates (via ICZN) that the name of
the nominate form remain unchanged. In support of the principle of stability,
the choice of new names strongly considers existing names for the daughter
species in widely used older literature (e.g., Ridgway and Friedmann 1901-1946)
as well as any names proposed for the new species in publications supporting
the change in species limits.
1.1 Exceptions.
Strong association of names with particular daughter species may provide
exceptions to the above policy. In these situations, a change to the English
name of one daughter species would cause much more disruption than a change to
that of the other daughter species. In these cases, the potential confusion of
retaining the parental name for the daughter species strongly associated with
the name is weighed against the potential disruption of changing the name.
Overall, the goal is to maximize stability and minimize disruption to the
extent possible. The committee uses various factors to assess potential
differential impact, such as major differences in range size, differences in
usage in the scientific and popular literature, and relative appropriateness of
a name. The Committee recognizes that such judgments are subjective and that
borderline cases will inevitably occur.
1.1.a. Relative range size. In many cases,
relative range size is an excellent proxy for the differential effect of a name
change. When one or more new daughter species are essentially peripheral
isolates or have similarly small ranges compared to the other daughter species,
then the parental name is often retained for the widespread, familiar daughter
species to maintain stability. For example, the English name Red-winged
Blackbird was retained for the widespread species Agelaius phoeniceus
when the Cuban subspecies A. phoeniceus assimilis was
elevated to species rank, and a novel English name (Red-shouldered Blackbird)
was adopted only for the daughter species A. assimilis.
1.1.b. Differential usage. In some cases, a
name is much more associated with one daughter species regardless of relative
range size. For example, the name Clapper Rail has been consistently associated
with birds of the eastern US and Caribbean for over a century, whereas populations
in South America and in the western US and Mexico were known by various other
names before being grouped under the name Clapper Rail. In this case, despite
the extensive range of the South American daughter species (Rallus longirostris),
the name Clapper Rail was retained for eastern North American daughter species
(R. crepitans) when the species was split into three, with Mangrove Rail
applied to the daughter in South America and Ridgway's Rail to that in the
southwestern US and adjacent Mexico (R. obsoletus).
1.1.c. Relative
appropriateness. In some cases, a parental name is much more appropriate
for one of the daughter species. In such cases, especially when no truly
appropriate substitute name can be found, a parental name can be retained for
that daughter. For example, in the case of the split of Winter Wren (Troglodytes
hiemalis), the parental name Winter Wren was retained for the migratory
eastern species, whereas the novel name Pacific Wren was created for the
largely resident western species (T. pacificus). In this case the
retained English name of the eastern species hiemalis also reflects its scientific name, which means “of winter”
(Jobling 2010).
2. Other species splits. In the case of a
change in species limits due to incorrect previous assessment of relationships,
then the parental English name may be retained for the appropriate species,
especially if no other suitable name is available. This differs from 1 above in
that the changes do not involve true parent-daughter splits in the phylogenetic
sense but rather a correction of previous taxonomy. For example, when Galapagos
Shearwater was split from Audubon’s Shearwater, the name Audubon’s was not changed
because new data revealed that Galapagos was not its sister and should never
have been considered conspecific with Audubon’s in the first place; therefore,
the original classification, with both species treated as separate species with
their original separate names, was restored.
3. Species lumps. The committee
occasionally merges two or more species into a single species. Guidelines for
English names that result from lumps generally mirror those for species splits,
in that a new name is generally preferred unless the exceptions for relative
range size or appropriateness (as above in C.1.1 and C.1.2) apply. In practice,
many lumps involve species with a great disparity in geographical range, so
that in many cases the name for the more widespread former species is retained
for the merged species. In a case in which the lump represents a return to
species limits recognized prior to a split (i.e., in a reversal of a split),
then the original name for the pre-split species is again adopted (in some
cases this is the name of one of the former daughter species).
4. Reallocation of taxa at higher taxonomic
levels. In the case of reallocation of taxa at the family or genus level
due to new phylogenetic data, the Committee may occasionally change the group
name of a species to reflect more accurately its phylogenetic relationships. A
classic example is the change of the English name of the species formerly known
as Upland Plover to Upland Sandpiper (to restrict the group name “plover” to
the Charadriidae). Such changes are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with
assessment of the cost of loss of stability versus the benefit of increasing
phylogenetic information in the name. Note that many English group names do not
have phylogenetic significance even at the family level (e.g. flycatcher,
warbler, finch, sparrow, tanager, grosbeak, and bunting) and are best treated
as morphotypes. Thus, changes to long-standing names of this type (e.g.,
Scarlet Tanager) to correspond to changes in family or genus allocation
generally require special circumstances. Again, the Committee recognizes that
the inevitable subjectivity in these situations will create borderline
D. Special Considerations
Eponyms. At present, 142 English names of NACC bird species are
eponyms. The NACC recognizes that some eponyms refer to individuals or cultures
who held beliefs or engaged in actions that would be considered offensive or
unethical by present-day standards. These situations create a need for criteria
to evaluate whether a long-established eponym is sufficiently harmful by
association to warrant its change. After substantial deliberation and
consultation, the NACC has adopted the following guidelines:
1.1 The NACC will
change well-established eponyms only in unusual circumstances, but these situations
may occur. The NACC recognizes that many individuals for whom birds are named
were products of their times and cultures, and that this creates a gradient of
disconnection between their actions and beliefs and our present-day mores. By
itself, affiliation with a now-discredited historical movement or group is
likely not sufficient for the NACC to change a long-established eponym. In
contrast, the active engagement of the eponymic namesake in reprehensible
events could serve as grounds for changing even long-established eponyms,
especially if these actions were associated with the individual’s
ornithological career. The NACC recognizes that opinions will often differ on
how best to handle such situations, and the Committee strives to strike a balance
that recognizes the principle of nomenclatural stability while respecting
circumstances in which names should be reconsidered to reflect present-day
ethical principles or to avoid ongoing harm.
1.2 In evaluating
potential changes to eponyms, the NACC will also consider the degree of
historical association between the eponym and the species it describes. Some
eponyms are purely honorific in that they refer to an individual with no close
association to their namesake species or to ornithology in general. Other
eponyms refer to the individual who first discovered or collected that species,
or to individuals who contributed substantially to advances in our discipline.
These latter names have a tighter historical and ornithological affiliation and
therefore a higher level of merit for retention.
names. As stated in AOU (1983),
“vernacular names derived from a
language other than English may be adopted when these are well established and
not inappropriate.” For example, the endemic Hawaiian avifauna includes many
species for which Hawaiian-language names are well established, and most of these
have been incorporated into the AOS Checklist. However,
in situations in which no historical Hawaiian-language name is known, the NACC
will generally give precedence to an established English-derived name over a
Hawaiian-language neologism. Similar principles apply to names derived from
non-English languages elsewhere within the NACC area.
Derogatory or otherwise
offensive names. English
bird names that clearly denigrate any group or class of people, or which would
be generally considered offensive by present-day standards, may be changed for
this reason alone. For example, the English name of the duck formerly known as
Oldsquaw was changed to Long-tailed Duck in the 42nd Supplement (AOU
2000). The associated text of that supplement reads in part “The
Committee declines to consider political correctness alone in changing
long-standing English names of birds but is willing in this instance to adopt
an alternative name that is in use in much of the world.” The present policy document
revises this approach to acknowledge that there may be English names that cause
sufficient offense to warrant change on that basis alone. The committee will
consider the degree and scope of offensiveness under present-day social
standards as part of its deliberations. The NACC acknowledges that some words
or terms may become secondarily offensive, even when they were not originally
intended as derogatory, and sometimes even when there is no direct etymological
link between the original name and its now-offensive connotation.
Ornithologists' Union (AOU). 1983. Check-list of North American Birds, 6th ed.
American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C.
Ornithologists’ Union (AOU). 2000. Forty-second supplement to the American
Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North
American Birds. Auk 117: 847–858.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). 1999. International Code of
Zoological Nomenclature, 4th edition. International Trust for Zoological
Nomenclature, London.
Jobling, J. A. 2010. Helm dictionary of scientific bird
names. Christopher Helm, London.
Parkes, K. C. 1978. A guide to forming and capitalizing
compound names of birds in English. Auk
95: 324-326.
Ridgway, R., and H. Friedmann.
1901-1946. The birds of North and Middle America. Bulletin US National Museum
50, parts 1-10.
recommend a “YES” vote to adopt the NACC guidelines as above, in principle,
with minor modifications to do things like remove the Hawaiian names example. We can then amend them, perhaps through the
proposal system, as needed. A YES vote
may also be accompanied by suggested minor changes in your Comments. For example, we follow a slightly less rigid
policy on diacritical marks: For the purposes of this proposal, a YES vote means to
adopt in principal the NACC guidelines and then modify them in minor ways as
needed. In other words, YES means you’re
in favor of using these as a starting point.
A “NO” vote means no change needed to current AOU 1983 text (of which I am trying to find an online version to avoid having to type it out) or that the above is unacceptable. I’m grappling with the appropriate mechanism to modify the NACC statement in minor ways.
that these are guidelines, not rules, written with all sorts of wiggle room for
the inevitable quirky situations.
Although our English name proposals already follow the 1983 AOU
guidelines, some accuse us of making whimsical decisions without bothering to
check or read the proposal or our online comments, which typically reference
these guidelines informally. So, I think
it is a good idea to formalize more directly the way we make decisions.
Van Remsen, May 2020
from David Wiedenfeld:
I want to oppose in general the idea of accepting foreign-language names,
although the language in Proposal 857 is probably ok. The interpretation of
“well established” needs to be held to very closely, and hardened.
are supposed to be English common names. I’m no English chauvinist, but
accepting foreign-language names opens up a real bag of worms.
now the fashion is to accept many Hawaiian-language names, because the native
Hawaiians still speak that language and had names in that language for many of
the native birds. If we start accepting those names, though, we run immediately
into inconsistencies. Why do we accept Hawaiian-language names, but not Lakota?
Or Cherokee? Or any of the many other native American/First Nations languages
that are still spoken? How do we choose which ones we’ll accept and which ones
we’ll reject? It affects spelling, too. Brazilians don’t call their country
“Brazil,” they call it “Brasil.” So do we have to change the bird’s name to
“Brasilian Merganser?” For migratory species, who takes precedence? Many
migratory species spend more of their life on the wintering ground than in the
US or Canada. So should we be calling it Chipe Amarilla?
are talking about English common names here, not local common names. To be
consistent, we should use English names, where they exist, unless there is a
well-established local name in the English-language literature. That should be
a high bar.”
from Craig Caldwell:
“As an avid and
non-professional birder, I have great interest in the selection of English
names. (I'm also a minor contributor to SACC deliberations - two English name
proposals, both passed after welcome modifications.) I support this proposal
for two reasons. First, its content is well thought out and comprehensive yet
flexible enough to allow logical deviations from the best practices. Second,
it's much to the benefit of birders - the primary users of English names - that
the NACC and SACC follow the same procedures as much as possible, and adopting
this proposal gets closer to that end.”
from Jaramillo:
“NO. For perhaps a surprising reason. I think we should get out of the English
Name business, both the NACC and the SACC. The committees do outstanding work
in the work of taxonomy, the scientific part of the endeavor we are charged
with. However, English Names are not the fun part for most of us, and not the
part we are well suited to work on. In this committee it is particularly
interesting as the end goal might be to have a majority Latin American group of
researchers working on the taxonomy of Neotropical Birds. Many of the folks on
this committee are already abstaining on this task of English Names as they are
not native English speakers. This will become more common as the proportion of
researchers who did not grow up with English as their first language increases.
Why continue with a task that we can already see will be even more difficult to
do in the future, that we do not always enjoy, that slows progress of proposals
in the queue, and that we are perhaps not best suited to decide on. I suggest
that instead of accepting new rules on English Names, that we suggest that a
separate committee with a more mixed and diverse skill set take on English
Names for both the NACC and SACC. It seems logical to me.”
Comments from Zimmer: “YES. I’ve read through the NACC
guidelines carefully, and, in general, I think they do a very good job of
laying out a logical framework for how to deal with English name changes. As Van states in the Proposal, there is lots
of wiggle room here, allowing for special circumstances (see, for example, Part
C. New and modified names based on
changes to classification). I would be
opposed to adopting any “hard and fast” rules that wouldn’t allow for such
wiggle room, but that is clearly NOT the case being considered here. I think NACC’s guidelines for dealing with
changes to eponyms strikes a reasonable balance between wanting to avoid
offending large swaths of people by honoring truly reprehensible individuals on
the one hand, versus the destabilizing effects of doing away with long
established eponyms honoring individuals for their discoveries or contributions
to the field on the other. I’ve actually
seen lots of chatter in recent on-line forums proposing to do away with ALL
eponyms (and even birds named after specific states, or other geographic
regions, unless they are exclusively endemic to those areas), which, frankly, I
think is ridiculous [In one of these massive renaming exercises, there was
actually a suggestion of renaming Accipiter
cooperi as “Brutal Hawk”!]. One
place where I think we would perhaps want to amend the NACC guidelines is
Section D2 (Foreign-language names). The
challenges presented by indigenous Hawaiian names does not really concern us,
and, I think, we would want to highlight examples from indigenous South
American names in amending the NACC policy in this regard (see, also, Van’s
comments regarding our less rigid policy concerning diacritical marks). One thing that I don’t see mentioned in the
NACC guidelines regarding “Foreign-language names” is any stand on adopting
Latin/Greek Generic names as a group name in the English names of birds. I personally like using the genus name as an
“English” group name – I think it can be much more informative in cutting
through the clutter and confusion of English group-names in highly speciose
groups (such as flycatchers, tyrannulets, tanagers, etc.). I’ve heard the objection put forth that by
incorporating the scientific name of the genus as part of an English name, we
are defeating the entire purpose of having English names. But, that argument ignores the fact that
there are any number of long-established “English” group names (and even some
individual species names) that are, in fact, identical to the name of the genus
(Vireo, Chlorophonia, Euphonias, Xenops, Donacobius, Tityra, Schiffornis,
Phainopepla, Pyrrhuloxia, etc), and I don’t see anyone objecting to them. Anyway, I do think it would be helpful if we
amended the NACC guidelines to at least being open to such cases of adapting
non-English names as English names.”
Comments from Areta: “NO. Mostly because I
think the guidelines need important modifications to make them more suitable to
the South American avifauna.
“While I agree with the
general spirit of the guidelines, I would layout the facts differently:
“1) By starting Section
C with what are supposed to be "typical splits", the guidelines focus
too narrowly on supposedly typical splits that may, or may not be, so typical.
We all can think of many cases in which splits did not involve more closely
related species, and in many splits we do not even know what the relationships
are (there is no mention on what to do in this case!). In any case, what is
changing with a split is our concept of species limits, not necessarily of the
topology of relationships among species. The conflation of phylogenetic
relationships with species limits, inadvertently leads to thinking that names
should reflect phylogenetic relationships in some (unclear and unspoken)
manner, which we all also know does not apply to many current bird names: quite
often, sisters do have different group names (e.g., Sylviorthorhynchus:
wiretail, tit-spinetail, Limnoctites reedhaunter, spinetail; or
different names altogether, as in many of the most popular birds with
distinctive own names). So, I do not see any need or good reason for presenting
"typical splits" vs "other splits", and I would instead
focus on splits as such, regardless of fine-grained phylogenetic relationships.
This does not mean that I advocate that phylogenetic relationships are not
important, of course. But if we can live with spinetails in many different
families, vultures that are extreme cases of evolutionary convergence, and many
other such cases, worrying about whether two species are more closely related
or not when looking for names, seems unfounded from my point of view. To
conclude, there are no "true" splits: splits split whatever was put
together under the same species, and in this sense they represent a
clarification of the limits among those entities, regardless of their
relationships. If we look into current common names, we will see tons of
inconsistencies in this regard, heritage of a past in which phylogenetic
relationships were not known.
“2) There might also be
more informative ways of sorting the cases in section C. I suggest this one: a)
two species splits, b) multiple-way species splits. Then, general
recommendations can apply to them namely
whether they are sister or not (in two-way splits) --- if sister, then see
comment 3 below.
whether they form an holophyletic clade or not (in multiple-way splits) --- if
in an holophyletic clade, see comment 3 below
--- what
to do when the phylogenetic relationships are not known?! --- this is one of
the reasons for which I think it is not really all that relevant whether the
split is among sisters or not.
whether the range of one (or more) is greater than the other one(s)
whether the nominate/earlier named taxon should in general retain the common
name (depending on the balance between other criteria, but as an ideal, and
everything else being equal, I would say yes)
“3) I also wish to note
that there is, in principle, an implicit clash between A1 (which advocates
stability of well-established names) and C1 (which proposes changing both/all
names for "sister/within clade" splits). This needs to be better developed.
“4) I believe that
having clearer guidelines that additionally do not put so much emphasis on
phylogenetic relationships will help reduce the number of arbitrary changes and
will also reduce the (inevitably) subjective evaluation of which criterion
should be afforded more importance in different cases.
“5) I agree in that
names should be, for the most part, in English. But I deeply disagree with
Wiedenfeld´s view. The rich lexicon of the Neotropics, paralleled by its
astounding bird richness and diversity, can provide very accurate and evocative
names that will be pleasant and useful to English speakers. Within reason,
names such as Rio Branco Antbird, Serra do Mar Tyrannulet, Monte Yellow Finch,
and Jalca Tapaculo (of which I find the usage of Jalca acceptable [having
dropped the former "Millpo"]; let´s skip the "Tapaculo" for
the time being) incorporate non-English words without creating any kind of
“6) Finally, to build
upon comments by Craig Caldwell, the SACC is treating a different (and notably
larger) set of species than NACC, and taxonomic uncertainty is possibly times
higher in the former. While I believe that having shared protocols is a good
thing, we need to keep in mind the different nature and amount of knowledge on
our study subjects. So, again, while I agree with the spirit of the guidelines,
they were not thought to deal with the South American avifauna, and some
adjustments seem necessary to take into consideration the different development
of ornithology and taxonomy in both subcontinents.
“7) The issue of
whether non-native English speakers should vote or discuss on the appropriateness
of common English names is byzantine and anachronic to say the least. I think
that all SACC members should vote and that common English names decisions
should be expedite (i.e., needing simple majority, not 2/3 of votes, to pass).
If we will have new guidelines, we should also discuss who will be deciding the
SACC common English names. With so many capable people around, including many
advisors, it would not take much to have reasonable names at a relatively
from Claramunt:
“YES. These
new guidelines are clear AND flexible. They will be helpful framing the
discussions for future changes. I particularly like the special considerations
regarding eponyms. Ultimately, I tend to concur with Alvaro's comment: I'm not
convinced that dealing with English should be part of our main goals. But at
least these new guidelines give us a stronger framework.”
Comments from Stiles: “I will abstain on this proposal,
reflecting my philosophy regarding the nature of English names, as opposed to
Latin names. Latin is effectively not a living language, which facilitates its
function as regards stability. The flood of new genetic evidence, in
combination with new data on distributions and vocalizations in particular, has
necessitated numerous changes, but the ICZN Code provides rules governing such
changes. Thus, a characteristic of Latin names is that they look to the past to
ensure stability (although even here, the Code recognizes a “gray zone” with
respect to current usage). By contrast, English is a living language – and a
fundamental characteristic of living languages is that they evolve, because the
world that they are being used to describe changes! With regard to English
names for birds, the world has changed greatly since the times of Hellmayr,
Meyer de Schauensee and even Eisenmann. Many species have been split or lumped;
new genetic information as well as data on vocalizations, ecology and
distribution have provided many new and sometimes unsuspected insights on
taxonomic affinities. Moreover, there are many more people (mostly
professionals) in the field studying birds, and
very many more people (mostly amateurs) out there observing and identifying them – and also a number of
people that combine both attributes, including some field guide authors and
tour guides. Many (non-taxonomist) professionals and virtually all amateurs are
the primary users of English names, which ideally should facilitate
identification of the birds.
me, this requires a different way of viewing stability, one that looks to the
future rather than the past. In this sense, I think that trying to ensure
stability by categorically rejecting newer names that differ from a static
“classic” baseline (those used by Meyer de Schauensee in 1966 or 1970 and based
nearly exclusively on museum specimens) may not be the best way to go. A number
of changes involving clearly more evocative, distinctive or taxonomically
appropriate names have been rejected by SACC, including some already accepted
in field guides and other checklists - and the process continues. In effect, we’re in an uphill struggle to
freeze classic E-names in a downhill landslide to change (and, let’s admit it,
improve) them! One should not confuse
field guide taxonomy (suggested
splits or lumps base on the author’s familiarity with the taxa in question, but
not based on formal published evidence) and field guide names (which often are
better suited for field identification). Hence, a more realistic view of
stability could be to accept the best changes available as being the most
likely to survive longest in the future. Such survival will inevitably depend
upon the users of these names, and SACC has become a good deal more flexible in
recent years, especially with the input from people that use these names most:
birders, tour guides and yes, field guide authors!
has received criticism for the delays in evaluating and accepting or rejecting
taxonomic changes. In a number of cases, delays (of months or even years) in
implementing accepted taxonomic changes have been the difficulty of reaching a
consensus on E-names. Most of the
members of SACC are scientists with a strong museum base (and have rather less
use in their work for English names – especially the Latin American members,
except when publishing in English-language journals). I suggest that it might be worthwhile to
officialize a subcommittee specifically for English names to include people
that help to bridge the gap like Steve Hilty, Bret Whitney, Mark Pearman, Bob
Ridgely, Tom Schulenberg and Dan Lane? (perhaps with ad hoc members of SACC
itself when it might seem useful to this subcommittee). Let the current SACC evaluate the taxonomic
changes, then refer the E-name questions to this (sub)committee as the
taxonomic questions are decided. This subcommittee should then promptly present
its consensus to SACC for acceptance (unless there is a serious objection that
might require another round – hopefully such cases would be exceptional). Might
this help to speed things up, and assure better contact with those who need and
use these names most?
might be useful to contrast SACC with NACC on these issues. Most E-names for
North American birds were established by the AOU nearly a century ago, and have
been continuously in use by thousands of people, both professionals and
amateurs, ever since. Hence, the need for changes in these E-names has been
limited to the situations well treated by NACC. Although E-names for most South
American birds were proposed by Meyer de Schauensee (presumably in
collaboration with Eisenmann), they were not widely used for several
decades. Since the 1980s, the
availability of many new, well-illustrated field guides (and affordable air
travel) have stimulated a new generation of globe-trotting birders, coinciding
with a surge of new fieldwork and taxonomic changes by ornithologists, enhanced
by better technology and improved access to previously little-explored regions.
These developments have disclosed the inadequacy of various E-names dating from
the 1960’s (or in some cases, earlier), as well as producing numerous suggestions
for E-name changes. I suggest that the best of these newer names might well
have a longer “half-life” than those older ones found to be less satisfactory,
and thus better promote stability into the future.”
from Stiles:
“Accept NACC guidelines for E-names: I didn’t try to disentangle the comments
on this one.. as I recall, I thought that SACC’s situation here was more
complicated and required more flexibility on a few points.”
comments from Stiles:
“[YES to all.]. Although I am not altogether
enchanted by the NACC proposal, it may be flexible enough to be palatable in
practice, so to avoid eternal stagnation, I'll agree to YES and hope that it
works OK for SA problems in practice.”
from Jaramillo:
“NO – There is a lot to fix here. I do think the pendulum needs to switch to
not changing well established names after a split unless absolutely necessary.
The idea of a daughter having the name of the species pre-split causes some
confusion (Winter Wren), but in reality, not much at all. Yet the
simplification and minimization of confusion for millions of users is huge by
keeping Winter Wren for the northern/eastern species.
“I also think that there has to be some element
of consistency, and enforcing consistency. These guidelines are published, yet
I am not sure that the committee actually looks at them before making a
decision. Why do we have White-winged, Velvet, Stejneger’s Scoters, as well as
Black, Common Scoter….. yet the NACC decides to re-name the Mew Gull when there
was an available and widely used North American English Name in the very same
manner of use as in the scoters? If these guidelines are not creating some consistency,
I am not sure they are much use at all. Perhaps more for the benefit of people
outside of the committee?
“I would also suggest that complex eponyms be
dealt with outside of the committee. We have not been good with dealing with
questions of culture that are outside of science. This is a committee of
scientists, and the phylogeny and taxonomy work we do well. The cultural not so
much. While culture may necessitate the changing of names for reasons that the
public may be working for, the committee has to balance the need to change
names in some cases, and the need to fight to retain names in other cases. But
the user group considered has to be the public. This ties into the top point,
we should have concern for not changing widespread names after splits. I think
maintaining Winter Wren was a good idea! We should also strive to have names
that are memorable, and vibrant. We may not be the brains to come up with these
names. Having outside input, perhaps even public forums run by others that we
can tap into would be good for idea generation?
“Overall, English Names are how most users
interact with names. Scientists are perhaps less than 1% of the users, yet the
names are being created by scientists with their concerns forefront. I am not
sure that system works as it is, and a set of guidelines that is lacking
abundant creativity, or points addressing the needs of the average English Name
user, is not going to cut it either. Public input as part of the process would
be a start.
“I don’t understand the dichotomy of how we
undervalue the job of English Names, as it is not the “interesting stuff” like
the splits and lumps. Yet we are keen on being in control of this process. It
seems clear to me that English names are a bit of an annoyance at times for all
involved (myself included), yet we are keen to remain in control of this realm.
Why? If it is just a question of maintaining control for the sake of control…
well, I don’t understand that. If it is because the committees really think
they can do a better job than a wider body and with more public input, well I
have not seen the data suggesting that this is the case. I do not think this
these simple guidelines address a way to resolve all of this for the
committees, or a way forward.
“In particular for THIS committee, if in the
end the idea is for South Americans to be running and guiding this committee
long term well most if not all of those people will be English speakers as a
second language. Also, they may not be day to day users of the English Names.
We already allow non primary English speakers in the committee to bow out of
the voting for English Names. So if this work is already being segmented in
this way, maybe the guidelines should be formalized and again, a separate group
(which could include even all members of this committee) should be created to
deal with the English Names? In a sense it is happening informally, that needs
to be codified in some way for any set of English Name guidelines. There are
probably other issues specific to the SACC that make the direct acceptance of
the NACC guidelines not possible.”
from Zimmer:
and Procedures:
Stability of English names. YES. I also concur with Van’s and Nacho’s comments
on allowing ourselves more flexibility or “wiggle room” on this, given that the
English names of most South American birds have not been standardized for as
long, subjected to continual committee scrutiny/oversight for as long, nor
employed by such a wide user base for so long as have North American bird
names. Therefore, while I think
stability should remain an underlying principle, I think we should also retain
the ability change egregiously poor names, which could be covered by slight
modification of the last sentence of this section “In practice, this means that
proposals advocating a change to a long-established English name must present a
strongly compelling, well-researched and balanced rationale.”
“A2. Name change procedures. YES.
Rules for Names:
“B1. Orthography. YES.
Uniqueness. YES.
Length of names. YES.
Eponyms. YES.
Geographical names. YES.
Species marginally distributed in South America. YES.
and modified names based on changes to classification:
Typical species splits. YES.
Exceptions (to typical species splits)
-- relative range sizes. YES.
C1.2. Exceptions
(to typical species splits) --
differential usage. YES.
Relative appropriateness. YES.
Other species splits. YES.
Species lumps. YES.
Reallocation of taxa at higher taxonomic levels. YES.
Eponyms. YES.
Ethical standards. YES.
Historical association. YES.
Foreign language names. This is
one place where I think we would want to amend the NACC guidelines. The challenges presented by indigenous
Hawaiian names does not really concern us, and, I think, we would want to
highlight examples from indigenous South American names in amending the NACC
policy in this regard (but keeping in mind the caveats presented by David
Wiedenfeld; see, also, Van’s earlier comments regarding our less rigid policy
concerning diacritical marks). One thing
that I don’t see mentioned in the NACC guidelines regarding “Foreign-language
names” is any stand on adopting Latin/Greek Generic names as a group name in
the English names of birds. I personally
like using the genus name as an “English” group name – I think it can be much
more informative in cutting through the clutter and confusion of English
group-names in highly speciose groups (such as flycatchers, tyrannulets,
tanagers, etc.). I’ve heard the
objection put forth that by incorporating the scientific name of the genus as part
of an English name, we are defeating the entire purpose of having English
names. But, that argument ignores the
fact that there are any number of long-established “English” group names (and
even some individual species names) that are, in fact, identical to the name of
the genus (Vireo, Chlorophonia, Euphonias, Xenops, Donacobius, Tityra,
Schiffornis, Phainopepla, Pyrrhuloxia, etc), and I don’t see anyone objecting
to them. Anyway, I do think it would be
helpful if we amended the NACC guidelines to at least being open to such cases
of adapting non-English names as English names.
Derogatory or otherwise offensive names.
from Rasmussen:
“As a longtime NACC member, I consider these
guidelines to be excellent overall and really useful, and enough time has
passed since they were formalized that they have been shown to be
comprehensive, workable, and yet sufficiently flexible. However, of course not
everyone outside of NACC agrees with this assessment, even outside of the
eponym flashpoint. I have read the previous comments by SACC voters, especially
by those voting NO to certain points, but I don’t see any major barriers to
adoption as long as minor adjustments are made and flexibility is built-in.
“Thus I vote YES to all.
“B2: One minor thing: I am puzzled by the exceptions clause, as I
can’t think of any remaining non-unique names in the NACC area, nor why we
would or should retain them. Ornithology and birding are just too globalized
now for this to be a workable option. Are there are any non-unique English
names currently recognized for the SACC area?
“B3: I would suggest avoiding mention of exact numbers of species
(e.g. “eleven distantly related species of catbirds in the family
Ptilonorhynchidae” where this information is unnecessary and liable to change.
For example, said catbirds are now treated as 10 species in the eBird/Clements
list and six in the forthcoming WGAC list, not to mention the fact that the
Abyssinian Catbird Sylvia
galinieri isn’t mentioned.
“B4. Regarding the apostrophe rule for eponyms, well it has never
been completely followed, e.g. Montezuma Oropendola, and variants such as
Blackburnian, Barolo, etc.
“D2. Of course the SACC guidelines do not need to discuss the
Hawaiian bird names issue, which is unusual because a single language group
populated the islands and named most of the birds, unlike the many languages
with their own names for each bird species in mainland regions. That said,
Tupí-Guaraní was the source of many bird names---if Jacana, Jabiru, Guira,
Tachuri, Sayaca, Anhinga, Maguari, Chopi, Picui, Ani, Tanager, etc., had not
been adopted long ago, who knows what names would have stuck, and I’ve not
heard objections to these, although people don't quite know how to pronounce
some of them. According to Jobling, Chiguanco is Aymara, Diuca is Araucano,
Cocoi and Tinamou are Cayenne, Condor is Inca, etc. I’m sure there are many
others but for whatever reason the Neotropical avifauna seems to have
incorporated a much larger percentage of Amerindian names than has North
America, which of course instead co-opted a lot of names of distantly related
European birds (blackbird, robin, flycatcher, warbler, oriole, sparrow, etc.).
And of course plenty of Spanish names have been adopted, too. I think the
Neotropical avifaunal lexicon is very much richer and less confounded for having
adopted many of these names, even if most people now just use the names without
knowing their origins (and of course the region now also uses all the above
European names too, not to mention the “tanager” problem). With such an immense
and growing avifauna to name, what we don’t need is a ton more unmemorable
descriptive names like “Chestnut-breasted This” and “Chestnut-throated That”,
unless these highlight the distinguishing features of a newly split species
pair, for example. In any case, even though I think an English names list
should be predominantly in English, the language is already an amalgam of bits
and pieces of many languages, and a few more can be a good thing.”